

我是AWS的新手,试图了解负载平衡,目标,目标组和安全组之间的区别。我有2个实例在运行。现在,我想平衡这些服务器的负载。 是否将在新实例上创建负载平衡?什么是侦听器?它们与负载均衡器有何不同?




侦听器是 TCP侦听来自客户端的请求的过程。通用侦听器用于在端口80(HTTP)和端口443(HTTPS)上接收请求。然后,侦听器会将请求转发到您的目标组。



Hi I am new to AWS and trying to understanding the difference between a load balance, target, target group and security group . I have 2 instances running. Now i want to balance the load coming to these servers. Will load balance be created on a new instance ? what are listeners and how are they different from load balancers?


Yes, the load balancer is an EC2 instance to provide the networking and compute services needed for load balancing. This also means that there is a per hour charge for the load balancer EC2 instance.

A Target Group is used to route requests to one or more registered targets (your backed EC2 instances).

A listener is a process that "TCP Listens" for requests from clients. Common listeners are for receiving requests on port 80 (HTTP) and port 443 (HTTPS). The listeners then forward requests to your Target Group.

A Security Group is a firewall that allows or denies network traffic. A security group sits in front (our around) your load balancer protecting it from traffic that you do not allow (want).

There is a lot of information on the Internet. Here is a link to help you get started.

What Is an Application Load Balancer?


10-18 19:18