本文介绍了为什么 ARCore 支持的设备有限?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是什么让 ARCore 支持的设备支持 ARCore?哪些功能使该设备支持 ArCore?ARCore 设备和其他不支持的设备有什么区别?

what makes the ARCore supported device supports ARCore?Which Features Makes This Device Support ArCore?What is difference between ARCore Device And Other non Supported Device?


发生的事情不是关于手机有多新但如果这个手机有一些测试和措施 设计和建造时.

What happens is not about how new the mobile is, but if this mobile had some tests and mesures when it was design and build.

  • 含义,您今天的手机需要一些硬件,例如:
  • What it means, you cellphone today need some hardware like:


Accelerometer: measures acceleration, which is change in speed divided by time. Simply put, it’s the measure of change in velocity. Acceleration forces can be static/continuous—like gravity—or dynamic, such as movement or vibrations.

陀螺仪:测量和/或保持方向和角速度.当您在使用 AR 体验时更改手机的旋转角度时,陀螺仪会测量该旋转角度,而 ARCore 可确保数字资产正确响应.

Gyroscope: measures and/or maintains orientation and angular velocity. When you change the rotation of your phone while using an AR experience, the gyroscope measures that rotation and ARCore ensures that the digital assets respond correctly.

手机摄像头:借助移动 AR,您的手机摄像头提供周围现实世界的实时馈送,增强现实内容叠加在其上.除了相机本身,支持 ARCore 的手机(如 Google Pixel)还依赖机器学习、复杂图像处理和计算机视觉等互补技术来为移动 AR 生成高质量的图像和空间地图.

Phone Camera: with mobile AR, your phone camera supplies a live feed of the surrounding real world upon which AR content is overlaid. In addition to the camera itself, ARCore-capable phones like the Google Pixel rely on complementary technologies like machine learning, complex image processing, and computer vision to produce high-quality images and spatial maps for mobile AR.

磁力计:为智能手机提供与地球磁场相关的简单方向.由于磁力计,您的手机始终知道哪个方向是北方,从而可以根据您的身体方向自动旋转数字地图.此设备是基于位置的 AR 应用的关键.

Magnetometer: gives smartphones a simple orientation related to the Earth's magnetic field. Because of the magnetometer, your phone always knows which direction is North, allowing it to auto-rotate digital maps depending on your physical orientation. This device is key to location-based AR apps.

GPS:一种全球导航卫星系统,可为 GPS 接收器(如智能手机)提供地理位置和时间信息.对于支持 ARCore 的智能手机,此设备有助于启用基于位置的 AR 应用.

GPS: a global navigation satellite system that provides geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver, like in your smartphone. For ARCore-capable smartphones, this device helps enable location-based AR apps.

显示:智能手机上的显示对于清晰的图像和显示 3D 渲染资产很重要.例如,Google Pixel XL 的显示规格为 5.5" AMOLED QHD (2560 x 1440) 534ppi 显示屏,这意味着手机每英寸可以显示 534 像素,从而呈现丰富、生动的图像.

Display: the display on your smartphone is important for crisp imagery and displaying 3D rendered assets. For instance, Google Pixel XL’s display specification is 5.5" AMOLED QHD (2560 x 1440) 534ppi display, which means that the phone can display 534 pixels per inch—making for rich, vivid images.

您可以在 增强现实和 ARCore 简介 by Google 中找到此信息和更多信息增强现实&虚拟现实

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09-14 00:47