SADISTIC联邦调查局特工不会向我收费,不让我找到一份工作,不让我过上正常的生活,不要让我有一个 IOTA的隐私和精神上的托管和恐吓我24X7 监控,给我未上市的手机打了2000个UNSOLICITED电话,进入我的公寓ILLEGALLY和STEALING个人 令人沮丧甚至在我的休息室,羞辱和非人化我 和BLATANTLY违反我的公民权利和宪法权利 隐私和滥用DRACONIAN PATRIOT ACT。 PERVERTED FBIILLEGALLY在我的公寓安装了数十个音频和视频 监控设备,看着我,实时 实时24X7即使在我的休息室洗澡,精神分析每个和 一举一动,我说的每一句话,我生命中的每一秒,每一眨眼间以及每一条评论我都会这么说。 $ b发布在网上。 FBI Sadism和Perversion有限制吗? 如果你想和我联系,请发送电子邮件至 vi******** 删除字母A来自电子邮件ID的不是 这个词。 我与密歇根州和佐治亚州的至少200位律师交谈过 法律帮助,但只有大约两三名律师愿意帮助我,但要求我出示gps或视频的实物证明 监控设备。我做了很多研究,发现了几个私人调查员(他们是前联邦调查局特工),更重要的是,他们对最新的反监视技术知识渊博。 ; 虽然我愿意为他们的服务付费,但他们也拒绝帮助我在一个PRETEXT或其他地方甚至 。 我告诉这两个非常高质量和知识渊博的私人 调查员Niles(Eagle服务866-691-7985)和另一个PI, Charles Middlestadt(404-252) -5322)ISC Worldwide Inc在亚特兰大 区域能够在我的汽车中找到gps车辆跟踪设备,我不是穆斯林他们有没有什么可以担心的我 甚至提供他们通过我的律师并帮助我但仍然 他们拒绝帮助我,我可能是一个穆斯林。 最后我被迫花费1000美元作为费用而不是纯粹的> 绝望地知道我雇佣的私人调查员 充其量只能反击监视技能来扫我的车 gps车辆追踪装置他做了一个LOUSY JOB,一无所获, 如我所料。 密歇根州的一位律师骗了我一千美元而且没有 确实蹲了下来,另一位律师让我花了几块钱再多花了两千美元,再一无所获。 我咨询过的一些律师告诉我在非常明确的条款中,FBI 代理人LIE,MANIPULATE,CHEAT并且在他们的手段中非常不干净 和METHODS。律师们还告诉我,为了让我对FBI提起民事诉讼,我必须证明存在监控设备,以及骚扰对于我来说,如果没有心甘情愿的律师的帮助,我就可以做到这一点。 有帮助的私人调查员,然后FBI的虐待狂会有这样的事情。 自从FBI正在倾听每一天后,自私人 调查人员来到我的公寓之后扫除这些设备时,b取消了所有这些监控设备。该死的 这句话是从我的口中传出来的,无论是在我的公寓里,还是当我向这些PI和来自付费电话或手机的律师说话时/> 手机。 您可以亲自调查这些秘密联邦调查局特工,并找出真相。请记住,有些时候车辆是在父母身上注册的,或者是b $ b b配偶名字,FBI也使用虚构的前线公司来雇佣他们的卧底特工。 如果你们中的任何一个人想到,所有这些都是我偏执狂的妄想,我将会发送电子邮件给秘密FBI特工Frank Spodek (sf **) *** @或致电Kathleen Sue Taylor或Maddelina Wahl或 Mediha Krijestorac或Janet Lorna Brown或其他FBI代理商我们在他们的电话号码中列出了并与那些FBI PERVERTED SADISTS本人确认。 跟踪我的卧底联邦调查局特工 ------ ------------------------------- BOGEY 27(MI)已注册Maddelina C Wahl,28087 Hickory Dr, Farmington.Hills MI 38331,电话:248-324-1527,白人女性,黑色 汽车,Charter One银行,3: 00 pm,12/20/03 跟随我的这位秘密联邦调查局特工是30岁r old Caucasian 女性到宪章第一银行在W.12 Mile Road,Farmington Hills,MI in veh plate#BOGEY 27,电话:248-324-1527 PPL 587(MI)注册于Kathleen Sue Taylor,非裔美国人 female,29390 Bermuda Ln,Southfield,MI 48034,电话:248-356-1946 。 这位跟随我的秘密联邦调查局特工是一名27岁的非洲女孩,她是一名美国女性,于2002年7月在一辆CVS中驾驶MI MAN板块#PPL 587 /> 药房在W.12 Mile Rd,Southfield,MI XRA 155(MI)注册到Mediha Krijestorac,黑车,30408 Shiawasee Rd,Farmington MI 48336,电话:248-477-9161,白人男性, 餐厅,晚上9点,12/12/03 跟随我的这位卧底联邦调查局特工是一名年仅20-22岁的高加索人。 男性车辆#XRA 155到Grand River Ave的一家餐馆 Farmington Hills,MI在2003年12月12日晚上9点。 UFX 210(MI)注册凯文米勒,白色SUV,5871塞内卡 St,底特律,48213,2002年7月,313-571-1095 #disconnected。 这名卧底联邦调查局特工跟着我在2002年夏天。 5915CR(MI)注册Kenneth Allen,红色皮卡,18440 这名联邦调查局卧底特工在一辆红色的皮卡车里跟着我,在一辆价值25美元的白人男性车辆#5915 CR于2002年12月。 0978 JD(MI)注册珍妮特Lorna Brown,White Chevy,20978 Delaware St ,南菲尔德MI 48034在2002年,电话号码#248-350-2599 3 / 2002年2月14日和8月4日4英里路上不同的场合,当我去换油b 时。 8CK U33(MI )注册Doris Evelyn,3611 S.Annabelle St,Detroit 48217,313-38 8-5186 非洲裔美国女性卧底联邦调查局特工跟随我在MI 车牌#8CK U33大约20岁,可能是女儿这辆车的女性车主是这个发生在2002年秋天。 EBAY Ebay Id:SpodekModek, sf ***** @ - > Frank的电子邮件ID Spodek - 监控我的Websurfing活动的秘密FBI代理。 您可以通过发送电子邮件至 sf ***** @ 并询问弗兰克他是否是一名卧底联邦调查局特工,我绝对是 肯定他WONT回应并且DENY他是FBI特工,因为那时它将是一个LIE。将是一个LIE。通过这个测试你可以得出结论弗兰克斯波德克确实是一个卧底联邦调查局特工。 EBAY Ebay Id:cbsan, ci ******** @ ,电子邮件ID Cidney Betz - 秘密联邦调查局特工监控我的网上冲浪 2002年的活动。 Cidney Betz可能的旧电话号码:407-370-3043或 352- 2002年291-2112. 351 FTK(GA)Maroon Car,7/28 / 04,6:00 pm,20岁白人男性和 女,亚特兰大都市区 131 YBP(GA)35岁白人男性,银色车,7/22/04, 10:45 pm ,酒店,亚特兰大地铁 APZ 7647(GA)35岁白人男性,卡车,5/25/04,下午3:00, Ridgeview医院,亚特兰大 YUU 243(GA)皮卡车,白人男性,8/25/04,下午4:40, Holcrombe Bridge Rd,Altanta AQG 2185(GA)27岁白人女性,红色Cherokee,5/21 / 04,11 AM,Pep Boys,Cobb Parkway WPS 578(GA)SUV,一名白人男性和一名女性, 3/8/04, 晚上8:30,公寓大楼 请允许三年以上加上或减去卧底年龄 我在这里提到的联邦调查局特工。 2/29/04秘密联邦调查局特工,虚构名称代理人 约翰逊和IP地址81.132.210.89在互联网上说,他们是 使用我作为训练目标并打赌我什么时候会做什么 真的愚蠢的他们也会在2/29/04的alt.astrology Usenet新闻组中投注它将会是什么。来自密歇根州外地办事处的这个联邦调查局特工可能是匿名发布的,因此 的IP地址可能是假的。代理约翰逊的帖子的网址如下。 3/21/04秘密联邦调查局特工通过一些虚构的互联网名称 THOR和电子邮件ID: fu *************** @ 和IP地址在华盛顿特区监控我的网上冲浪 活动并发布在 Usenet新闻组。 我绝对相信所有上面提到的人都是 卧底联邦调查局特工保证。你可以自己调查一下 并找出真相。 FBI谁应该抓到恐怖分子是浪费大量的金额 纳税人的钱破坏,破坏和摧毁普通人的生活 并且更感兴趣并花了三年时间告诉我如何聪明和 无限强大他们与我相比。 FBI甚至一直在窃听,监控和记录我与付费电话的律师之间的对话 聘请律师为FBI的骚扰提供帮助, 非人化,羞辱和精神折磨。 联邦调查局特工定期进入我的公寓并折磨我,因为他们知道我正在服用药物 让我入睡,直到第二天早上才醒来,直到 药物效应消失。 FBI迫使谷歌或使用过s ome技术可供他们使用 取消我在INTERNET新闻组发布的一些评论,trial.misc.legal来自密歇根州Farmington Hills的图书馆 并拒绝和违反我在11/03获得自由言论的权利或 12/03。 FBI已进入我在所有营销和传真数据库中未列出的电话号码 并在半夜发给我传真。我至少收到 平均两到三个营销电话和传真每天3 年我的未上市号码总计至少2000个未经请求的电话 $ b过去3年$ b。 联邦调查局特工通过拨打我现有的未上市电话恐吓我# 至少200个月一次半2004年7月和8月, 故意要求Roberto Fernandez(姓氏改名), 完全清楚知道Roberto Fernandez这个名字没有人居住在 我的公寓。 4月4日我打电话给卧底联邦调查局特工Kathleen Sue Taylor并告诉 她我不想收到任何骚扰未经联系的电话来自FBI的,从第二天开始,联邦调查局让我的未上市的 手机号码出现在普通美国人的来电号码上。 /> 次,下面列出的那些手机的所有者感到不安和 打电话给我并留下辱骂我的电话答录机上的消息。 下面列出的这些电话号码的所有者打电话告诉我为什么 我一再打电话给他们,即使我不知道'T KNOW他们是谁 我从来没有打过他们一次。 703-580-8992 4/2/04戴尔城,VA 540-309-1226 4/3/04 Roanoke VA 434-525-1448 4/3/04 Lynchburg,VA 757-404-1076 4 / 4/04 Harry Folsom留给我一个虐待 的消息 703-820-6695 4/4/04 DC Suburb,VA 770- 966-5236 4/4/04 Cooper PD,女人留给我一个 虐待消息 757-483-0583 4/7/04诺福克,VA 540-463-7459 4/7/04 Lexington VA 770-253-6297 4/8/04 Hammond Stinson 703-541-0950 4 / 9/04弗吉尼亚州DC郊区 美国联邦调查局假装是我并且自己打了所有这些电话。 华盛顿特区联邦调查局总部对那些普通美国人和 让我的未上市电话#出现在他们的电话来电显示器上,好像我是打电话给他们。 请与上述人员联系,建议并鼓励他们向美国政府和FBI提起诉讼,要求他们侵犯他们的隐私 和电话骚扰。 一旦一名白人男性联邦调查局特工在康卡斯特面包车中威胁要从我身后撞上我的车,然后半英寸撞到我身边a城市街道上没有交通纠纷,但后面是. 两名联邦调查局特工曾经对我大喊大叫并在2002年2月左右在利沃尼亚的一个体育用品商店停车场口头辱骂我, MI。 FBI ILLEGALLY窃取了我所有电子邮件和互联网帐户的密码 借助我计算机上安装的错误。 即使我去看医生,FBI特工也跟着我。 是一名白人卡车中的一名白人FBI代理人,在5/24/04的GA牌照APZ 7647,在医院停车场用卡车等我 听我正在和医生谈话时使用语音 放大设备。 我目前住在两个卧室公寓与其分享 另一个人和FBI虐待狂用匿名电话向 公寓管理办公室提出虚假投诉并试图获得 get我于2004年7月离开公寓。 FBI特工在5月份不在家的时候非法进入我的公寓 2004年,偷了一个黄色荧光笔 ;在我搬到另一个不同的地方后,一个月后亚特兰大郊区再次进入我的公寓,当时我没有回家,而是放置了黄色荧光笔。我在卧室中间的地毯上,当我从6/27/04观看华氏音乐时,我看到了华丽的电影。美国联邦调查局知道我在6/27/04观看了华氏海报,因为他们正在观看我在网上寻找 方向和电影时间还有我的车里有车辆跟踪设备 gps的帮助。 我在4月24日和4月24日期间通过付费电话与律师交谈 对话我问律师我们是否可以通过法院命令强制要求互联网服务提供商显示我的网上冲浪是否为 被FBI监控并且看到我的互联网帐户 在6/25/04从ISP计算机中消失了。询问 我的ISP告诉我有人打电话并取消了我的互联网帐户 前一天,这是我从未做过的。 我在7月14日租了一辆车,买了一部手机并且住了一晚酒店 当晚和第二天早上7/15/04,FBI已经找到了什么地方 我住在那里并用电话轻拍我的手机并通过在租车中放置 gps车辆跟踪设备跟踪我。 联邦调查局特工当我不在家时,ILLGEALLY进入我的公寓 7/16/04并且从内部锁上浴室门,当我来晚上时,我回来了。。 br /> 美国联邦调查局特工非法进入我的公寓,当时我不在家之间 7/15/04和7/18/04之间并登录到我的电脑并删除了股票列表。 美国联邦调查局特工当我不在家时非法进入我的公寓 7/18/04 in早上转过空调ON& 故意在我回到TORTURE我的时候。 联邦调查局特工非法入境我的公寓时于7/18/04当我不在b / b 回家并放置一把剃须刀片和一块镍(2004年5月他们从我在玛丽埃塔的公寓里偷了它们)把它放在一个塑料袋里给 告诉我你可以做什么? 美国联邦调查局特工非法入境我的公寓 7/22/04(同时我还在床上睡觉)然后打开一个手提袋我把枕头放在枕头旁边,然后拉开一个小袋子(拉链,我前一天晚上关闭了),里面,只是为了恐怕我好像说,我们可以给你b $ b并且会对你做任何事情,你不能对我们做任何事情,因为我们 FBI是GODS。 美国联邦调查局特工在我不在家的时候进入我的公寓 7/22/04白天,这次放电视遥控器在TERR床边的告诉我他们进入了我的公寓。 联邦调查局特工非法进入我的公寓有时当我不在家时,假装是华尔街日报的送货人员和 有时会在同一天发送多份纸质文件和 有时还会送多个中餐馆拿出 小册子。 我的房间伙伴去上午6点左右和4/23/04的晚上工作我 粘贴在公寓入口内侧的8.5×11页纸条 门让我的房间伙伴在他离开时叫醒我,所以我可以从里面锁上 酒店锁,然后回去睡觉。我的房间伴侣把我叫醒了 就像我要求的那样,我从我的 公寓里面锁上了酒店的锁,然后在7点的早上6点回去睡觉24/04。 虐待狂的联邦调查局特工仍然进入我的二楼公寓,而 我在4/24/04上午6:00到10:00之间睡着了并在大门内侧取下了 8.5X11英寸页面粘贴的纸条,并在客厅的娱乐中心只需给我TORTURE ME IT 精神上和恐惧我我们进入你的公寓,即使你锁定了酒店的锁定螺栓并且做了这个,但是你能做什么 ? 美国联邦调查局特工非法进入我的公寓,当时我在4月24日的 晚上没有回家,并再次打开手提袋并解压缩了一小部分/> 包里面有手提包,还有STOLE一次性使用我在卧室购买的柯达 相机,我于7月23日在沃尔玛购买。 美国联邦调查局特工定期进入我的公寓非法使用笔记本电脑 当我不在家时从我的电脑和软盘复制信息 磁盘并搞砸了。 联邦调查局特工通过在我发送 简历时匿名打电话给潜在雇主来摧毁我的角色来摧毁我的生活 因为FBI知道所有的电子邮件地址和电话 招聘人员和潜在雇主的数量。我不认为这是一个例外,并想象有多少普通美国人多年来一直在遭受FBI SADISM的痛苦。 Sadistic联邦调查局特工在7月27日7月27日下午7点到8点半之间的一个半小时内,一次又一次地给我打了30次电话。 > 要求罗伯托·费尔南德斯完全清楚地知道那个名字没有人住在我的公寓里,并且事实上说你太可笑了。并且制作了 WEIRD SOUNDS,如aye,uye,ick,ihe等,同时实时观看我 一直在视频监视设备安装在中当我接听电话时,我的卧室上限为。 美国联邦调查局特工于4月1日晚上非法进入我的公寓时 我睡着了,偷了我的 裤子口袋里的预付费电话卡号码。我的裤兜里的一张预付费电话卡叫做我的Conexion。第二天联邦调查局在4/2/04给我打电话, 拨打了电话号码770-242-8775,来电者姓名为Internet Conexion 出现在我的来电者身上我很害怕,他们进入了我的公寓 前一天晚上从我的 裤子口袋里偷了预付费电话号码。上面的电话#不是FBI#而是其他一些 公司。 联邦调查局特工非法进入我的公寓,我在8/2/04睡着了 晚上,即使酒店的锁是从里面用螺栓固定的,然后将电视遥控器面朝下放在卧室的桌子上,折叠了一个 预付费电话卡放在我的裤子口袋里,并在 卡上形成一个折痕,从文件夹中取出一张库地图(里面有一个 手提袋)和将它放在文件夹的外面,然后将手提袋的背面拉开拉链后半边,然后将它留在那里折磨我。 联邦调查局特工已经警告WalMart的安全部门, 百思买,JC Penney商店等我带着虚假的投诉,当我去那里购物时,这些商店的安全摄像头都是一直专注于我并看着我。 我在8/5/04 a租了一辆车nd留在酒店以获得一些隐私和 那些虐待狂的联邦调查局特工仍在那天晚上跟踪我,并在第二天早上8/6离开 出租车门/ 04。 我改变了前一天在8/6/4租来的车,在高速公路上走了几个小时,退出,把我的车停在一个地带 商场停车场,在零售店花了大约20分钟,当我回到车上的时候,FBI特工跟着我然后在 汽车的后座上放一个装有甜甜圈的塑料袋上两个 宿舍嘲讽并恐吓我他们仍然跟着我甚至 当我租车开车出城时。 为了保护自己免受这些SADISTIC FBI代理人进入我的 公寓并偷东西当我睡着的时候,我从里面锁上我的卧室 门,把一个小重箱和一个19英寸的电视放在上面 的盒子agai在4月7日晚上的卧室门,所以如果 联邦调查局特工试图打开我的卧室门,电视将从包装盒上掉下来 at门的最轻微的动作,发出一声巨响并叫醒我 up。在早上8/8/04上午9点左右,我醒来时发现了一个巨大的电视声,电视从盒子里落到了地板上,FBI 当我意识到发生了什么时,特工们正在加速。美国联邦调查局特工 进入我的公寓并打开我的卧室并推开门 上午9:00这么辛苦,他们把盒子推到了距离 b $ b门。联邦调查局的SADISTS甚至愿意打破我的19英寸电视机。 TORTURE和TERRORIZE me。 联邦调查局特工STOLE一个试用笔包(我从CVS Pharmacy在8/8/04晚上从我的车开始,然后进入我的公寓 8/9/04当我在从上午11点到中午12点不回家,并将飞行员放在客厅地毯上的椅子下,以折磨我。 联邦调查局特工ILLEGALLY于4月4日下午1:00进入我的公寓 和下午1:15(仅15分钟),当我去Publix并打开电视时On $当我回到精神上折磨我的时候,我的卧室里有b $ b。 SADISTIC FBI特工在我带着 淋浴的时候非法进入我的公寓8月4日下午1点左右,从我卧室的手提袋口袋里取下一把剃须刀剪刀 ,把它放在铁板上 在我的卧室里。 FBI能够执行此操作,因为他们看着我洗澡实时直播。使用视频设备 安装在我的浴室中。 联邦调查局特工即使在酒店锁定时也非法进入我的公寓 在8/16/04凌晨从里面狂奔,当我睡着了 并在12包krispy kreme甜甜圈盒中取出中排甜甜圈 in the冰箱把它们放在空的左排,然后把冰箱里的和谐葡萄果冻瓶水平地放在上面,然后把b / b 从我卧室的电缆插座拔掉电缆给TORTURE 我,他们仍然随时进入我的公寓 他们的意愿。 联邦调查局特工非法进入我的公寓而即使我在 公寓大门和一个小型重箱和一台19英寸电视机上放了一张咖啡桌,我在8月4日凌晨的 睡着了。从里面打开我的 卧室门,搜索锁定的手提袋和 解压缩将手提袋的后袋放在一半的位置并留下它 那里的TERRORIZE ME他们还在进入我的公寓没有 我采取了什么预防措施。 联邦调查局特工非法入境我于8月22日下午7:30左右进入我的公寓 我正在打盹并打开空调ON告诉我,他们进入我的公寓,即使我还在我的 公寓里。 联邦调查局特工偷走了Gillette disposable razor on the night of 8/25/04 from my duffel bag and placed it between the drivers seat and driver side door near the trunk opening lever of my car. FBI agents ILLEGALLY opened the rental car I rented, in a hotel premises on the night of 8/27/04 and removed the cup holder and placed it infront of the parking brake of the car to HARASS ME that they are still following me even when I rented a car and stayed in a hotel. FBI agents ILLEGALLY even tapped MetroPCS cell phone numbers instantaneously as soon as I bought them on the same day. $b$ b SADISTIC FBI agents AMUSED themselves by turning my bedroom table lamp in my bedroom, ON and OFF by using remote control devices, sometimes while I was browsing the web. FBI agents ILLEGALLY CHANGED three passwords (even though I used Kinkos to keep my PASSWORDS PRIVATE) of my three email ids that I was using to send this document to investigative reporters between 8/26/04 and 8/28/04 to "PREVENT ME" from EXPOSING their SADISM, PERVERSION, TERRORISM and MENTAL TORTURE, by either ILLEGALLY installing key logging software on kinkos computers or by some other ILLEGAL MEANS unknown to me. So I created brand new email ids and sent this document and god knows when the SADISTIC FBI will change the passwords of my NEW email ids. FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered the hotel rooms even when locked from inside where I stayed in August and September and installed video surveillance devices and moved things around from the tote bag’s zipped side pocket into the tote bag to TERRORIZE me that they will INVADE my privacy and