我需要使用 viewbag 显示数据列表.但我无法做到.
Hi i need to show a list of data using viewbag.but i am not able to do it.
Please Help me..
I tried this thing:
ICollection<Learner> list = new HobbyHomeService().FetchLearner();
ICollection<Person> personlist = new HobbyHomeService().FetchPerson(list);
ViewBag.data = personlist;
但这并没有显示值并给出错误提示Model.Person 不包含 First() 的定义"
But this does not show up the value and gives error saying "Model.Person doesnot contain a defibition for First()"
In your view, you have to cast it back to the original type. Without the cast, it's just an object.
<td>@((ViewBag.data as ICollection<Person>).First().FirstName)</td>
ViewBag 是 C# 4 动态类型.除非强制转换,否则从它返回的实体也是动态的.但是,像 .First() 和所有其他 Linq 扩展方法 不使用动态.
ViewBag is a C# 4 dynamic type. Entities returned from it are also dynamic unless cast. However, extension methods like .First() and all the other Linq ones do not work with dynamics.
编辑 - 处理评论:
If you want to display the whole list, it's as simple as this:
@foreach (var person in ViewBag.data)
像 .First() 这样的扩展方法不起作用,但这个方法会起作用.
Extension methods like .First() won't work, but this will.
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