

我们正在处理定期收到的消息.我们使用codahale dropwizard指标的计时器"来衡量处理它们所需的时间.

We are processing messages that comes in periodically. We use codahale dropwizard metrics' "Timer" for measuring the time it takes to process them.

我发现有人在此处遇到相同的问题:存储量呈指数递减的问题是,如果没有新数据输入,它将始终保持相同的数字.例如,假设您将计时器更新为5和7(那么就什么都不用了) ,那么无论您何时看到(即使在x小时后),计时器仍将显示平均值为6,无论如何均不能代表最近5分钟.因此,仅当数据一直在到达时才有效."

I found someone had the same issue here:"problem with exponentially decaying reservoir is that if no new data comes in, it will keep on giving the same numbers all the times. For example, let say you update a timer with 5 and 7 (then don't put anything at all) , then no matter when you see (even after x hours), timer will still show the average to be 6 which is not representative of last 5 mins by any means.so, it works only if data is arriving all the time."


但是没有解决的建议.他们说这将不会实现: https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics/Issues/399

But there's no suggestion to solve it. And they say it's not going to be implemented: https://github.com/dropwizard/metrics/issues/399


How can I reset these timers properly or how should I visualize it so it's not confusing?


Note: It is too long for comment.


Using the SlidingTimeWindowReservoir will cover most of the use-cases.But as pointed out in this comment there could be a problem depending on the number of events:it keeps all the measurements in the window in-memory which becomes unacceptable at large number of events

我们可以做得更好吗?让我们继续搜索.如果幸运的话,我们会找到此博客文章.它准确地描述了您的问题类型.有一个指向他们简单的肮脏解决方案的链接.另外建议使用 HdrHistogram .

Could we do better? Let's continue searching. If we are lucky we will find this blog post. It describes exactly your kind of problem. There is a link to their simple dirty solution. Also a suggestion for using HdrHistogram.

指标邮件列表上,还有几条有关正是这个问题.对于示例并指向 Marshall Pierce/hdrhistogram-metrics-reservoir .什么是HdrHistogram?为什么要用它来测量延迟?请检查项目说明.

Also on the metrics mailing list there are several messages about exactly this problem.For example and point to Marshall Pierce/hdrhistogram-metrics-reservoir. What is HdrHistogram and why use it to measure latencies check the project description.

最后,在进一步挖掘之后,您还可以找到 vladimir-bukhtoyarov/metrics-core-hdr项目.它也在使用HdrHistogram.

And finally after some more digging you could find also vladimir-bukhtoyarov/metrics-core-hdr project. It's using HdrHistogram also.


So there are two similar libraries that use the same data structure and claim to solve the problem case you have hit.


09-23 07:08