


I am trying to configure paperclip with cloudfront and my urls aren't coming back with the right path or domain.



edentials: {
      access_key_id: ENV.fetch("S3_ACCESS_KEY"),
      secret_access_key: ENV.fetch("S3_SECRET"),
      bucket: ENV.fetch("S3_BUCKET"),

    storage:        :s3,
    url:            ':s3_alias_url',
    s3_host_alias:  "xxxx.cloudfront.com",
    s3_headers:     { "Cache-Control" => "max-age=31557600" },
    s3_protocol:    "https",
    path:          ":rails_root/public/spree/products/:id/:style/:basename.:extension",
    default_url:   "/spree/products/:id/:style/:basename.:extension",
    default_style: "product",

我所有的URL都使用默认的url ...对吗?

All my urls come back using the default url... is this right?


In the model itself, I have some configs that I worry might be overriding the :s3_alias_url. Is that possible?

class Image < Asset
    validate :no_attachment_errors

    has_attached_file :attachment,
                      styles: { mini: '48x48>', small: '100x100>', product: '240x240>', large: '600x600>' },
                      default_style: :product,
                      url: '/spree/products/:id/:style/:basename.:extension',
                      path: ':rails_root/public/spree/products/:id/:style/:basename.:extension'


我的主要问题是将图像保存到模型时会发生什么?然后确定网址吗?还是在我们尝试获取附件时确定了它们?我假设当我们将附件与图片相关联时,它会上传到s3吗?但是,当我们尝试获取附件时,我们首先尝试访问Cloudfront CDN?发生了什么事?

My main questions are what happens when we save an image to the model? Are the urls determined then? Or are they determined when we try to fetch the attachment? I assume when we associate an attachment to image, it gets uploaded to s3? But when we try to fetch the attachment, we first try to hit the cloudfront cdn? What is going on?



There are a few problems I see that don't involve cloudfront. I haven't used cloudfront much myself, but I have served S3 objects using a CName, and the concept seems to be similar.


url:            ':s3_alias_url',
s3_host_alias:  "xxxx.cloudfront.com",


Which is correct in terms of paperclip's set up for use with AWS. What's happening here is that your url is looking for your s3_host_alias as the location to start your path, when you are displaying images.



这不是您想要做的,而是您正在做的。在您的图片模型中,您将 url:设置为 /spree/products/:id/:style/:basename.:extension
,这也正是配置文件中 default_url:中的内容。

It's not what you want to do, but it is what you are doing. In your Image model, you are setting your url: to /spree/products/:id/:style/:basename.:extensionand that is also exactly what you have in your default_url: in the config file.

因此,很难说出为什么收到该回复。在大多数情况下,您希望 default_url:是一些没有附加图像的图像。有点像404页面,但用于图片。即使s3发生故障,它也应该位于您知道可以击中的静态路径上(根据我的经验,这仅发生过一次)。

So that makes it hard to tell why you're getting that response. In most cases, you want the default_url: to be some image that shows up if there's no image attached. Sort of like a 404 page, but for images. This should be located at a static path that you know you can hit, even if s3 goes down (which has only ever happened once, in my experience).


If you change this, I can add more information to deal with your specific problem, just let me know if you are still hitting the default path, or the url.


(Note: This image only shows up if you have no attachment. It will not / should not show up when you attach an image but it doesn't exist where you are looking. For example, if you delete an image from s3 that was found at the path it's checking.)


Yes. That is what is happening with your url in the model, it is telling it to check the same path as the default path.

我还要从您的路径中删除:rails_root 。这将有所帮助,主要是因为rails_root试图进入计算机上的某个位置,并告诉您的s3路径来构建该位置的路径。这可能会变得混乱(例如,一个s3键可能会出现并看起来像/ C:/ MyDocuments / Sites / MySite / public / spree / products // original /...。

Also I would remove :rails_root from you're path. It will help, mostly because rails_root is trying to go to a location on your computer, and telling your s3 path to build a path of that location. This can get messy (for example, an s3 key might then show up and look like /C:/MyDocuments/Sites/MySite/public/spree/products//original/....It gets gross.)


I do not understand which part this is referring too, but will gladly answer if you tell me what "this" is referring to.


When you save an image, you set a key for an s3 object, and upload an image to your s3 bucket. that key is made up of your bucket and path, and it should be noted that url is specifically used for retrieval of your images. Changes to the URL after a file has been uploaded will change where paperclip is looking for your image.

当您上传图片时创建了网址,但是当您上传图片时引用图像时,您应该能够说出类似 img_tag src = image.attachment 之类的内容,并且应该创建一个供您查看的URL。

The Url's are built when you upload an image, however, when you are referencing an image, you should be able to say something like img_tag src="image.attachment" and it should create a url for you to look at.(This is hard to explain without knowing what you have in your view).

在上载时使用您的存储桶:在凭据中找到,在下载(或显示)时,它使用从 url: path:

On upload uses your bucket: found in credentials, on download (or display) it uses the url built from url: and path:


09-05 16:14