

我目前正在使用C ++中的SIMD指令进行编码,并尝试使用IDE在实时编码时显示错误,拼写错误等.问题是,我使用的是AVX512指令,我的硬件不支持该指令,仅使用我用于编译的服务器.有没有一种方法可以在IDE中进行带错误检查的代码,而不会受到AVX512功能的干扰而妨碍编译器?

I am currently coding with SIMD instructions in C++ and trying to use an IDE which shows errors, spelling mistakes, etc whilst coding in real-time. The Problem is, that i am using AVX512 Instructions, which are not supported by my hardware, only the server i use for compiling. Is there a way to code in an IDE with errorchecking, etc without the interference of the AVX512-functions hindering the compiler?



First of all, you don't need your desktop to support AVX512 to edit source and compile an executable that requires AVX512. If you can edit / compile locally, and run/debug on the server, you're fine.

您可以通过将IDE配置为在支持AVX512的仿真器上运行程序来在本地调试. 英特尔的软件开发模拟器(SDE)是好的选择.它可以充当GDB远程服务器,因此您应该能够调试其中运行的程序.

You can debug locally by configuring your IDE to run your program under an emulator that supports AVX512. Intel's Software Development Emulator (SDE) would be a good choice. It can act as a GDB-remote so you should be able to debug a program running inside it.


Or another option is to use a compat intrinsics header file that defines the AVX512 intrinsics, and __m512i, in terms of AVX2 types and intrinsics. So your source code can be compiled for real AVX512, or it can be compiled for AVX2 (slow but you can debug it.)


Apparently Intel actually publishes a avxintrin-emu.h header for developing AVX code on a machine with only SSE4: Intel AVX intrinsics: any compatibility library out? I think @Mysticial mentioned doing the same thing for AVX512, but I can't find any mention of that with google.

Agner Fog的漂亮的VCL包装器库(GPL许可证)具有适用于512位和256位向量的兼容组件,但仅适用于VCL类型,不适用于我假设要使用的底层Intel内部函数. https://www.agner.org/optimize/#vectorclass

Agner Fog's nice VCL wrapper library (GPL license) has this compat thing for 512 and 256-bit vectors, but only for VCL types, not for the underlying Intel intrinsics which I assume you want to use. https://www.agner.org/optimize/#vectorclass



09-14 09:53