



I'd like to find a way to take an arbitrary color and lighten it a few shades, so that I can programatically create a nice gradient from the one color to a lighter version. The gradient will be used as a background in a UI.



Obviously I can just split out the RGB values and increase them individually by a certain amount. Is this actually what I want?


将RGB转换为HSV / HSB / HSL(色相,饱和度,值/亮度/亮度),增加亮度一点,逐渐降低饱和度,然后将其转换回RGB。这会有一般的期望效果吗?

My second thought was to convert the RGB to HSV/HSB/HSL (Hue, Saturation, Value/Brightness/Lightness), increase the brightness a bit, decrease the saturation a bit, and then convert it back to RGB. Will this have the desired effect in general?


我会去第二个选项。一般来说,RGB空间对于颜色操作(创建从一种颜色到另一种颜色的过渡,淡化/变暗颜色等)并不是很好。下面是两个网站,我发现与快速搜索转换/到RGB /从HSL:

I would go for the second option. Generally speaking the RGB space is not really good for doing color manipulation (creating transition from one color to an other, lightening / darkening a color, etc). Below are two sites I've found with a quick search to convert from/to RGB to/from HSL:

  • - 应易于适应其他编程语言。 / li>
  • from the "Fundamentals of Computer Graphics"
  • some sourcecode in C# - should be easy to adapt to other programming languages.


07-23 03:59