


I have a movie clip (goalkeeper) with different positions in different frames (inside), I would like to play a random frame after executing a function to make the goalkeeper move to a determinate position, there are 6 frames with 6 different positions so I need to play 1 position randomly, this is the code that should go to the random number after ball is kicked:

  function moveBall()
var targetX:Number = mouseX;
var targetY:Number = mouseY;
var angle = Math.atan2(targetY,targetX);
ball.x =  mouseX + Math.cos(angle);
ball.y =  mouseY + Math.sin(angle) ;
ballRotation = true;

if (ballRotation==true)

    goalkeeper_mc.gotoAndStop( Random Frame);//Here is when I need to go and play the random frame everytime function is executed



Thanks a lot for your help guys, sorry for bothering again, I searched the web for some examples but I found many of them really complicated for a newbie like me.




you must randomize from 1 frame to last Frame.


Math.random () of the range is greater than 0 and less than 1(floating-value). by use it implements available.

function moveBall()
    var targetX:Number = mouseX;
    var targetY:Number = mouseY;
    var angle = Math.atan2(targetY,targetX);
    ball.x =  mouseX + Math.cos(angle);
    ball.y =  mouseY + Math.sin(angle) ;
    ballRotation = true;

    if (ballRotation==true)
        goalkeeper_mc.gotoAndStop(int(Math.random * (goalkeeper_mc.totalFrames)+1));


08-23 14:18