


Noticed this odd thing going on, perhaps it's a bug but I might be missing something myself.

假设你有一个解决方案有两个项目:一个是MVC3项目,另一个是数据访问的类库(Entity Framework模型类,数据上下文等)。

Suppose you have a solution with two projects: one is a MVC3 project, another is a class library for data access (Entity Framework model classes, data context and such).

类库引用 EntityFramework (EF6)和 EntityFramework.SqlServer 库。

MVC项目引用此类库 DAL DAL 库可能由应用程序之外的其他一些代码使用,因此将其与Web项目分离。

And the MVC project references this class library DAL. The DAL library may be used by some other code outside of the application, hence to decouple it from the web project.

无论如何,似乎在发布MVC3项目时,该进程将错过将 EntityFramework.SqlServer 程序集复制到publish / bin目录。但是, 发布基础 EntityFramework dll以及其他库和类库本身。

Anyway, it appears that upon publishing the MVC3 project, the process misses copying the EntityFramework.SqlServer assembly to the publish/bin directory. However, it does publish base EntityFramework dll along with other libraries and the class library itself.


Is there a way to get the publisher to publish the required SqlServer driver as well?



Alright, so after some additional Google-fu it appears that a workaround is to create some reference to that missing assembly, even if the code is unused.


And the workaround I used is add simple test line in the constructor of the data context:

bool instanceExists = System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices.Instance != null;


10-21 09:29