MENTALLY TORTURE me even when I slept in hotel rooms. To escape this FBI sadism, I went and slept in an acquaintance’’s apartment in the first week of September 2004 and the SADISTIC FBI agents still came and entered that apartment, installed video surveillance devices in the acquaintance’’s apartment and drew a curvy line with a knife on the black colored apartment door of the acquaintance t o TERRORIZE me. Sometimes when I spoke to my roommate in non-English language, the psycho-analysis OBSESSED SADISTIC FBI agents called me on the phone immediately and said "komo-isthaaaa" in a SARCASTIC way and asked for Roberto Fernandez knowing fully well that nobody by that name lived in my apartment. Sadistic FBI agents "reacted" to EACH and EVERY word that came out of my mouth for the last three years by making 2000 UNSOLICITED HARASSING phone calls at my unlisted private phone numbers. American "democracy" and "legal system" are a big friggin JOKE and I ask all Americans to take a deep breadth and THINK for a minute, WHY DO I HAVE to PROVE to the US Government that they are MENTALLY TORTURING and TERRORIZING me 24X7 with surveillance devices, violating all my human rights and ILLEGALLY entering my apartment and moving around and stealing things when it is the "US GOVERNMENT aka FBI itself" that is doing it ? Is this the type of DEMOCRACY, the EVIL American government wants to SPREAD across the world ??? To all of you who are gonna advise me to wear tinfoil or take drugs for schizophrenic paranoia, the SADISTIC FBI wants all of you to think exactly that way so they can CONTINUE to carry on their PERVERSE SADISM on ordinary american citizens and MISDIRECT and PROGRAM all of the 290 mil american brains to treat the EVIL, SADISTIC, PERVERTED and DICTATORIAL FBI like Gods.SUMMARY:THREE YEARS of and continuing MENTAL TORTURE, TERRORISM, SADISM andBLATANT human rights violations by FBI SADISTS and PERVERTS.Please SAVE this post on your hard disks or email account and alsobookmark it because the FBI sadists are gonna force the websites toremove this posting for good. I posted this column to pretty much all"active newsgroups" three weeks ago but the FBI "ARM TWISTED" and"FORCED" google management to "REMOVE 90% of them" from the USENET andviolated my FREEDOM OF SPEECH.Undercover FBI agents will attack me, ridicule me and discredit mewith fictitious userids in response to this post and I request allreaders to completely IGNORE those MANIPULATIVE, LYING FBI pervertsand sadists.Please forward and distribute this to as many senators, congressmen,journalists, editors, civil rights attorneys, civil rights activists,investigative reporters, radio talk show hosts, managers, co-workers,family and friends and all Americans concerned with civil liberties.I am not a muslim, I don''t have even a single muslim friend, I am nota member of any religious organization, I am not a drug smuggler, I donot belong to any crime mafia, I did not kill anybody, I am not a spyand I never ever worked for any government and not even "remotelyconnected" to any government agency whatsoever, I do not have anyprior criminal record, I am a US citizen and have been living in USfor a little more than 15 yrs and I graduated with a masters degree incomputer science from a US university more than a decade ago. I ameven willing to take "ANY NO.OF POLYGRAPH TESTS" to prove whatever Isaid is true and a fact, about my background.FBI has been MENTALLY TORTURING me with 24X7 surveillance for the lastthree years inside and outside my apartment with video surveillancedevices and motion sensors around my apartment, my phone has beentapped, my web surfing is being monitored all the time for the lastthree years, my emails are being monitored, gps vehicle trackingdevices and voice amplification devices have been placed in my car andundercover FBI agents have followed me to restaurants, grocery stores,malls, movie theatres, banks and even barber shops etc and forced meto live like an animal and a virtual prisoner for three years. FBI hasinterfered in my personal life for no reason and jeopardized my jobopportunities. FBI is obsessed with me and has ruined, destroyed andwrecked my life for the last three years and destroyed my physical andmental health.The SADISTIC FBI agents are NOT charging me, NOT letting me find ajob, NOT letting me have a normal life, NOT letting me have even anIOTA of PRIVACY and mentally TORTURING and TERRORIZING me with 24X7surveillance, making 2000 UNSOLICITED phone calls to my unlistedphone#s, entering my apartment ILLEGALLY and STEALING personalbelongings when I am not home, watching me real time live with videosurveillance devices installed in my bedroom, living room, kitchen andDISGUSTINGLY even in my rest room and humiliating and dehumanizing meand BLATANTLY violating my civil rights and constitutional right toprivacy and ABUSING the "DRACONIAN" PATRIOT ACT.The PERVERTED FBI "ILLEGALLY" installed tens of audio and videosurveillance devices in my apartment, watching me NAKED, REAL TIMELIVE 24X7 even in my rest room taking shower, psychoanalyzing each andevery move, each and every word I said, each and every second of mylife, each and every blink of my eyes and each and every comment Iposted on the web.Is there a LIMIT to FBI Sadism and Perversion ??If you want to contact me, please send me email at vi******** by removing the letter "A" and the word "not"from the email id.I spoke to at least 200 attorneys in both Michigan and Georgia forlegal help but only about two or three attorneys were willing to helpme but asked me to show physical proof of either gps or videosurveillance devices. I did a lot of research and found a couple ofprivate investigators (who were ex-FBI agents) more importantly whoare knowledgeable about the latest "counter surveillance technologies"but they also DECLINED to help me on ONE PRETEXT or the OTHER eventhough I was willing to pay for their services.I told these two very HIGHLY QUALIFIED and KNOWLEDGEABLE privateinvestigators Niles (Eagle services 866-691-7985) and another PI,Charles Middlestadt (404-252-5322) of ISC Worldwide Inc in the Atlantaarea who are capable of finding the gps vehicle tracking devices in mycar, that I am NOT A MUSLIM and they have NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT MEand even offered them to go through my attorney and help me but stillTHEY DECLINED to help me OUT OF FEAR that I might be a muslim.And eventually I was forced to spend a $1000 as fees out of sheerdesperation knowing fully well that the Private Investigator I hiredhas at best AVERAGE counter surveillance skills to sweep my car forgps vehicle tracking devices and he did a LOUSY JOB and found nothing,as I expected.One attorney in Michigan CHEATED me for a thousand dollars and didn''tdo diddly squat and another attorney made me spend a couple ofthousand dollars more, again for nothing.Some attorneys I consulted told me in very CLEAR TERMS, that FBIagents LIE, MANIPULATE, CHEAT and are VERY UNETHICAL in their MEANSand METHODS. The attorneys also told me that in order for me to file acivil lawsuit against the FBI, I have to PROVE the existence ofsurveillance devices and also the harassment which will be quite atall order for me to do without the help of willing attorneys andhelpful private investigators and EVEN THEN the FBI sadists would haveremoved all those surveillance devices by the time the privateinvestigators came to sweep my apartment for those devices after acouple of days since the FBI is listening to each and every goddamnword that came out of my mouth whether it be in my apartment or when Iwas speaking to these PI''s and attorneys from pay phones or cellphones.You can investigate these undercover FBI agents yourself and find outthe truth. Remember, some times vehicles are registered in parents orspouses names and also FBI uses fictitious front companies to employtheir undercover agents.If any of you think, all these things are my paranoid delusions, ICHALLENGE you to send an email to undercover FBI agent Frank Spodek(sf***** OR call Kathleen Sue Taylor OR Maddelina Wahl ORMediha Krijestorac or Janet Lorna Brown or the other FBI agents Ilisted at their phone numbers and confirm it with those FBI PERVERTEDSADISTS themselves.Undercover FBI agents who followed me-------------------------------------BOGEY 27 (MI) Registered to Maddelina C Wahl, 28087 Hickory Dr,Farmington.Hills MI 38331, ph: 248-324-1527, Caucasian Female, blackcar, Charter One bank, 3:00 pm, 12/20/03This undercover FBI agent who followed me was a 30 yr old CaucasianFemale to Charter One bank on W.12 Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI inveh plate # BOGEY 27, ph:248-324-1527PPL 587 (MI) Registered to Kathleen Sue Taylor, African Americanfemale, 29390 Bermuda Ln,Southfield, MI 48034, ph: 248-356-1946.This undercover FBI agent who followed me was a 27yr old AfricanAmerican female in MI veh plate# PPL 587 in July 2002 in a CVSPharmacy on W.12 Mile Rd, Southfield, MIXRA 155 (MI) Registered to Mediha Krijestorac, Black car, 30408Shiawasee Rd, Farmington MI 48336, ph:248-477-9161, White Male,Restaurant, 9:00pm, 12/12/03This undercover FBI agent who followed me was a 20-22 yr old CaucasianMale in veh plate # XRA 155 to a restaurant on Grand River Ave inFarmington Hills, MI at 9:00 pm on 12/12/03.UFX 210 (MI) Registered to Kevin Miller, White SUV, 5871 SenecaSt, Detroit, 48213, July 2002, 313-571-1095 #disconnected.This undercover FBI agent followed me in the summer of 2002.5915CR (MI) Registered to Kenneth Allen, Red pickup truck, 18440Alta Vista Dr, Southfield MI 48075 in Dec 2002.This FBI undercover agent followed me in a red pickup truck in anapartment complex was a 27-33 yr old Caucasian male in veh plate# 5915CR in Dec 2002.0978 JD (MI) Registered to Janet Lorna Brown, White Chevy, 20978Delaware St, Southfield MI 48034 in 2002, ph# 248-350-2599This FBI agent followed me in a white chevy once on Telegraph road on3/14/02 and on a different occasion on 8 Mile Rd on 4/4/02 when I wentfor an oil change.8CK U33 (MI) Registered to Doris Evelyn Person, 3611 S.AnnabelleSt, Detroit 48217, 313-388-5186The African American female undercover FBI agent who followed me in MIveh plate# 8CK U33 was about 20 yrs old and might be a daughter of thefemale owner of this car and this happened in early Fall of 2002.EBAY Ebay Id: SpodekModek, sf***** --> email Id of FrankSpodek - Undercover FBI Agent who