I need to get the tempo value from midi file. I found out, that the set_tempo command has value 0x51, so i have this piece of code:
for (int i = 0; i < tracks[0].size(); i++) {
MidiEvent event = tracks[0].get(i);
MidiMessage message = event.getMessage();
if (message instanceof MetaMessage) {
MetaMessage mm = (MetaMessage) message;
// now what?
我读过它以这样的格式存储:tt tt tt,但整个大/小端,签名/无符号和可变长度的东西使它太混乱了。
But the method getData() returns an array of bytes! How can I convert it to normal human form, a.k.a. integer?I have read it is stored in format like this: "tt tt tt", but the whole big/little endian, signed/unsigned, and variable length things make it too confusing.
Tempo 是一个3字节的大端整数, Bits Per Minute 计算为
BPM = 60,000,000 /(tt tt tt)
Tempo is a 3-byte big-endian integer and Bits Per Minute is calculated asBPM = 60,000,000 / (tt tt tt)
byte[] data = mm.getData();
int tempo = (data[0] & 0xff) << 16 | (data[1] & 0xff) << 8 | (data[2] & 0xff);
int bpm = 60000000 / tempo;