本文介绍了NgRX 效果 - 类型“可观察<未知"不可分配到类型“Observable<Action>"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在使用 NgRX 8 时,我和我的同事在实现效果时经常遇到奇怪的错误消息.

While working with NgRX 8 my colleagues and me are frequently facing a weird error message when implementing the effects.

类型 'Observable' 不可分配给类型 'Observable |((...args: any[]) => Observable)'


It is related to type issues. It is really annoying that the message is so unspecific and it marks the complete effect. This appears frequently and is really hard to resolve.


We are wondering if there is something we can do in order to quickly identify the problems or if we are able to destructure the message in some way. I am not looking for a specific solution here, but more for a "how to quickly determine what's wrong"-procedure.



It is what we have done so far and also ideas from comments and answers.

  • 在大多数情况下,这可能不是操作的问题
  • switchMap 参数可能是一个错误的解构
  • 未导入其中一个 RxJS 运算符
  • 服务中错误的参数和返回值可能是原因
  • 服务和操作类型不一致也可能是原因
  • 如果没有任何帮助并且您确定没有问题:重新加载 TypeScript
  • In most cases it is probably not an issue with actions
  • It can be a wrong destructuring for the switchMap parameter
  • One of the RxJS operators is not imported
  • Wrong parameters and return value in the service can be the reason
  • Inconsistent types in service and action can be the reason as well
  • If nothing helps and you are sure, there is nothing wrong: Reload TypeScript


We are still hoping for a trick to break down the error message.


注释掉 createEffect(() =>,
修复您的 IDE (VSCode) 标记的错误,
重新添加 createEffect(() =>.

替代方案 - 像下面这样重写也有效

Alternative - rewriting like the following also works

someEffect$ = createEffect(() => {
  return this.actions$.pipe(


执行上述操作后仍然出错?类型检查正在正确地完成它的工作,并告诉您应该映射到 Observable 或添加第二个参数 { dispatch: false }(即不分派动作).请参阅NgRx 效果文档

Still errors after doing the above?Type-checking is doing it's job correctly and telling you that you should be mapping to an Observable<Action> or for a purely side-effect effect adding the second argument { dispatch: false } (i.e. not dispatching an action). See the NgRx Effects Docs

旧答案(使用 @Effect 是不必要的,不是必需的)

Older Answer (using @Effect is unneccessary and is not required)

我发现调试的最简单方法是使用 @Effect 装饰器以第 7 版的方式编写,一旦完成,使用 createEffect 重写.

The easiest way I've found to debug is to write in a version 7 manner with the @Effect decorator and once done rewrite using createEffect.


  navigateToDashboard$ = createEffect(() =>
      map((action: teamActions.CreateSupervisorGroupSuccess) => action.payload),
      map((team: Team) => team.TeamID),
      SwitchMap(id => new routerActions.Go({ path: ['/team', id, 'populate'] }))

将无用的错误写为(添加装饰器,删除 createEffect(() =>, 删除最后一个括号),

which gives the non-helpful error write as (add decorator, delete createEffect(() =>, delete final bracket),

navigateToDashboard$ = this.actions$.pipe(
    map((action: teamActions.CreateSupervisorGroupSuccess) => action.payload),
    map((team: Team) => team.TeamID),
    SwitchMap(id => new routerActions.Go({ path: ['/team', id, 'populate'] }))


Cannot find name 'SwitchMap'


Type 'Go' is not assignable to type 'ObservableInput<any>'


navigateToDashboard$ = this.actions$.pipe(
    map((action: teamActions.CreateSupervisorGroupSuccess) => action.payload),
    map((team: Team) => team.TeamID),
    switchMap(id => of(new routerActions.Go({ path: ['/team', id, 'populate'] })))

现在用 NgRx 8 术语重写.不漂亮但有效.

Now rewrite in NgRx 8 terms. Not pretty but works.

这篇关于NgRX 效果 - 类型“可观察<未知"不可分配到类型“Observable<Action>"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-12 21:30