monitored my Websurfing activities.You can do a quick investigative test by emailing to sf*****@aol.comand asking Frank if he is an undercover FBI agent and I am absolutelypositive he WONT respond and DENY he is an FBI agent because then itwill be a LIE. With this test you can conclude Frank Spodek is indeedan undercover FBI agent.EBAY Ebay Id: cbsan, ci********, email Id ofCidney Betz - Undercover FBI agent who monitored my websurfingactivities in 2002.Possible old phone numbers of Cidney Betz: 407-370-3043 or352-291-2112 in the year 2002.351 FTK (GA) Maroon Car, 7/28/04, 6:00 pm, 20ish Caucasian Male andFemale, Metro Atlanta131 YBP (GA) 35 yr old Caucasian Male, Silver colored car, 7/22/04,10:45 pm, Hotel, Metro AtlantaAPZ 7647 (GA) 35 yr old Caucasian Male, Truck, 5/25/04, 3:00pm,Ridgeview Hospital, AtlantaYUU 243 (GA) Pickup truck, Caucasian male, 8/25/04, 4:40pm,Holcrombe Bridge Rd, AltantaAQG 2185 (GA) 27 yr old Caucasian Female, Red Cherokee, 5/21/04, 11AM, Pep Boys, Cobb ParkwayWPS 578 (GA) SUV, One Caucasian Male and one female, 3/8/04,8:30pm, Apartment ComplexPlease allow three years plus or minus to the ages of the undercoverFBI agents I mentioned here.2/29/04 Undercover FBI agent with a fictitious name "AgentJohnson" and IP address said on internet that they areusing me as a training target and have got a bet on as to when I''ll dosomething really stupid and also they are taking bets on what it willbe in alt.astrology Usenet newsgroup on 2/29/04. This FBI agent fromMichigan field office might have posted it anonymously and hence theIP address might be a fake one. Url for Agent Johnson''s post follows. Undercover FBI agent by some fictitious internet name"THOR" and email Id: fu*************** and IP address24.94.125.55 in the Washington DC area monitored my web surfingactivities and posted on Usenet news group.I am absolutely confident all the above mentioned people areundercover FBI agents GUARANTEED. You can investigate them yourselfand find out the truth.FBI who is supposed to catch terrorists are WASTING humongous amountof tax payers money to ruin, wreck and destroy ordinary peoples livesand are MORE INTERESTED and spent three years to tell me how SMART andINFINITELY POWERFUL they are compared to me.FBI has even been eavesdropping, monitoring and recording myconversations with attorneys from pay phones when I was looking tohire an attorney to get help with this FBIs harassment,dehumanization, humiliation and mental torture.FBI agents have been entering my apartment regularly and torturing meby doing whatever they want because they know I am taking medicationthat puts me to sleep and I won''t wake up until the next morning untilthe drug effect goes away.FBI has forced Google or used some technology at their disposal tocancel some of my comments from getting posted on INTERNET, from a library in Farmington Hills, MIand denied and VIOLATED my right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH in 11/03 or12/03.FBI has entered my unlisted phone#s in all marketing and fax databasesand sent me faxes in the middle of the night. I received at least onthe average two to three marketing calls and faxes everyday for 3years to my unlisted numbers totaling at least 2000 unsolicited callsin the last 3 years.FBI agents have terrorized me by calling my current unlisted phone#atleast 200 times in a month and a half in July and August 2004,intentionally asking for Roberto Fernandez (last name changed),knowing fully well that nobody by the name Roberto Fernandez lived inmy apartment.I called undercover FBI agent, Kathleen Sue Taylor on 4/1/04 and toldher I do not want to receive any HARASSING UNSOLICITED phone callsfrom the FBI and from next day onwards, the FBI had made my unlistedphone# appear on caller id of ordinary american people multiple # oftimes, where the owners of those phone#s listed below got upset andcalled me and left abusive messages in my answering machine.The owners of these phone numbers listed below called and asked me whyI was calling them repeatedly, even though I DON''T KNOW who they areand I NEVER called them even once.703-580-8992 4/2/04 Dale City, VA540-309-1226 4/3/04 Roanoke VA434-525-1448 4/3/04 Lynchburg, VA757-404-1076 4/4/04 Harry Folsom left me an abusivemessage703-820-6695 4/4/04 DC Suburb, VA770-966-5236 4/4/04 Cooper P D, Woman left me anabusive message757-483-0583 4/7/04 Norfolk, VA540-463-7459 4/7/04 Lexington VA770-253-6297 4/8/04 Hammond Stinson703-541-0950 4/9/04 DC Suburb, VAFBI pretended to be me and made all these phone calls themselves fromthe FBI head office in Washington DC to those ordinary Americans andmade my unlisted phone# appear on their phone caller ids, as if I amcalling them.Please speak to, ADVISE and ENCOURAGE these people above to filelawsuits against the US government and FBI for violating their privacyand for phone harassment.Once a Caucasian male FBI agent in a Comcast van threatened to raminto my car from behind and came within half an inch of hitting mefrom behind even though there was no traffic altercation between us ona city street in Southfield in Feb 2002.Two FBI agents once shouted at me and abused me verbally in a SportsAuthority store parking lot approximately around Feb 2002 in Livonia,MI.FBI ILLEGALLY stole passwords of all my email and internet accountswith the help of bugs installed on my computer.FBI agents have followed me even when I went to see a doctor. Therewas one Caucasian FBI agent in a white truck with GA license plate APZ7647 on 5/24/04, waiting for me in a truck in the hospital parking lotlistening to the conversation I was having with the doctor using voiceamplification devices.I am currently living in a two bedroom apartment sharing it withanother person and the FBI sadists made anonymous calls to theapartment management office with fictitious complaints and tried toget me evicted from the apartment in July 2004.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home in May2004, stole a "yellow highlighter" and after I moved to a differentAtlanta suburbs a month later entered my apartment again when I wasnot home and placed the "yellow highlighter" on the carpet in themiddle of my bedroom by the time I came back from watching Fahrenheit9/11 movie on 6/27/04. The FBI knew that I went to watch Fahrenheit9/11 movie on 6/27/04 because they were watching me looking fordirections and movie times on the internet and also with the help ofgps vehicle tracking devices in my car.I spoke to an attorney from a pay phone on 6/24/04 and during theconversation I asked the attorney if we can get a court order to forcethe Internet Service Provider to reveal if my internet web surfing isbeing monitored by the FBI and lo and behold my internet accountMYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED from the ISP computers on 6/25/04. On inquirymy ISP told me somebody called and cancelled my internet account theprevious day, which I never did.I rented a car on 7/14/04, bought a cell phone and stayed in a hotelthat night and by next morning 7/15/04, the FBI has figured out whereI was staying and wire tapped my cell phone and tracked me by placinggps vehicle tracking devices even in the rental car.FBI agents ILLGEALLY entered my apartment when I was not home on7/16/04 and LOCKED the bathroom door from inside, by the time I cameback in the evening.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home between7/15/04 and 7/18/04 and logged on to my computer and REMOVED a stocklist from my Yahoo account.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home on7/18/04 in the morning and turned the Air Conditioner "ON"intentionally by the time I came back to TORTURE me.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment on 7/18/04 when I was nothome and placed a razor blade and a nickel (which they STOLE from myapartment in Marietta in May 2004) and put it in a plastic bag toTAUNT ME to say WHAT CAN YOU DO ?FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment in the early hours of7/22/04 (while I was still sleeping in bed) and opened a tote bag Ikept next to the pillow and unzipped a small bag (zip which I closedthe previous night) inside, just to TERRORIZE ME as if to say, we canand will do anything to you and you can''t do anything to us because weFBI are GODS.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home on7/22/04 during the day time and placed the TV remote this time hangingon the edge of the bed to TERRORIZE me that they entered my apartment.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment sometimes when I was nothome, pretending to be Wall Street Journal delivery personnel anddelivered sometimes MUTIPLE copies of the paper on the same day andalso sometimes delivered multiple Chinese restaurant take outbrochures.My room mate goes to work around 6 AM and on the night of 7/23/04 Ipasted a 8.5 X 11 page note on the inside of the apartment entrancedoor for my room mate to wake me up when he leaves so I can bolt thehotel lock from inside and go back to sleep. My room mate woke me uplike I requested and I bolted the hotel lock from inside of myapartment and went back to sleep at 6 AM on the morning of 7/24/04.The sadistic FBI agents STILL ENTERED my second floor apartment whileI was asleep between 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM on 7/24/04 and REMOVED the8.5X11 inch page pasted note on the inside of entrance door and LEFTIT on the ENTERTAINMENT CENTER in the living room just to TORTURE MEmentally and TERRORIZE me “We entered your apartment even whenyou locked the hotel lock bolt and did this, but what can you do?”FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home in theevening on 7/24/04 and again opened the tote bag and unzipped a smallbag which is inside the tote bag and also STOLE a one time use Kodakcamera from my bedroom which I bought on 7/23/04 in Wal Mart.FBI agents have REGULARLY entered my apartment ILLEGALLY with laptopswhen I was not home and copied information from my computer and floppydisks and messed them up.FBI agents have destroyed my livelihood by assasinating my characterwith potential employers by making anonymous calls to them when I sentresumes since FBI is privy to all the email addresses and phonenumbers of the recruiters and potential employers. I do NOT think thisis an EXCEPTION and imagine how many ordinary Americans have beensuffering this FBI SADISM for years without knowing it.Sadistic FBI agents called me at least 30 times repeatedly in thespace of an hour and a half between 7:00 and 8:30 pm on 7/27/04 andasked for Roberto Fernandez knowing fully well that nobody by thatname lived in my apartment and infact said "You are so funny" and madeWEIRD SOUNDS like aye, uye, ick, ihe etc while watching me real timelive all the time with the video surveillance devices installed in theceiling of my bedroom when I answered the phone.