


Some libraries such as BLAS/LAPACK or certain optimisation libraries get optimised for the local machine architecture upon compilation time. Lets take OpenBlas as an example. There exist two ways to create a Docker container with OpenBlas:

  1. 使用Dockerfile,在其中您指定OpenBlas库的git克隆以及所有必要的编译标志和构建命令.

  1. Use a Dockerfile in which you specify a git clone of the OpenBlas library together with all necessary compilation flags and build commands.

从Docker Hub中拉并运行其他人的Ubuntu + OpenBlas映像.

Pull and run someone else's image of Ubuntu + OpenBlas from the Docker Hub.

选项(1)确保为您的计算机构建并优化了OpenBlas.方案(2)呢?作为Docker的新手,我认为映像是固定的和静态的,因此运行该映像不会针对我的机器进行优化(可能基于AMD,而不是维护者的Intel CPU).让我感到困惑的是,图像 ipython/scipyserver 确实克隆了最新的OpenBlas在构建期间来自Github的大师.

Option (1) guarantees that OpenBlas is build and optimised for your machine. What about option (2)? As a Docker novice, I see images as something fixed and static, so running this image would not be optimised to my machine (which might be AMD-based instead of the maintainer's Intel CPU). What left me confused is that the image ipython/scipyserver does clone the latest OpenBlas master from Github during build.


I seem to misunderstand the concept of Docker images and/or automated builds, and I would very much appreciate a clarification.



No, I think you're pretty much right.


The image you link to is an automated build, so OpenBlas will be getting compiled using the kernel and architecture of the Docker build server. I did notice the build script sets the following flags when building OpenBlas:



Which presumably makes the install portable at a performance cost. An alternative would be to have a separate image for various build configurations.


07-16 00:42