本文介绍了闪存 CS4 <b>用 htmlText 标记的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!





舞台上的两个文本字段,均嵌入了普通 Arial 和 Arial 粗体.然后我有另一个文本字段,我像这样设置:

Two textfields on the stage with Arial normal and Arial bold, both embedded. I then have another textfield which I am setting like so:

tb.htmlText = "Test <b>Test</b>";

出于某种原因,粗体文本未显示为粗体,而是显示为常规粗细.我尝试将字体嵌入库中,使用 [Embed] 元标记,甚至诉诸使用 CSS 来强制 fontFamily.奇怪的是,我可以使用 Font.enumurateFonts 并看到两种字体都被嵌入,但是文本字段拒绝使用 < 中的粗体版本.b > 标签.

For some reason, the bold text is not displaying as bold, but as regular weight. I have tried embedding the fonts in the library, using the [Embed] meta tag and even resorted to using CSS to force the fontFamily. Weirdly, I can use Font.enumurateFonts and see both fonts are embedded, but the textfield refused to use the bold version inside the < b > tags.

有人告诉我这是 Mac 上 Flash CS4 的问题,但它可以在 PC 上运行.然而,我拒绝相信这是事实.Adobe 现在肯定会解决这个问题吗?

I've been told this is a problem with Flash CS4 on a mac and that it will work on PC. I refuse to believe this is the case, however. Surely Adobe would have fixed this by now?




You've gotta have the 'bold' font in the Font list ( embbed in the same or in other textfield ) :

var fonts:Array =  ( Font.enumerateFonts() );
for each( var fo in fonts ){
   trace ( fo.fontName ,":", fo.fontStyle )


I think that if you had the fontstyle returning as bold it probably should work with no prob.Here's a solution:

var css:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet()
css.setStyle( "bold" , { fontFamily:"Myriad Pro Bold" } ) // you can catch the fontname in the list that was printed by the code above...
txtfield.styleSheet = css;
txtfield.htmlText = "regular or<bold>bold font</bold>."

这篇关于闪存 CS4 &lt;b&gt;用 htmlText 标记的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 14:40