


My parent application uses helper XPC to achieve some task T1. XPC service is implemented using NSXPCConnection.Once the task is complete I don’t need this XPC to be alive. Hence, the parent process calls invalidate on NSXPCConnection object.But, the XPC is still alive even if the connection is invalid. I can see it getting listed in Activity Monitor.


How do I kill this XPC when parent app is still running and it does not require XPC to be alive?



Just to be clear, your XPC process will quit when the parent app quits. At least, mine does. Your question is: How to kill it before then?

这很简单:只需在XPC进程中调用完成退出事件处理程序(将输出发送回父应用程序)后立即在XPC进程中调用 exit(0)即可.上个月,我需要在一个项目中进行此操作,因为XPC流程正在使用Apple私有框架,退出它是我想阻止某些不希望的和无法解释的唯一方法(因为没有关于私有框架的文档)的副作用.

That is simple: Just call exit(0) in your XPC process immediately after it invokes the completion handler which sends the output back to the parent app. I needed to do this in a project last month, because the XPC process was using an Apple private framework, and exitting it was the only way I could figure to stop a certain undesired and inexplicable (since I have no documentation on the private framework) side effect.


Upon exitting this XPC process, however, I found that, oddly, it continued to run for some milliseconds, and if my parent app opened another connection to this same XPC service in the meantime, the doomed XPC process will accept the new connection just prior to killing itself, leaving the parent app hanging. I've actually seen this happen several times.


So, a follow-up question is: Should you kill it just because you want to be nice? I think the answer is no, according to the following quote from Apple's Daemons and Services Programming Guide > Creating XPC Services


To summarize: Just invalidate your connections when done, and let launchd worry about killing. Also, don't hold your breath. I've had my app running for the past two hours, and the XPC process, last connection closed two hours ago, is still running.


06-01 09:37