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment on the night of 8/1/04 whenI was asleep and stole prepaid calling card pin numbers from mytrouser pockets. One of the prepaid calling cards in my trouser pocketwas called "I Conexion" and the FBI next day called me on 8/2/04 andmade the number 770-242-8775 with caller name "Internet Conexion"appear on my caller id to TERRORIZE me, that they entered my apartmentthe previous night and stole the prepaid calling numbers from mytrouser pocket. The phone# above is NOT an FBI# but some othercompany.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment while I was asleep on 8/2/04night even though the hotel lock was bolted from inside, and placedthe tv remote face down on the end table of my bedroom, folded aprepaid calling card in my trouser pocket and formed a crease on thecard, removed a library map from the file folder (which was inside atote bag) and placed it outside the file folder and unzipped the backpocket of the tote bag half way down and left it there to torture me.FBI agents have been alerting the security departments of WalMart,Best Buy, JC Penney stores etc with fictitious complaints when I wentthere for shopping, so the security cameras in those stores areconstantly focused on me and watching me while I was in those stores.I rented a car on 8/5/04 and stayed in a hotel to get some privacy andthe sadistic FBI agents still tracked me down that night and left therental car doors unlocked by next morning on 8/6/04.I changed the car rented the previous day on 8/6/04 and traveled acouple of hours on a highway, took an exit, parked my car in a stripmall parking lot and spent about 20 minutes in a retail store and bythe time I got back to the car, FBI agents followed me and put twoquarters on a plastic bag containing donuts in the back seat of thecar just to taunt and terrorize me they are still following me evenwhen I rented a car and drove out of the city.To protect myself from these SADISTIC FBI agents entering into myapartment and stealing things when I am asleep, I locked my bedroomdoor from the inside and put a small heavy box and a 19 inch TV on topof the box against the bed room door on the night of 8/7/04 so if theFBI agents try to open my bedroom door, the TV will fall off the boxat the slightest movement of the door, make a big sound and wake meup. On the morning of 8/8/04 around 9:00 AM I woke up to a giantthudding sound of the TV falling on the floor from the box and FBIagents speeding away by the time I realized what happened. FBI agentsentered my apartment and opened my locked bedroom and pushed the doorat 9:00 AM so hard, they pushed the box a good two feet away from thedoor. The FBI SADISTS are even willing to break my 19 inch TV toTORTURE and TERRORIZE me.FBI agents STOLE a pilot pen pack (which I bought from CVS Pharmacy on8/8/04) from my car on the night of 8/8/04 and entered my apartment on8/9/04 when I was not home from 11 AM - 12 noon and placed the pilotpen pack under a chair on the carpet in the living room to torture me.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment on 8/10/04 between 1:00pmand 1:15 pm (just 15 min) when I went to Publix and turned the TV "On"in my bedroom by the time I came back to mentally torture me.SADISTIC FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment while I was takingshower on 8/12/04 around 1:00pm and removed a shaving set scissorsfrom the tote bag pocket in my bedroom and placed it on the iron boardin my bedroom. FBI was able to execute this operation because theywere watching me taking shower "real time live" with video devicesinstalled in my "bathroom".FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment even when the hotel lock wasbolted from inside in the early hours of 8/16/04 while I was asleepand removed the middle row donuts in a 12 pack krispy kreme donut boxin the refrigerator and placed them in the empty left row and placedthe concord grape jelly bottle horizontally in the refrigerator andunplugged the tv cable from the cable outlet in my bedroom to TORTUREme that they are still entering my apartment anytime they want attheir will.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment while I was asleep in theearly hours of 8/20/04 even when I put a coffee table against theapartment entrance door and a small heavy box and a 19in TV against mybedroom door from the inside and searched the locked tote bag andunzipped the back pocket of the tote bag half way down and left itthere to TERRORIZE ME that they are still entering my apartment nomatter what precautions I take.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment on 8/22/04 around 7:30pmwhile I was taking a nap and turned the Air Conditioner "ON" to TAUNTme that they were entering my apartment EVEN WHEN I WAS still in myapartment.FBI agents stole a Gillette disposable razor on the night of 8/25/04from my duffel bag and placed it between the drivers seat and driverside door near the trunk opening lever of my car.FBI agents ILLEGALLY opened the rental car I rented, in a hotelpremises on the night of 8/27/04 and removed the cup holder and placedit infront of the parking brake of the car to HARASS ME that they arestill following me even when I rented a car and stayed in a hotel.FBI agents ILLEGALLY even tapped MetroPCS cell phone numbersinstantaneously as soon as I bought them on the same day.SADISTIC FBI agents AMUSED themselves by turning my bedroom table lampin my bedroom, ON and OFF by using remote control devices, sometimeswhile I was browsing the web.FBI agents ILLEGALLY CHANGED three passwords (even though I usedKinkos to keep my PASSWORDS PRIVATE) of my three email ids that I wasusing to send this document to investigative reporters between 8/26/04and 8/28/04 to "PREVENT ME" from EXPOSING their SADISM, PERVERSION,TERRORISM and MENTAL TORTURE, by either ILLEGALLY installing keylogging software on kinkos computers or by some other ILLEGAL MEANSunknown to me. So I created brand new email ids and sent this documentand god knows when the SADISTIC FBI will change the passwords of myNEW email ids.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered the hotel rooms even when locked frominside where I stayed in August and September and installed videosurveillance devices and moved things around from the tote bag’szipped side pocket into the tote bag to TERRORIZE me that they willINVADE my privacy and MENTALLY TORTURE me even when I slept in hotelrooms.To escape this FBI sadism, I went and slept in an acquaintance''sapartment in the first week of September 2004 and the SADISTIC FBIagents still came and entered that apartment, installed videosurveillance devices in the acquaintance''s apartment and drew a curvyline with a knife on the black colored apartment door of theacquaintance to TERRORIZE me.Sometimes when I spoke to my roommate in non-English language, thepsycho-analysis OBSESSED SADISTIC FBI agents called me on the phoneimmediately and said "komo-isthaaaa" in a SARCASTIC way and asked forRoberto Fernandez knowing fully well that nobody by that name lived inmy apartment.Sadistic FBI agents "reacted" to EACH and EVERY word that came out ofmy mouth for the last three years by making 2000 UNSOLICITED HARASSINGphone calls at my unlisted private phone numbers.American "democracy" and "legal system" are a big friggin JOKE and Iask all Americans to take a deep breadth and THINK for a minute, WHYDO I HAVE to PROVE to the US Government that they are MENTALLYTORTURING and TERRORIZING me 24X7 with surveillance devices, violatingall my human rights and ILLEGALLY entering my apartment and movingaround and stealing things when it is the "US GOVERNMENT aka FBIitself" that is doing it ?Is this the type of DEMOCRACY, the EVIL American government wants toSPREAD across the world ???To all of you who are gonna advise me to wear tinfoil or take drugsfor schizophrenic paranoia, the SADISTIC FBI wants all of you to thinkexactly that way so they can CONTINUE to carry on their PERVERSESADISM on ordinary american citizens and MISDIRECT and PROGRAM all ofthe 290 mil american brains to treat the EVIL, SADISTIC, PERVERTED andDICTATORIAL FBI like Gods.推荐答案1000 as fees out of sheer desperation knowing fully well that the Private Investigator I hired has at best AVERAGE counter surveillance skills to sweep my car for gps vehicle tracking devices and he did a LOUSY JOB and found nothing, as I expected. One attorney in Michigan CHEATED me for a thousand dollars and didn’’t do diddly squat and another attorney made me spend a couple of thousand dollars more, again for nothing. Some attorneys I consulted told me in very CLEAR TERMS, that FBI agents LIE, MANIPULATE, CHEAT and are VERY UNETHICAL in their MEANS and METHODS. The attorneys also told me that in order for me to file a civil lawsuit against the FBI, I have to PROVE the existence of surveillance devices and also the harassment which will be quite a tall order for me to do without the help of willing attorneys and helpful private investigators and EVEN THEN the FBI sadists would have removed all those surveillance devices by the time the private investigators came to sweep my apartment for those devices after a couple of days since the FBI is listening to each and every goddamn word that came out of my mouth whether it be in my apartment or when I was speaking to these PI’’s and attorneys from pay phones or cell phones. You can investigate these undercover FBI agents yourself and find out the truth. Remember, some times vehicles are registered in parents or spouses names and also FBI uses fictitious front companies to employ their undercover agents. If any of you think, all these things are my paranoid delusions, I CHALLENGE you to send an email to undercover FBI agent Frank Spodek (sf***** OR call Kathleen Sue Taylor OR Maddelina Wahl OR Mediha Krijestorac or Janet Lorna Brown or the other FBI agents I listed at their phone numbers and confirm it with those FBI PERVERTED SADISTS themselves. Undercover FBI agents who followed me ------------------------------------- BOGEY 27 (MI) Registered to Maddelina C Wahl, 28087 Hickory Dr, Farmington.Hills MI 38331, ph: 248-324-1527, Caucasian Female, black car, Charter One bank, 3:00 pm, 12/20/03 This undercover FBI agent who followed me was a 30 y r old Caucasian Female to Charter One bank on W.12 Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI in veh plate # BOGEY 27, ph:248-324-1527 PPL 587 (MI) Registered to Kathleen Sue Taylor, African American female, 29390 Bermuda Ln,Southfield, MI 48034, ph: 248-356-1946. This undercover FBI agent who followed me was a 27yr old African American female in MI veh plate# PPL 587 in July 2002 in a CVS Pharmacy on W.12 Mile Rd, Southfield, MI XRA 155 (MI) Registered to Mediha Krijestorac, Black car, 30408 Shiawasee Rd, Farmington MI 48336, ph:248-477-9161, White Male, Restaurant, 9:00pm, 12/12/03 This undercover FBI agent who followed me was a 20-22 yr old Caucasian Male in veh plate # XRA 155 to a restaurant on Grand River Ave in Farmington Hills, MI at 9:00 pm on 12/12/03. UFX 210 (MI) Registered to Kevin Miller, White SUV, 5871 Seneca St, Detroit, 48213, July 2002, 313-571-1095 #disconnected. This undercover FBI agent followed me in the summer of 2002. 