我是bluemix的新手.我想启动Node red应用程序.但是,将永远不会创建该应用程序,而是屏幕始终显示您的应用程序正在暂存.我已经尝试了多次,并将服务器位置从英国更改为美国.但是,它永远都行不通.
I am a newbie for the bluemix. I would like to start the Node red app. However the app will never be created, instead the screen always show Your application is staging. I have try this a number of times and changed the server location from UK to USA. However it never works.
这是有关node.js模块无法正确构建的已知问题.已经有关于该模块的修复程序,我们正在等待更新npm存储库. https://github.com/ibmdb/node-ibm_db/pull/44/commits
it is a known issue about a node.js module not building correctly. There is already a fix about the module, we are waiting for the npm repository to be updated. https://github.com/ibmdb/node-ibm_db/pull/44/commits