hi therefor somebody who wants tostart small/medium GUI apps with python:what''s the best toolkit: tkinter, wxPython or what? stability, ease of useand portability between mac and windows are the main criteria.thanks, leo推荐答案 Leo写道:Leo wrote:适合想要使用python启动中/小型GUI应用程序的人: 什么是最好的工具包:tkinter,wxPython还是什么?稳定性,易用性以及mac和windows之间的可移植性是主要标准。 for somebody who wants tostart small/medium GUI apps with python: what''s the best toolkit: tkinter, wxPython or what? stability, ease of use and portability between mac and windows are the main criteria. 所有主要的xplatform工具包afaik的可移植性都很好,所以NP那里。 在易用性和稳定性方面,它很难击败tkinter,因为自从YEARS以来,b $ b几乎没有变化(无法获得)比那更稳定) - 和 也非常容易完成基本任务。 如果你要求外观,速度,画面画和&类似工具,或者功能丰富(特别是在各种小部件方面), 答案可能不同(Qt,wx或GTK可能是首选)。 AlexPortability is fine with all the main xplatform toolkits afaik, so NP there.In terms of ease of use and stability it''s hard to beat tkinter, whichis barely changed since YEARS (can''t get much stabler than that) -- andquite easy for elementary tasks, too.If you''d asked for looks, speed, screenpainters & suchlike tools, orfunctional richness (particularly in terms of variety of widgets), theanswer might be different (and Qt, wx or GTK might then be preferred).Alex 2003年10月30日星期四10:56:31 GMT,Alex Martelli< al *** @ aleax.it> 写道:On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 10:56:31 GMT, Alex Martelli <al***@aleax.it>wrote: Leo写道:Leo wrote:适合想要创建中小型GUI的人使用python的应用程序: 什么是最好的工具包:tkinter,wxPython还是什么?稳定性,易用性以及mac和windows之间的可移植性是主要标准。 for somebody who wants tostart small/medium GUI apps with python: what''s the best toolkit: tkinter, wxPython or what? stability, ease of use and portability between mac and windows are the main criteria. 所有主要的xplatform工具包afaik的可移植性都很好,所以那里有NP。 在易用性和稳定性方面,很难击败tkinter,自从YEARS几乎没有变化(不可能比这更稳定) - 和对于基本任务来说也很容易。 如果你要求外观,速度,屏幕画面和&类似的工具,或功能丰富(特别是在各种小部件方面),答案可能会有所不同(Qt,wx或GTK可能是首选)。 AlexPortability is fine with all the main xplatform toolkits afaik, so NP there.In terms of ease of use and stability it''s hard to beat tkinter, whichis barely changed since YEARS (can''t get much stabler than that) -- andquite easy for elementary tasks, too.If you''d asked for looks, speed, screenpainters & suchlike tools, orfunctional richness (particularly in terms of variety of widgets), theanswer might be different (and Qt, wx or GTK might then be preferred).Alex 我不得不说尽管Tkinter易于使用,但成品的外观和感觉还是有点农业,尤其是Windows平台上的。如果你可以伸展一点,那么我会去wxPython获得,它拥有更丰富的小部件并且看起来更多 professional。我已经用Tkinter写了几个应用程序并将 移到了wx上。我对wx应用程序的最终外观更加满意 。 - Simon Foster 英格兰西部某处I would have to say that although Tkinter is easy to use, the look andfeel of the finished product is a little agricultural, particularly onthe Windows platform. If you can stretch a little, then I would gofor wxPython which has a richer set of widgets and looks much moreprofessional. I have written a couple of apps with Tkinter and movedon to wx. I have been much more satisfied with the final appearanceof the wx apps.--Simon FosterSomewhere in the West of England>我不得不说尽管Tkinter很容易使用,但成品的外观和> I would have to say that although Tkinter is easy to use, the look and感觉有点农业,特别是在Windows平台上。如果你可以伸展一点,那么我会去wxPython,它有一套更丰富的小部件,看起来更专业。我已经与Tkinter编写了几个应用程序,并将其移至wx。我对wx应用程序的最终外观更加满意。 feel of the finished product is a little agricultural, particularly on the Windows platform. If you can stretch a little, then I would go for wxPython which has a richer set of widgets and looks much more professional. I have written a couple of apps with Tkinter and moved on to wx. I have been much more satisfied with the final appearance of the wx apps. Simon(和其他人), 如果你有特别的例子说明Tkinter的外观和感觉是什么?b $ b导致你出现问题,听到它们会很棒。 你可能知道,有一个正在努力使Tk现代化(这对于Tkinter来说是基础),无论是在更新现有小部件的外观还是添加其他小部件方面都是如此。 更多信息: http://tcl.projectforum.com/tk / MarkSimon (and others),If you have particular examples of where the look&feel of Tkinterwas causing you problems, it would be great to hear about them.As you may know, there is an effort underway to modernize Tk (whichunderlies Tkinter), both in terms of updating the appearance ofthe existing widgets, and adding additional widgets.More info here: http://tcl.projectforum.com/tk/Mark 这篇关于python的最佳GUI工具包:tkinter,wxPython还是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-05 20:17