


I'm wondering how I might go about customizing a UIActionSheet like this one:


When you press on the button to bring this view up, it does come up like a UIActionSheet but honestly I'm not quite sure that they aren't using some kind of custom animation with a UIView containing two buttons. Could anybody speak to how I might go about doing this?


为此,您必须制作自定义的 UIActionsheet .您可以通过制作 UIView 并通过动画将其显示出来(如果您不想做更多的事情并采取简单的方法)来完成此操作,否则您也可以查阅此控件,同时查看界面是否要制作的是适用于iOS 7的:- UI7Kit

Well for this you would have to make your custom UIActionsheet . You can do this by either making a UIView and bringing it up by animation (if you want to do no more and take an easy way out) or else you can consult this control also seeing that the interface you want to make is for iOS 7 :-UI7Kit

此控件包含所有UI7控件功能,您可以将它们添加到项目中,也可以根据自己的想法来构建自己的.希望这可以帮助 !!:)

This control includes all the UI7 control features that you can either add to your project or take an idea and build your own . Hope this helps !! :)

好吧,您可以看一下这些链接,以制作自定义的 UIActionsheet ,它们是您所提到的教程.....请窥视一下:-

Well you could take a look at these links for making a custom UIActionsheet, they are tutorials like you mentioned..... please have a peek :-




And there's this great control too using blocks !! :- UIActionsheet With Blocks


09-27 10:13