

因此,我是Python的新手.我刚刚从 http://webprojects.eecs.qmul下载了一个文件.ac.uk/fa303/pgs/tutorial.html .这是一个PYW文件.这是游戏超级马里奥兄弟的重制.我已经安装了Python 3和Pygame.该文件夹位于我的桌面上,目前我正在尝试弄清楚如何运行该游戏进行测试.

So, I am extremely new to Python. I just downloaded a file from http://webprojects.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/fa303/pgs/tutorial.html. It is a PYW file. It is a recreation of the game Super Mario Brothers. I have Python 3 and Pygame already installed. The folder is on my desktop, and I am currently trying to figure out how I can run the game for a test.



如果您使用的是Linux或Mac OS X,只需将PYW"example.PY"文件重命名为PY文件,然后从控制台运行它.不要在这里关闭控制台,因为它不再是PYW文件.有关说明,请向下滚动.


If you are on Windows, run the command "pythonw (name of PYW file)" from "cmd.exe". PYW files don't need cmd.exe so you can close out of it.
If you are on Linux or Mac OS X, just rename the PYW"example.PY" file to a PY file and run it from the console. Don't close the console here because it is no longer a PYW file. For the explanations, scroll down.



PYW files are just meant "Python Script Without Console". So running a PYW file will not show the console but running a PY file do show a console. PYW files only work in Windows and are not available in Mac and Linux systems.


06-30 20:28