5915CR (MI) Registered to Kenneth Allen, Red pickup truck, 18440 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield MI 48075 in Dec 2002. This FBI undercover agent followed me in a red pickup truck in an apartment complex was a 27-33 yr old Caucasian male in veh plate# 5915 CR in Dec 2002. 0978 JD (MI) Registered to Janet Lorna Brown, White Chevy, 20978 Delaware St, Southfield MI 48034 in 2002, ph# 248-350-2599 This FBI agent followed me in a white chevy once on Telegraph road on 3/14/02 and on a different occasion on 8 Mile Rd on 4/4/02 when I went for an oil change. 8CK U33 (MI) Registered to Doris Evelyn Person, 3611 S.Annabelle St, Detroit 48217, 313-38 8-5186 The African American female undercover FBI agent who followed me in MI veh plate# 8CK U33 was about 20 yrs old and might be a daughter of the female owner of this car and this happened in early Fall of 2002. EBAY Ebay Id: SpodekModek, sf***** --> email Id of Frank Spodek - Undercover FBI Agent who monitored my Websurfing activities. You can do a quick investigative test by emailing to sf***** and asking Frank if he is an undercover FBI agent and I am absolutely positive he WONT respond and DENY he is an FBI agent because then it will be a LIE. With this test you can conclude Frank Spodek is indeed an undercover FBI agent. EBAY Ebay Id: cbsan, ci********, email Id of Cidney Betz - Undercover FBI agent who monitored my websurfing activities in 2002. Possible old phone numbers of Cidney Betz: 407-370-3043 or 352-291-2112 in the year 2002. 351 FTK (GA) Maroon Car, 7/28/04, 6:00 pm, 20ish Caucasian Male and Female, Metro Atlanta 131 YBP (GA) 35 yr old Caucasian Male, Silver colored car, 7/22/04, 10:45 pm, Hotel, Metro Atlanta APZ 7647 (GA) 35 yr old Caucasian Male, Truck, 5/25/04, 3:00pm, Ridgeview Hospital, Atlanta YUU 243 (GA) Pickup truck, Caucasian male, 8/25/04, 4:40pm, Holcrombe Bridge Rd, Altanta AQG 2185 (GA) 27 yr old Caucasian Female, Red Cherokee, 5/21/04, 11 AM, Pep Boys, Cobb Parkway WPS 578 (GA) SUV, One Caucasian Male and one female, 3/8/04, 8:30pm, Apartment Complex Please allow three years plus or minus to the ages of the undercover FBI agents I mentioned here. 2/29/04 Undercover FBI agent with a fictitious name "Agent Johnson" and IP address said on internet that they are using me as a training target and have got a bet on as to when I’’ll do something really stupid and also they are taking bets on what it will be in alt.astrology Usenet newsgroup on 2/29/04. This FBI agent from Michigan field office might have posted it anonymously and hence the IP address might be a fake one. Url for Agent Johnson’’s post follows. 3/21/04 Undercover FBI agent by some fictitious internet name "THOR" and email Id: fu*************** and IP address in the Washington DC area monitored my web surfing activities and posted on Usenet news group. I am absolutely confident all the above mentioned people are undercover FBI agents GUARANTEED. You can investigate them yourself and find out the truth. FBI who is supposed to catch terrorists are WASTING humongous amount of tax payers money to ruin, wreck and destroy ordinary peoples lives and are MORE INTERESTED and spent three years to tell me how SMART and INFINITELY POWERFUL they are compared to me. FBI has even been eavesdropping, monitoring and recording my conversations with attorneys from pay phones when I was looking to hire an attorney to get help with this FBIs harassment, dehumanization, humiliation and mental torture. FBI agents have been entering my apartment regularly and torturing me by doing whatever they want because they know I am taking medication that puts me to sleep and I won’’t wake up until the next morning until the drug effect goes away. FBI has forced Google or used s ome technology at their disposal to cancel some of my comments from getting posted on INTERNET newsgroups, from a library in Farmington Hills, MI and denied and VIOLATED my right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH in 11/03 or 12/03. FBI has entered my unlisted phone#s in all marketing and fax databases and sent me faxes in the middle of the night. I received at least on the average two to three marketing calls and faxes everyday for 3 years to my unlisted numbers totaling at least 2000 unsolicited calls in the last 3 years. FBI agents have terrorized me by calling my current unlisted phone# atleast 200 times in a month and a half in July and August 2004, intentionally asking for Roberto Fernandez (last name changed), knowing fully well that nobody by the name Roberto Fernandez lived in my apartment. I called undercover FBI agent, Kathleen Sue Taylor on 4/1/04 and told her I do not want to receive any HARASSING UNSOLICITED phone calls from the FBI and from next day onwards, the FBI had made my unlisted phone# appear on caller id of ordinary american people multiple # of times, where the owners of those phone#s listed below got upset and called me and left abusive m essages in my answering machine. The owners of these phone numbers listed below called and asked me why I was calling them repeatedly, even though I DON’’T KNOW who they are and I NEVER called them even once. 703-580-8992 4/2/04 Dale City, VA 540-309-1226 4/3/04 Roanoke VA 434-525-1448 4/3/04 Lynchburg, VA 757-404-1076 4/4/04 Harry Folsom left me an abusive message 703-820-6695 4/4/04 DC Suburb, VA 770-966-5236 4/4/04 Cooper P D, Woman left me an abusive message 757-483-0583 4/7/04 Norfolk, VA 540-463-7459 4/7/04 Lexington VA 770-253-6297 4/8/04 Hammond Stinson 703-541-0950 4/9/04 DC Suburb, VA FBI pretended to be me and made all these phone calls themselves from the FBI head office in Washington DC to those ordinary Americans and made my unlisted phone# appear on their phone caller ids, as if I am calling them. Please speak to, ADVISE and ENCOURAGE these people above to file lawsuits against the US government and FBI for violating their privacy and for phone harassment. Once a Caucasian male FBI agent in a Comcast van threatened to ram into my car from behind and came within half an inch of hitting me from behind even though there was no traffic altercation between us on a city street in Southfield in Feb 2002. Two FBI agents once shouted at me and abused me verbally in a Sports Authority store parking lot approximately around Feb 2002 in Livonia, MI. FBI ILLEGALLY stole passwords of all my email and internet accounts with the help of bugs installed on my computer. FBI agents have followed me even when I went to see a doctor. There was one Caucasian FBI agent in a white truck with GA license plate APZ 7647 on 5/24/04, waiting for me in a truck in the hospital parking lot listening to the conversation I was having with the doctor using voice amplification devices. I am currently living in a two bedroom apartment sharing it with another person and the FBI sadists made anonymous calls to the apartment management office with fictitious complaints and tried to get me evicted from the apartment in July 2004. FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home in May 2004, stole a "yellow highlighter" and after I moved to a different Atlanta suburbs a month later entered my apartment again when I was not home and placed the "yellow highlighter" on the carpet in the middle of my bedroom by the time I came back from watching Fahrenheit 9/11 movie on 6/27/04. The FBI knew that I went to watch Fahrenheit 9/11 movie on 6/27/04 because they were watching me looking for directions and movie times on the internet and also with the help of gps vehicle tracking devices in my car. I spoke to an attorney from a pay phone on 6/24/04 and during the conversation I asked the attorney if we can get a court order to force the Internet Service Provider to reveal if my internet web surfing is being monitored by the FBI and lo and behold my internet account MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED from the ISP computers on 6/25/04. On inquiry my ISP told me somebody called and cancelled my internet account the previous day, which I never did. I rented a car on 7/14/04, bought a cell phone and stayed in a hotel that night and by next morning 7/15/04, the FBI has figured out where I was staying and wire tapped my cell phone and tracked me by placing gps vehicle tracking devices even in the rental car. FBI agents ILLGEALLY entered my apartment when I was not home on 7/16/04 and LOCKED the bathroom door from inside, by the time I came back in the evening. FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home between 7/15/04 and 7/18/04 and logged on to my computer and REMOVED a stock list from my Yahoo account. FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home on 7/18/04 in the morning and turned the Air Conditioner "ON& quot; intentionally by the time I came back to TORTURE me. FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment on 7/18/04 when I was not home and placed a razor blade and a nickel (which they STOLE from my apartment in Marietta in May 2004) and put it in a plastic bag to TAUNT ME to say WHAT CAN YOU DO ? FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment in the early hours of 7/22/04 (while