本文介绍了将 textareas 字符串值转换为由新行分隔的 JavaScript 数组的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 textarea,用户最多可以在其中写入 1000 个字符.我需要获取 jQuery('#textarea').val() 并创建一个数组,其中每个项目都是 textarea 值的一行.这意味着:

这是 textarea 中的一个不错的行.
(假设这一行是空的 - 它应该被忽略).
有人在上面留下了 2 行以上的新行.


var texts = [];text[0] = '这是 textarea 中的一个不错的行.';text[1] = '这是另一行.';text[2] = '有人在上面留下了超过 2 行的新行.';


example.com/process.php?q=["这是文本区域内的一行不错的行.","这是另一行.","有人在上面留下了超过 2 行新行."]

我尝试了 phpjs explode()string.split("\n") 方法,但它们不处理额外的新行(又名换行符).有什么想法吗?


String.prototype.split() 很贴心.

var lines = $('#mytextarea').val().split(/\n/);var 文本 = [];for (var i=0; i 

请注意,String.prototype.split 并非在所有平台上都受支持,因此 jQuery 提供了 $.split() 代替.它只是修剪字符串两端的空格.

$.trim(" asd \n")//"asd"


I have a textarea where the user can write up to 1000 characters. I need to get the jQuery('#textarea').val() and create an array where each item is a line of the textarea's value. That means:

Should be converted to a JavaScript array:

var texts = [];
text[0] = 'This is a nice line inside the textarea.';
text[1] = 'This is another line.';
text[2] = 'Someone left more than 2 new lines above.';

That way they can be easily imploded for to querystring (this is the qs format required by the provider):

example.com/process.php?q=["This is a nice line inside the textarea.","This is another line.","Someone left more than 2 new lines above."]

I tried both the phpjs explode() and string.split("\n") approaches but they doesn't take care of the extra new lines (aka line breakes). Any ideas?


String.prototype.split() is sweet.

var lines = $('#mytextarea').val().split(/\n/);
var texts = [];
for (var i=0; i < lines.length; i++) {
  // only push this line if it contains a non whitespace character.
  if (/\S/.test(lines[i])) {

Note that String.prototype.split is not supported on all platforms, so jQuery provides $.split() instead. It simply trims whitespace around the ends of a string.

$.trim(" asd  \n") // "asd"

Check it out here: http://jsfiddle.net/p9krF/1/

这篇关于将 textareas 字符串值转换为由新行分隔的 JavaScript 数组的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-30 14:16