

我正在寻找一个技术性的答复如何在Android robospice库管理活动的生命周期。从入门页面:

I'm looking for a technical answer to how the android robospice library manages activity lifecycle. From the getting started page:



"As an inner class of your Activity (or other context), add a RequestlListener that will update your UI. Don't worry about memory leaks, RoboSpice manages your activity's life cycle."


My question is how does robospice automatically update the request listeners so that it still is able to call the correct listener with the correct context after a rotation and after the activity has been destroyed and recreated as a new instance?

我一直在试图扭转工程师源$ C ​​$ C,但还没有找到一个答案了:

I've been trying to reverse engineer the source code but haven't found an answer yet:



@Take机会让茶。你说的话就是完全正确的。 RS的设计与此前preSS需要记住:管理网络请求和活动的生命周期

@Take Chances Make Cha. What you are saying is just completely right. RS has been designed with this express need in mind : managing network requests and activities' life cycles.

@ craigrs84。基本上,会发生什么用RS是,当一个请求正在处理,它的听众将被调用的只要相关联的活动还活着的。如果活动不活了,所有的听众都来自RS​​拔出,他们将不会收到通知。

@craigrs84. Basically, what happens with RS is that when a request is being processed, its listeners will be invoked as long as the associated activity is alive. If the activity is not alive anymore, all of its listeners are unplugged from RS, and they will not be notified.


The main purpose of RS is to make sure that there is no memory leak : your activity, if it has to die, will die and be garbage collected, RS doesn't hold any hard reference to it that would prevent garbage collection. That's really the core idea behind RoboSpice.


If you want a new instance of your activity to be replugged to a pending request (for instance you execute a request, then rotate the device and then get a new instance of your activity, and want that new instance to receive the result of the request executed by the previous instance), that's possible with RS.

在这种情况下,使用方法 spiceManager.addListenerIfPending 在启动,调用spiceManager.start(..)之后。这将不执行新的请求,但重新插拔了新的监听器,一个挂起的请求。如果没有请求被挂起,那么它不会做任何事情。

In such a case, use the method spiceManager.addListenerIfPending in on start, right after the call to spiceManager.start(..). This will not execute a new request, but re-plug a new listener to a pending request. If no request is pending, then it will do nothing.


08-05 13:26