I was still sleeping in bed) and opened a tote bag I kept next to the pillow and unzipped a small bag (zip which I closed the previous night) inside, just to TERRORIZE ME as if to say, we can and will do anything to you and you can’’t do anything to us because we FBI are GODS. FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home on 7/22/04 during the day time and placed the TV remote this time hanging on the edge of the bed to TERR ORIZE me that they entered my apartment. FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment sometimes when I was not home, pretending to be Wall Street Journal delivery personnel and delivered sometimes MUTIPLE copies of the paper on the same day and also sometimes delivered multiple Chinese restaurant take out brochures. My room mate goes to work around 6 AM and on the night of 7/23/04 I pasted a 8.5 X 11 page note on the inside of the apartment entrance door for my room mate to wake me up when he leaves so I can bolt the hotel lock from inside and go back to sleep. My room mate woke me up like I requested and I bolted the hotel lock from inside of my apartment and went back to sleep at 6 AM on the morning of 7/24/04. The sadistic FBI agents STILL ENTERED my second floor apartment while I was asleep between 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM on 7/24/04 and REMOVED the 8.5X11 inch page pasted note on the inside of entrance door and LEFT IT on the ENTERTAINMENT CENTER in the living room just to TORTURE ME mentally and TERRORIZE me We entered your apartment even when you locked the hotel lock bolt and did this, but what can you do ? FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home in the evening on 7/24/04 and again opened the tote bag and unzipped a small bag which is inside the tote bag and also STOLE a one time use Kodak camera from my bedroom which I bought on 7/23/04 in Wal Mart. FBI agents have REGULARLY entered my apartment ILLEGALLY with laptops when I was not home and copied information from my computer and floppy disks and messed them up. FBI agents have destroyed my livelihood by assasinating my character with potential employers by making anonymous calls to them when I sent resumes since FBI is privy to all the email addresses and phone numbers of the recruiters and potential employers. I do NOT think this is an EXCEPTION and imagine how many ordinary Americans have been suffering this FBI SADISM for years without knowing it. Sadistic FBI agents called me at least 30 times repeatedly in the space of an hour and a half between 7:00 and 8:30 pm on 7/27/04 and asked for Roberto Fernandez knowing fully well that nobody by that name lived in my apartment and infact said "You are so funny" and made WEIRD SOUNDS like aye, uye, ick, ihe etc while watching me real time live all the time with the video surveillance devices installed in the ceiling of my bedroom when I answered the phone. FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment on the night of 8/1/04 when I was asleep and stole prepaid calling card pin numbers from my trouser pockets. One of the prepaid calling cards in my trouser pocket was called "I Conexion" and the FBI next day called me on 8/2/04 and made the number 770-242-8775 with caller name "Internet Conexion" appear on my caller id to TERRORIZE me, that they entered my apartment the previous night and stole the prepaid calling numbers from my trouser pocket. The phone# above is NOT an FBI# but some other company. FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment while I was asleep on 8/2/04 night even though the hotel lock was bolted from inside, and placed the tv remote face down on the end table of my bedroom, folded a prepaid calling card in my trouser pocket and formed a crease on the card, removed a library map from the file folder (which was inside a tote bag) and placed it outside the file folder and unzipped the back pocket of the tote bag half way down and left it there to torture me. FBI agents have been alerting the security departments of WalMart, Best Buy, JC Penney stores etc with fictitious complaints when I went there for shopping, so the security cameras in those stores are constantly focused on me and watching me while I was in those stores. I rented a car on 8/5/04 a nd stayed in a hotel to get some privacy and the sadistic FBI agents still tracked me down that night and left the rental car doors unlocked by next morning on 8/6/04. I changed the car rented the previous day on 8/6/04 and traveled a couple of hours on a highway, took an exit, parked my car in a strip mall parking lot and spent about 20 minutes in a retail store and by the time I got back to the car, FBI agents followed me and put two quarters on a plastic bag containing donuts in the back seat of the car just to taunt and terrorize me they are still following me even when I rented a car and drove out of the city. To protect myself from these SADISTIC FBI agents entering into my apartment and stealing things when I am asleep, I locked my bedroom door from the inside and put a small heavy box and a 19 inch TV on top of the box agai nst the bed room door on the night of 8/7/04 so if the FBI agents try to open my bedroom door, the TV will fall off the box at the slightest movement of the door, make a big sound and wake me up. On the morning of 8/8/04 around 9:00 AM I woke up to a giant thudding sound of the TV falling on the floor from the box and FBI agents speeding away by the time I realized what happened. FBI agents entered my apartment and opened my locked bedroom and pushed the door at 9:00 AM so hard, they pushed the box a good two feet away from the door. The FBI SADISTS are even willing to break my 19 inch TV to TORTURE and TERRORIZE me. FBI agents STOLE a pilot pen pack (which I bought from CVS Pharmacy on 8/8/04) from my car on the night of 8/8/04 and entered my apartment on 8/9/04 when I was not home from 11 AM - 12 noon and placed the pilot pen pack under a chair on the carpet in the living room to torture me. FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment on 8/10/04 between 1:00pm and 1:15 pm (just 15 min) when I went to Publix and turned the TV "On" in my bedroom by the time I came back to mentally torture me. SADISTIC FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment while I was taking shower on 8/12/04 around 1:00pm and removed a shaving set scissors from the tote bag pocket in my bedroom and placed it on the iron board in my bedroom. FBI was able to execute this operation because they were watching me taking shower "real time live" with video devices installed in my "bathroom". FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment even when the hotel lock was bolted from inside in the early hours of 8/16/04 while I was asleep and removed the middle row donuts in a 12 pack krispy kreme donut box in the refrigerator and placed them in the empty left row and placed the concord grape jelly bottle horizontally in the refrigerator and unplugged the tv cable from the cable outlet in my bedroom to TORTURE me that they are still entering my apartment anytime they want at their will. FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment while I was asleep in the early hours of 8/20/04 even when I put a coffee table against the apartment entrance door and a small heavy box and a 19in TV against my bedroom door from the inside and searched the locked tote bag and unzipped the back pocket of the tote bag half way down and left it there to TERRORIZE ME that they are still entering my apartment no matter what precautions I take. FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment on 8/22/04 around 7:30pm while I was taking a nap and turned the Air Conditioner "ON" to TAUNT me that they were entering my apartment EVEN WHEN I WAS still in my apartment. FBI agents stole a Gillette disposable razor on the night of 8/25/04 from my duffel bag and placed it between the drivers seat and driver side door near the trunk opening lever of my car. FBI agents ILLEGALLY opened the rental car I rented, in a hotel premises on the night of 8/27/04 and removed the cup holder and placed it infront of the parking brake of the car to HARASS ME that they are still following me even when I rented a car and stayed in a hotel. FBI agents ILLEGALLY even tapped MetroPCS cell phone numbers instantaneously as soon as I bought them on the same day. SADISTIC FBI agents AMUSED themselves by turning my bedroom table lamp in my bedroom, ON and OFF by using remote control devices, sometimes while I was browsing the web. FBI agents ILLEGALLY CHANGED three passwords (even though I used Kinkos to keep my PASSWORDS PRIVATE) of my three email ids that I was using to send this document to investigative reporters between 8/26/04 and 8/28/04 to "PREVENT ME" from EXPOSING their SADISM, PERVERSION, TERRORISM and MENTAL TORTURE, by either ILLEGALLY installing key logging software on kinkos computers or by some other ILLEGAL MEANS unknown to me. So I created brand new email ids and sent this document and god knows when the SADISTIC FBI will change the passwords of my NEW email ids. FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered the hotel rooms even when locked from inside where I stayed in August and September and installed video surveillance devices and moved things around from the tote bag’s zipped side pocket into the tote bag to TERRORIZE me that they will INVADE my privacy and MENTALLY TORTURE me even when I slept in hotel rooms. To escape this FBI sadism, I went and slept in an acquaintance’’s apartment in the first week of September 2004 and the SADISTIC FBI agents still came and entered that apartment, installed video surveillance devices in the acquaintance’’s apartment and drew a curvy line with a knife on the black colored apartment door of the acquaintance t o TERRORIZE me. Sometimes when I spoke to my roommate in non-English language, the psycho-analysis OBSESSED SADISTIC FBI agents called me on the phone immediately and said "komo-isthaaaa" in a SARCASTIC way and asked for Roberto Fernandez knowing fully well that nobody by that name lived in my apartment. Sadistic FBI agents "reacted" to EACH and EVERY word that came out of my mouth for the last three years by making 2000 UNSOLICITED HARASSING phone calls at my unlisted private phone numbers. American "democracy" and "legal system" are a big friggin JOKE and I ask all Americans to take a deep breadth