


In section 2.5.3 "Broadcasts" of the Intel Architecture Instruction Set Extensions Programming Reference the we learn thanAVX512 (and Knights Corner) has


例如采用Intel汇编语法我们可以播放在用 zmm2 RAX ,然后在地址标code>并把结果写入 zmm1

For example using Intel assembly syntax we can broadcast the scalar at the address stored in rax and then multiplying with the 16 floats in zmm2 and write the result to zmm1 like this

vmulps zmm1, zmm2, [rax] {1to16}


However, there are no intrinsics which can do this. Therefore, with intrinsics the compiler should be able to fold

__m512 bb = _mm512_set1_ps(b);
__m512 ab = _mm512_mul_ps(a,bb);


vmulps zmm1, zmm2, [rax] {1to16}

但我还没有看到GCC这样做。我发现这个一个一个FMA指令。然而,GCC 5.1确实现在坍塌到一个FMA,至少有内部函数与FMA如 _mm256_fmadd_ps 来做到这一点。但没有如 _mm512_mulbroad_ps(矢量,标量)内在。

I have observed something similar with FMA with GCC. e.g. GCC 4.9 will not collapse _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(areg0,breg0) to a single fma instruction with -Ofast. However, GCC 5.1 does collapse it to a single fma now. At least there are intrinsics to do this with FMA e.g. _mm256_fmadd_ps. But there is no e.g. _mm512_mulbroad_ps(vector,scalar) intrinsic.


GCC may fix this at some point but until then assembly is the only solution.


So my question is how to do this with inline assembly in GCC?


I think I may have come up with the correct syntax (but I am not sure) for GCC inline assembly for the example above.

"vmulps        (%%rax)%{1to16}, %%zmm1, %%zmm2\n\t"


I am really looking for a function like this

static inline __m512 mul_broad(__m512 a, float b) {
    return a*b;

其中,如果 B 在记忆点到 RAX 它产生

vmulps        (%rax){1to16}, %zmm0, %zmm0

如果 B 将xmm1 它产生

vbroadcastss    %xmm1, %zmm1
vmulps          %zmm1, %zmm0, %zmm0

GCC将已经与内在做 vbroadcastss - 从登记的情况下,但如果 B 是在内存中,从这个内存编译为 vbroadcastss

GCC will already do the vbroadcastss-from-register case with intrinsics, but if b is in memory, compiles this to a vbroadcastss from memory.

__m512 mul_broad(__m512 a, float b) {
    __m512 bb = _mm512_set1_ps(b);
    __m512 ab = _mm512_mul_ps(a,bb);
    return ab;

b 是在内存中。

clang will use a broadcast memory operand if b is in memory.



As Peter Cordes notes GCC doesn't let you specify a different template for different constraint alternatives. So instead my solution has the assembler choose the correct instruction according to the operands chosen.


I don't have a version of GCC that supports the ZMM registers, so this following example uses XMM registers and a couple of nonexistent instructions to demonstrate how you can achieve what you're looking for.

typedef __attribute__((vector_size(16))) float v4sf;

foo(v4sf a, float b) {
    v4sf ret;
    asm(".ifndef isxmm\n\t"
        ".macro ifxmm operand, rnum\n\t"
        ".ifc \"\\operand\",\"%%xmm\\rnum\"\n\t"
        ".set isxmm, 1\n\t"
        ".set isxmm, 0\n\t"
        ".set regnum, 0\n\t"
        ".rept 8\n\t"
        "ifxmm <%2>, %%regnum\n\t"
        ".set regnum, regnum + 1\n\t"
        ".if isxmm\n\t"
        "alt-1 %1, %2, %0\n\t"
        "alt-2 %1, %2, %0\n\t"
        : "=x,x" (ret)
        : "x,x" (a), "x,m" (b));
    return ret;

bar(v4sf a, v4sf b) {
    return foo(a, b[0]);

这个例子应该的gcc -m32 -msse -O3 进行编译,应该产生类似以下两个汇编程序错误信息:

This example should be compiled with gcc -m32 -msse -O3 and should generate two assembler error messages similar to the following:

t103.c: Assembler messages:
t103.c:24: Error: no such instruction: `alt-2 %xmm0,4(%esp),%xmm0'
t103.c:22: Error: no such instruction: `alt-1 %xmm0,%xmm1,%xmm0'

这里的基本思路是汇编程序检查,看是否有第二个操作数(%2 )是XMM寄存器或别的东西,presumably的内存位置。由于GNU汇编器不支持多在字符串的操作方式,第二个操作数是在一个 .rept 循环时间相比,每一个可能的XMM寄存器之一。在 isxmm 宏用来粘贴%XMM 和寄存器数量在一起。

The basic idea here is the assembler checks to see whether the second operand (%2) is an XMM register or something else, presumably a memory location. Since the GNU assembler doesn't support much in the way of operations on strings, the second operand is compared to every possible XMM register one at a time in a .rept loop. The isxmm macro is used to paste %xmm and a register number together.


For your specific problem you'd probably need to rewrite it something like this:

mul_broad(__m512 a, float b) {
    __m512 ret;
    __m512 dummy;
    asm(".ifndef isxmm\n\t"
        ".macro ifxmm operand, rnum\n\t"
        ".ifc \"\\operand\",\"%%zmm\\rnum\"\n\t"
        ".set isxmm, 1\n\t"
        ".set isxmm, 0\n\t"
        ".set regnum, 0\n\t"
        ".rept 32\n\t"
        "ifxmm <%[b]>, %%regnum\n\t"
        ".set regnum, regnum + 1\n\t"
        ".if isxmm\n\t"
        "vbroadcastss %x[b], %[b]\n\t"
        "vmulps %[a], %[b], %[ret]\n\t"
        "vmulps %[b] %{1to16%}, %[a], %[ret]\n\t"
        "# dummy = %[dummy]\n\t"
        : [ret] "=x,x" (ret), [dummy] "=xm,x" (dummy)
        : [a] "x,xm" (a), [b] "m,[dummy]" (b));
    return ret;


08-29 06:07