本文介绍了使用UL代替DIVS - 推荐,在哪里使用1或其他?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


所以ia位困惑,我应该什么时候使用divs和ul ..


在右边的列上我有很多格式化,想法是把divs与divs在divs ...



还有人说你可以用UL和LI建立一个完整的布局,但你永远不会这样做 - 为什么?

一个例子是,在我的第三列中, (右) - 它的一个div,但在内部,我需要放一个圆角的BOX,所以我想把更多的div在这里与角落的图像?




DIV代表 division

ULs比divs --- IF 更清洁你正在做一个列表。菜单主要是链接列表。图库有一个图像列表。论坛有一个消息列表和一个用户列表。

RE:圆角:有HTML,并且有更多语义的 你可以使用< div> 任何东西,你几乎不会注意到差别,但使用适当的元素将使它更容易理解设计在一起,通过屏幕刮刮器试图在页面中找到适当的项目,以及足够智能的搜索引擎识别内容的片段和导航元素)。


been experimenting with unordered list UL and i have seem varios examples of using them in place of divs..

So i a bit confused, when should i use divs and ul..

for example if i have a 3 column layout then i presume i used divs here, although i can use UL

Also on the right column i have lots of formatting to do, the idea was to place divs with divs with in divs ...

can anyone point out when to use one over the other and are there any browser compatibility issues?

I have seen some sites say that ULs are cleaner than divs, but is this the case?

and also people stating you can build a complete layout with ULs and LIs but you would never do it - why?

I think you see where i am going with this, i am just confused about when to use one over the other.

One example is that in my 3rd column (right) - its a div but inside i need to put a rounded BOX so i was think of putting more divs inside this with corner images?

Any help would be really appreciated


UL stands for unordered list. Use it for lists of items where order is irrelevant.

DIV stands for division. Use it to group items.

ULs are cleaner than divs---IF you're doing a list. A menu is mostly a list of links. A gallery has a list of images. A forum has a list of messages, and a list of users.

RE: rounded corners: There's HTML, and there's more semantical HTML. You could use <div> for anything, and you'd hardly note a difference, but using the proper elements will make it easier to understand (both by you when putting the design together, by screen-scrapers trying to find the proper item in the page, and sufficiently-smart search engines identifying fragments of content and navigation elements).

So, in order to do rounded corners, you should consider wether a corner deserves its own content-free div (which, sadly, due to today's rendering engines, it does), or if you can use a better solution (ie, if the sidebar is a fixed size, you can get by with a single background; if you need it to expand in one dimension, you can use two: a top-aligned ceiling, and a bottom-aligned floor on its own "mobile" div (theorically you could avoid the extra div by modifying the bottom element of the div)).

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10-11 23:59