


在硬件加速渲染器  启用后,在画布大多数操作,  油漆,Xfermode,ColorFilter,着色器,  和照相机被加速。


Is there a definitive list of the exact APIs that are (and are not) supported when hardware acceleration is enabled? Some methods fail fast with exceptions, while other features simply render differently when acceleration is enabled.

例如,Canvas.clipPath(...)快速失败并抛出异常。虽然 clipPath API 没有提到这一点,这是很容易确定真正的硬件测试时。

For example, Canvas.clipPath(...) fails fast with an exception. Though the clipPath API makes no mention of this, it is easy enough to determine when testing on real hardware.


Other features render improperly without throwing exceptions, leading to difficult and time-consuming porting efforts. For example, I have a screen that uses a ComposeShader consisting of a RadialGradient and LinearGradient, using PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN. It looks beautiful without acceleration, but completely wrong when acceleration is enabled.



I'm working on getting a complete list published. The features not supported are:

  • clipPath
  • 在CLI pregion
  • 在CLI preCT与异或运算差
  • drawPicture
  • drawPoints
  • drawPosText
  • drawTextOnPath
  • drawTextPos
  • drawVertices
  • setMaskFilter
  • setRasterizer
  • clipPath
  • clipRegion
  • clipRect with XOR or Difference op
  • drawPicture
  • drawPoints
  • drawPosText
  • drawTextOnPath
  • drawTextPos
  • drawVertices
  • setMaskFilter
  • setRasterizer

编辑:阅读这文章知道一切有了解硬件加速的Andr​​oid 3.0。

Read this article to know everything there is to know about hardware acceleration in Android 3.0.


However, what you are describing should work just fine. All gradients are supported, as well as all blending modes. Please report bugs with reproducible test cases for any issue you encounter and I'll get them fixed.


06-20 05:44