

以下是用于启用Aaron Hillegas对OS X的可可编程的撤消的代码:

The following is code for enabling undo from the book cocoa programming for OS X by Aaron Hillegas :

Person *p = [employees objectAtIndex:index];
NSLog(@"removing %@ from %@", p, employees);
// Add the inverse of this operation to the undo stack
NSUndoManager *undo = [self undoManager]; [[undo prepareWithInvocationTarget:self]  insertObject:p inEmployeesAtIndex:index];

if (![undo isUndoing]) {
  [undo setActionName:@"Remove Person"];
[employees removeObjectAtIndex:index];

在移除员工时,我们将一个命令推送到撤销堆栈, employee into数组。但是,当调用撤消时,是什么保证p不会被释放?

While removing an employee , we push a command onto the undo stack to reinsert that employee into the array . But what guarantee is there that p wont have been released when the undo is invoked ?


NSInvocation是由[[undo prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] insertObject:p inEmployeesAtIndex:index]创建的

'p' will get retained when the NSInvocation is created by "[[undo prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] insertObject:p inEmployeesAtIndex:index]"


09-12 06:39