and THINK for a minute, WHY DO I HAVE to PROVE to the US Government that they are MENTALLY TORTURING and TERRORIZING me 24X7 with surveillance devices, violating all my human rights and ILLEGALLY entering my apartment and moving around and stealing things when it is the "US GOVERNMENT aka FBI itself" that is doing it ? Is this the type of DEMOCRACY, the EVIL American government wants to SPREAD across the world ??? To all of you who are gonna advise me to wear tinfoil or take drugs for schizophrenic paranoia, the SADISTIC FBI wants all of you to think exactly that way so they can CONTINUE to carry on their PERVERSE SADISM on ordinary american citizens and MISDIRECT and PROGRAM all of the 290 mil american brains to treat the EVIL, SADISTIC, PERVERTED and DICTATORIAL FBI like Gods.1000 as fees out of sheerdesperation knowing fully well that the Private Investigator I hiredhas at best AVERAGE counter surveillance skills to sweep my car forgps vehicle tracking devices and he did a LOUSY JOB and found nothing,as I expected.One attorney in Michigan CHEATED me for a thousand dollars and didn''tdo diddly squat and another attorney made me spend a couple ofthousand dollars more, again for nothing.Some attorneys I consulted told me in very CLEAR TERMS, that FBIagents LIE, MANIPULATE, CHEAT and are VERY UNETHICAL in their MEANSand METHODS. The attorneys also told me that in order for me to file acivil lawsuit against the FBI, I have to PROVE the existence ofsurveillance devices and also the harassment which will be quite atall order for me to do without the help of willing attorneys andhelpful private investigators and EVEN THEN the FBI sadists would haveremoved all those surveillance devices by the time the privateinvestigators came to sweep my apartment for those devices after acouple of days since the FBI is listening to each and every goddamnword that came out of my mouth whether it be in my apartment or when Iwas speaking to these PI''s and attorneys from pay phones or cellphones.You can investigate these undercover FBI agents yourself and find outthe truth. Remember, some times vehicles are registered in parents orspouses names and also FBI uses fictitious front companies to employtheir undercover agents.If any of you think, all these things are my paranoid delusions, ICHALLENGE you to send an email to undercover FBI agent Frank Spodek(sf***** OR call Kathleen Sue Taylor OR Maddelina Wahl ORMediha Krijestorac or Janet Lorna Brown or the other FBI agents Ilisted at their phone numbers and confirm it with those FBI PERVERTEDSADISTS themselves.Undercover FBI agents who followed me-------------------------------------BOGEY 27 (MI) Registered to Maddelina C Wahl, 28087 Hickory Dr,Farmington.Hills MI 38331, ph: 248-324-1527, Caucasian Female, blackcar, Charter One bank, 3:00 pm, 12/20/03This undercover FBI agent who followed me was a 30 yr old CaucasianFemale to Charter One bank on W.12 Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI inveh plate # BOGEY 27, ph:248-324-1527PPL 587 (MI) Registered to Kathleen Sue Taylor, African Americanfemale, 29390 Bermuda Ln,Southfield, MI 48034, ph: 248-356-1946.This undercover FBI agent who followed me was a 27yr old AfricanAmerican female in MI veh plate# PPL 587 in July 2002 in a CVSPharmacy on W.12 Mile Rd, Southfield, MIXRA 155 (MI) Registered to Mediha Krijestorac, Black car, 30408Shiawasee Rd, Farmington MI 48336, ph:248-477-9161, White Male,Restaurant, 9:00pm, 12/12/03This undercover FBI agent who followed me was a 20-22 yr old CaucasianMale in veh plate # XRA 155 to a restaurant on Grand River Ave inFarmington Hills, MI at 9:00 pm on 12/12/03.UFX 210 (MI) Registered to Kevin Miller, White SUV, 5871 SenecaSt, Detroit, 48213, July 2002, 313-571-1095 #disconnected.This undercover FBI agent followed me in the summer of 2002.5915CR (MI) Registered to Kenneth Allen, Red pickup truck, 18440Alta Vista Dr, Southfield MI 48075 in Dec 2002.This FBI undercover agent followed me in a red pickup truck in anapartment complex was a 27-33 yr old Caucasian male in veh plate# 5915CR in Dec 2002.0978 JD (MI) Registered to Janet Lorna Brown, White Chevy, 20978Delaware St, Southfield MI 48034 in 2002, ph# 248-350-2599This FBI agent followed me in a white chevy once on Telegraph road on3/14/02 and on a different occasion on 8 Mile Rd on 4/4/02 when I wentfor an oil change.8CK U33 (MI) Registered to Doris Evelyn Person, 3611 S.AnnabelleSt, Detroit 48217, 313-388-5186The African American female undercover FBI agent who followed me in MIveh plate# 8CK U33 was about 20 yrs old and might be a daughter of thefemale owner of this car and this happened in early Fall of 2002.EBAY Ebay Id: SpodekModek, sf***** --> email Id of FrankSpodek - Undercover FBI Agent who monitored my Websurfing activities.You can do a quick investigative test by emailing to sf*****@aol.comand asking Frank if he is an undercover FBI agent and I am absolutelypositive he WONT respond and DENY he is an FBI agent because then itwill be a LIE. With this test you can conclude Frank Spodek is indeedan undercover FBI agent.EBAY Ebay Id: cbsan, ci********, email Id ofCidney Betz - Undercover FBI agent who monitored my websurfingactivities in 2002.Possible old phone numbers of Cidney Betz: 407-370-3043 or352-291-2112 in the year 2002.351 FTK (GA) Maroon Car, 7/28/04, 6:00 pm, 20ish Caucasian Male andFemale, Metro Atlanta131 YBP (GA) 35 yr old Caucasian Male, Silver colored car, 7/22/04,10:45 pm, Hotel, Metro AtlantaAPZ 7647 (GA) 35 yr old Caucasian Male, Truck, 5/25/04, 3:00pm,Ridgeview Hospital, AtlantaYUU 243 (GA) Pickup truck, Caucasian male, 8/25/04, 4:40pm,Holcrombe Bridge Rd, AltantaAQG 2185 (GA) 27 yr old Caucasian Female, Red Cherokee, 5/21/04, 11AM, Pep Boys, Cobb ParkwayWPS 578 (GA) SUV, One Caucasian Male and one female, 3/8/04,8:30pm, Apartment ComplexPlease allow three years plus or minus to the ages of the undercoverFBI agents I mentioned here.2/29/04 Undercover FBI agent with a fictitious name "AgentJohnson" and IP address said on internet that they areusing me as a training target and have got a bet on as to when I''ll dosomething really stupid and also they are taking bets on what it willbe in alt.astrology Usenet newsgroup on 2/29/04. This FBI agent fromMichigan field office might have posted it anonymously and hence theIP address might be a fake one. Url for Agent Johnson''s post follows. Undercover FBI agent by some fictitious internet name"THOR" and email Id: fu*************** and IP address24.94.125.55 in the Washington DC area monitored my web surfingactivities and posted on Usenet news group.I am absolutely confident all the above mentioned people areundercover FBI agents GUARANTEED. You can investigate them yourselfand find out the truth.FBI who is supposed to catch terrorists are WASTING humongous amountof tax payers money to ruin, wreck and destroy ordinary peoples livesand are MORE INTERESTED and spent three years to tell me how SMART andINFINITELY POWERFUL they are compared to me.FBI has even been eavesdropping, monitoring and recording myconversations with attorneys from pay phones when I was looking tohire an attorney to get help with this FBIs harassment,dehumanization, humiliation and mental torture.FBI agents have been entering my apartment regularly and torturing meby doing whatever they want because they know I am taking medicationthat puts me to sleep and I won''t wake up until the next morning untilthe drug effect goes away.FBI has forced Google or used some technology at their disposal tocancel some of my comments from getting posted on INTERNET, from a library in Farmington Hills, MIand denied and VIOLATED my right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH in 11/03 or12/03.FBI has entered my unlisted phone#s in all marketing and fax databasesand sent me faxes in the middle of the night. I received at least onthe average two to three marketing calls and faxes everyday for 3years to my unlisted numbers totaling at least 2000 unsolicited callsin the last 3 years.FBI agents have terrorized me by calling my current unlisted phone#atleast 200 times in a month and a half in July and August 2004,intentionally asking for Roberto Fernandez (last name changed),knowing fully well that nobody by the name Roberto Fernandez lived inmy apartment.I called undercover FBI agent, Kathleen Sue Taylor on 4/1/04 and toldher I do not want to receive any HARASSING UNSOLICITED phone callsfrom the FBI and from next day onwards, the FBI had made my unlistedphone# appear on caller id of ordinary american people multiple # oftimes, where the owners of those phone#s listed below got upset andcalled me and left abusive messages in my answering machine.The owners of these phone numbers listed below called and asked me whyI was calling them repeatedly, even though I DON''T KNOW who they areand I NEVER called them even once.703-580-8992 4/2/04 Dale City, VA540-309-1226 4/3/04 Roanoke VA434-525-1448 4/3/04 Lynchburg, VA757-404-1076 4/4/04 Harry Folsom left me an abusivemessage703-820-6695 4/4/04 DC Suburb, VA770-966-5236 4/4/04 Cooper P D, Woman left me anabusive message757-483-0583 4/7/04 Norfolk, VA540-463-7459 4/7/04 Lexington VA770-253-6297 4/8/04 Hammond Stinson703-541-0950 4/9/04 DC Suburb, VAFBI pretended to be me and made all these phone calls themselves fromthe FBI head office in Washington DC to those ordinary Americans andmade my unlisted phone# appear on their phone caller ids, as if I amcalling them.Please speak to, ADVISE and ENCOURAGE these people above to filelawsuits against the US government and FBI for violating their privacyand for phone harassment.Once a Caucasian male FBI agent in a Comcast van threatened to raminto my car from behind and came within half an inch of hitting mefrom behind even though there was no traffic altercation between us ona city street in Southfield in Feb 2002.Two FBI agents once shouted at me and abused me verbally in a SportsAuthority store parking lot approximately around Feb 2002 in Livonia,MI.FBI ILLEGALLY stole passwords of all my email and internet accountswith the help of bugs installed on my computer.FBI agents have followed me even when I went to see a doctor. Therewas one Caucasian FBI agent in a white truck with GA license plate APZ7647 on 5/24/04, waiting for me in a truck in the hospital parking lotlistening to the conversation I was having with the doctor using voiceamplification devices.I am currently living in a two bedroom apartment sharing it withanother person and the FBI sadists made anonymous calls to theapartment management office with fictitious complaints and tried toget me evicted from the apartment in July 2004.