< link rel =" stylesheet" HREF ="巴兹"类型= QUOT;文本/ CSS" title =" Baz" media =" screen,projection" /> < link rel =" alternate stylesheet" HREF =" FOO"类型= QUOT;文本/ CSS" title =" Foo" media =" screen,projection" /> < link rel =" alternate stylesheet" HREF ="栏"类型= QUOT;文本/ CSS" title =" Bar" media =" screen,projection" /> 今天早上我删除了备用样式表,只留下了一个 基于cookie的样式表选择器。 为什么? 仅仅因为所有主要CSS支持 浏览器[1]的当前行为是抢先下载*所有*链接样式表,包括交替显示。即使是Internet Explorer, 甚至没有提供切换样式表的机制,也表现出这种行为!在我的情况下,这会在初始[2]页面上增加35KB 加载。 确实有些浏览器[3]更进一步下载背景 图像在备用样式表中引用。 因此,在大多数浏览器实现默认样式表之前,我要去 回到基于cookie的样式方法。 < / rant> [1]在Internet Explorer 5+中注意到这一点, Mozilla 1.x,Opera 7.x,Safari 1.1和Konqueror 3.1,虽然它可能影响其他人。 [2] 10KB页面,5KB默认样式表。 [3]值得注意的是Konqueror,Safari。 - Toby A Inkster BSc(荣誉)ARCS 与我联系 - http://www.goddamn.co .uk / tobyink /?page = 132[Xposted, f''up to alt.html,comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets]For ages I have provided links to alternate stylesheets from my pages asper W3C recommendations:<link rel="stylesheet" href="baz" type="text/css" title="Baz"media="screen,projection" /><link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="foo" type="text/css" title="Foo"media="screen,projection" /><link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="bar" type="text/css" title="Bar"media="screen,projection" />This morning I removed the alternate stylesheets, leaving only acookie-based stylesheet selector.Why?Simply because the current behaviour of all major CSS-supportingbrowsers[1] is to preemptively download *all* linked stylesheets includingalternates when the page initially loads. Even Internet Explorer, whichdoesn''t even provide a mechanism to switch style sheets exhibits thisbehaviour! In my case, this adds an extra 35KB to the initial[2] pageload.Indeed some browsers[3] go even further and also download the backgroundimages referenced in alternate stylesheets.So until most browsers implement default style sheets sanely, I''m goingback to the cookie-based styling method.</rant>[1] Noticed this in Internet Explorer 5+, Mozilla 1.x, Opera 7.x, Safari1.1 and Konqueror 3.1, although it probably effects others.[2] 10KB page, 5KB default style sheet.[3] Notably Konqueror, Safari.--Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCSContact Me - http://www.goddamn.co.uk/tobyink/?page=132推荐答案 Toby A Inkster写道:Toby A Inkster wrote:这个时间我删除了备用样式表,只留下了一个基于cookie的样式表选择器。 为什么? 只是因为所有主要CSS支持的当前行为替换。即使是Internet Explorer,它甚至不提供切换样式表的机制也表现出这种行为! This morning I removed the alternate stylesheets, leaving only a cookie-based stylesheet selector. Why? Simply because the current behaviour of all major CSS-supporting browsers[1] is to preemptively download *all* linked stylesheets including alternates when the page initially loads. Even Internet Explorer, which doesn''t even provide a mechanism to switch style sheets exhibits this behaviour! 是的,我也玩过与alistapart'的javascript切换器一起工作 与IE,但决定它也是一个下载太多,而且真的很好地补充了互联网的缺点爆炸。 服务器端解决方案很有吸引力,除了你可能会限制搜索引擎参与。但我认为你可以在普通(X)HTML中使用默认的 页面,使用按钮或链接生成相同的页面,其中包含 不同样式表和服务器端帮助。这样,蜘蛛 不应该错过任何实际内容。 - 欢呼mYeah, I also played with alistapart''s javascript switcher which workswith IE, but decided it was also too much of a download, and reallya kind of kludge to patch the shortcomings of Internet Exploder.The server side solution is attractive, except that you may be limitingsearch engine participation. But I think you could have a defaultpage in normal (X)HTML, with buttons or links to generate the same page withdifferent style sheets with server side help. That way, the spidershouldn''t miss any actual content.--cheers m Toby A Inkster< Us ****************** @ deadspam.com>在留言新闻中写道:< pa **************************** @ goddamn.co.uk> ...Toby A Inkster <Us******************@deadspam.com> wrote in message news:<pa****************************@goddamn.co.uk >... [没有< rant>的剪辑标签] < / rant> [snip rant without <rant> tag] </rant> 你咆哮不会证实: 第31行,第6栏:元素RANT的结束标记这是不公开的。 ---萨法拉(斯蒂芬莫利)--- http://www.safalra.com/hypertext Safalra写道:Safalra wrote: Toby A Inkster< Us ****************** @ deadspam.com>在留言新闻中写道:< pa **************************** @ goddamn.co.uk> ... Toby A Inkster <Us******************@deadspam.com> wrote in message news:<pa****************************@goddamn.co.uk >... [没有< rant>的剪辑标签] < / rant> [snip rant without <rant> tag] </rant> 你咆哮不会验证: 第31行,第6列:元素RANT的结束标记;没有打开。 You rant does not validate: Line 31, column 6: end tag for element "RANT" which is not open. <!DOCTYPE rant [ <!ELEMENT rant O - (#CDATA) - rant element有可选的开标 - > ]> - Toby A Inkster BSc(荣誉)ARCS 与我联系 - http:// www .goddamn.co.uk / tobyink /?page = 132<!DOCTYPE rant [<!ELEMENT rant O - (#CDATA) -- rant element has optional opening tag -->]>--Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCSContact Me - http://www.goddamn.co.uk/tobyink/?page=132 这篇关于替代样式表被认为是有害的(由我,暂时)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
05-31 23:23