


I want to get a heap dump (suspected memory leak) of a certain Java process. However, when I start the jvisualvm tool, I cannot see any of the running Java processes.


I have Google'd around about this and have already found a couple of articles saying that you have to run the Java processes using the same JDK that you start the jvisualvm tool with in order for it to be able to see them. However, as far as I can see, this is already the case. I'm doing everything locally (I have remote access to the machine).


  1. 进程在防火墙的Windows 2008服务器上运行

  2. 使用重命名的版本的JDK <$运行进程c $ c> java.exe 可执行文件

  3. 据我所知,进程正在使用1.6.0_18 JDK运行

  4. 其中一个正在运行的进程启动RMI注册表

  1. The processes are running on a firewalled Windows 2008 server
  2. The processes are running using renamed versions of the JDK java.exe executable
  3. As far as I can see the processes are running using the 1.6.0_18 JDK
  4. One of the running processes starts an RMI registry


I'm waiting on a virtualized copy of the server so I can mess around with it (this is a production server). But in the meanwhile; any ideas as to why I cannot see any of the processes in jvisualvm (or jconsole for that matter)?


以后我好做了一点研究,看来彼得的评论是正确的。由于JVM进程是由另一个用户启动的(NETWORK SERVICE帐户,因为它们是由Windows服务启动的),因此它们没有显示在jvisualvm中。

Well after I did a little research, it would appear that Peter's comment was correct. Because the JVM processes were launched by another user (the NETWORK SERVICE account because they were being started by a Windows service) they didn't show up in jvisualvm.


Since I have access to the application configuration, I have found the following workaround, which involves explicitly enabling unsecured JMX for the target JVM:

  1. 添加以下JVM参数:

  1. Add the following JVM parameters:

-Dcom.sun.management。 jmxremote.port = 3333 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl = false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate = false

单击文件 - >添加JMX连接,使用JMX将远程进程添加到jvisualvm。您可以使用端口3333连接到该进程。显然,您可以根据需要更改端口。

Add the remote process to jvisualvm using JMX by click File -> Add JMX Connection. You can connect to the process using port 3333. Obviously you can change the port if you want.


  1. 永久保留JVM设置可能,因为它们允许任何人通过JVM连接到JVM JMX。

  2. 如果需要,您还可以向JMX JVM参数添加身份验证。

  1. It's probably not a good idea to keep the JVM settings permanently, as they would allow anyone to connect to the JVM via JMX.
  2. You can also add authentication to the JMX JVM parameters if you want to.


08-23 05:27