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home in May2004, stole a "yellow highlighter" and after I moved to a differentAtlanta suburbs a month later entered my apartment again when I wasnot home and placed the "yellow highlighter" on the carpet in themiddle of my bedroom by the time I came back from watching Fahrenheit9/11 movie on 6/27/04. The FBI knew that I went to watch Fahrenheit9/11 movie on 6/27/04 because they were watching me looking fordirections and movie times on the internet and also with the help ofgps vehicle tracking devices in my car.I spoke to an attorney from a pay phone on 6/24/04 and during theconversation I asked the attorney if we can get a court order to forcethe Internet Service Provider to reveal if my internet web surfing isbeing monitored by the FBI and lo and behold my internet accountMYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED from the ISP computers on 6/25/04. On inquirymy ISP told me somebody called and cancelled my internet account theprevious day, which I never did.I rented a car on 7/14/04, bought a cell phone and stayed in a hotelthat night and by next morning 7/15/04, the FBI has figured out whereI was staying and wire tapped my cell phone and tracked me by placinggps vehicle tracking devices even in the rental car.FBI agents ILLGEALLY entered my apartment when I was not home on7/16/04 and LOCKED the bathroom door from inside, by the time I cameback in the evening.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home between7/15/04 and 7/18/04 and logged on to my computer and REMOVED a stocklist from my Yahoo account.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home on7/18/04 in the morning and turned the Air Conditioner "ON"intentionally by the time I came back to TORTURE me.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment on 7/18/04 when I was nothome and placed a razor blade and a nickel (which they STOLE from myapartment in Marietta in May 2004) and put it in a plastic bag toTAUNT ME to say WHAT CAN YOU DO ?FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment in the early hours of7/22/04 (while I was still sleeping in bed) and opened a tote bag Ikept next to the pillow and unzipped a small bag (zip which I closedthe previous night) inside, just to TERRORIZE ME as if to say, we canand will do anything to you and you can''t do anything to us because weFBI are GODS.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home on7/22/04 during the day time and placed the TV remote this time hangingon the edge of the bed to TERRORIZE me that they entered my apartment.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment sometimes when I was nothome, pretending to be Wall Street Journal delivery personnel anddelivered sometimes MUTIPLE copies of the paper on the same day andalso sometimes delivered multiple Chinese restaurant take outbrochures.My room mate goes to work around 6 AM and on the night of 7/23/04 Ipasted a 8.5 X 11 page note on the inside of the apartment entrancedoor for my room mate to wake me up when he leaves so I can bolt thehotel lock from inside and go back to sleep. My room mate woke me uplike I requested and I bolted the hotel lock from inside of myapartment and went back to sleep at 6 AM on the morning of 7/24/04.The sadistic FBI agents STILL ENTERED my second floor apartment whileI was asleep between 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM on 7/24/04 and REMOVED the8.5X11 inch page pasted note on the inside of entrance door and LEFTIT on the ENTERTAINMENT CENTER in the living room just to TORTURE MEmentally and TERRORIZE me “We entered your apartment even whenyou locked the hotel lock bolt and did this, but what can you do?”FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment when I was not home in theevening on 7/24/04 and again opened the tote bag and unzipped a smallbag which is inside the tote bag and also STOLE a one time use Kodakcamera from my bedroom which I bought on 7/23/04 in Wal Mart.FBI agents have REGULARLY entered my apartment ILLEGALLY with laptopswhen I was not home and copied information from my computer and floppydisks and messed them up.FBI agents have destroyed my livelihood by assasinating my characterwith potential employers by making anonymous calls to them when I sentresumes since FBI is privy to all the email addresses and phonenumbers of the recruiters and potential employers. I do NOT think thisis an EXCEPTION and imagine how many ordinary Americans have beensuffering this FBI SADISM for years without knowing it.Sadistic FBI agents called me at least 30 times repeatedly in thespace of an hour and a half between 7:00 and 8:30 pm on 7/27/04 andasked for Roberto Fernandez knowing fully well that nobody by thatname lived in my apartment and infact said "You are so funny" and madeWEIRD SOUNDS like aye, uye, ick, ihe etc while watching me real timelive all the time with the video surveillance devices installed in theceiling of my bedroom when I answered the phone.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment on the night of 8/1/04 whenI was asleep and stole prepaid calling card pin numbers from mytrouser pockets. One of the prepaid calling cards in my trouser pocketwas called "I Conexion" and the FBI next day called me on 8/2/04 andmade the number 770-242-8775 with caller name "Internet Conexion"appear on my caller id to TERRORIZE me, that they entered my apartmentthe previous night and stole the prepaid calling numbers from mytrouser pocket. The phone# above is NOT an FBI# but some othercompany.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment while I was asleep on 8/2/04night even though the hotel lock was bolted from inside, and placedthe tv remote face down on the end table of my bedroom, folded aprepaid calling card in my trouser pocket and formed a crease on thecard, removed a library map from the file folder (which was inside atote bag) and placed it outside the file folder and unzipped the backpocket of the tote bag half way down and left it there to torture me.FBI agents have been alerting the security departments of WalMart,Best Buy, JC Penney stores etc with fictitious complaints when I wentthere for shopping, so the security cameras in those stores areconstantly focused on me and watching me while I was in those stores.I rented a car on 8/5/04 and stayed in a hotel to get some privacy andthe sadistic FBI agents still tracked me down that night and left therental car doors unlocked by next morning on 8/6/04.I changed the car rented the previous day on 8/6/04 and traveled acouple of hours on a highway, took an exit, parked my car in a stripmall parking lot and spent about 20 minutes in a retail store and bythe time I got back to the car, FBI agents followed me and put twoquarters on a plastic bag containing donuts in the back seat of thecar just to taunt and terrorize me they are still following me evenwhen I rented a car and drove out of the city.To protect myself from these SADISTIC FBI agents entering into myapartment and stealing things when I am asleep, I locked my bedroomdoor from the inside and put a small heavy box and a 19 inch TV on topof the box against the bed room door on the night of 8/7/04 so if theFBI agents try to open my bedroom door, the TV will fall off the boxat the slightest movement of the door, make a big sound and wake meup. On the morning of 8/8/04 around 9:00 AM I woke up to a giantthudding sound of the TV falling on the floor from the box and FBIagents speeding away by the time I realized what happened. FBI agentsentered my apartment and opened my locked bedroom and pushed the doorat 9:00 AM so hard, they pushed the box a good two feet away from thedoor. The FBI SADISTS are even willing to break my 19 inch TV toTORTURE and TERRORIZE me.FBI agents STOLE a pilot pen pack (which I bought from CVS Pharmacy on8/8/04) from my car on the night of 8/8/04 and entered my apartment on8/9/04 when I was not home from 11 AM - 12 noon and placed the pilotpen pack under a chair on the carpet in the living room to torture me.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment on 8/10/04 between 1:00pmand 1:15 pm (just 15 min) when I went to Publix and turned the TV "On"in my bedroom by the time I came back to mentally torture me.SADISTIC FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment while I was takingshower on 8/12/04 around 1:00pm and removed a shaving set scissorsfrom the tote bag pocket in my bedroom and placed it on the iron boardin my bedroom. FBI was able to execute this operation because theywere watching me taking shower "real time live" with video devicesinstalled in my "bathroom".FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment even when the hotel lock wasbolted from inside in the early hours of 8/16/04 while I was asleepand removed the middle row donuts in a 12 pack krispy kreme donut boxin the refrigerator and placed them in the empty left row and placedthe concord grape jelly bottle horizontally in the refrigerator andunplugged the tv cable from the cable outlet in my bedroom to TORTUREme that they are still entering my apartment anytime they want attheir will.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment while I was asleep in theearly hours of 8/20/04 even when I put a coffee table against theapartment entrance door and a small heavy box and a 19in TV against mybedroom door from the inside and searched the locked tote bag andunzipped the back pocket of the tote bag half way down and left itthere to TERRORIZE ME that they are still entering my apartment nomatter what precautions I take.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered my apartment on 8/22/04 around 7:30pmwhile I was taking a nap and turned the Air Conditioner "ON" to TAUNTme that they were entering my apartment EVEN WHEN I WAS still in myapartment.FBI agents stole a Gillette disposable razor on the night of 8/25/04from my duffel bag and placed it between the drivers seat and driverside door near the trunk opening lever of my car.FBI agents ILLEGALLY opened the rental car I rented, in a hotelpremises on the night of 8/27/04 and removed the cup holder and placedit infront of the parking brake of the car to HARASS ME that they arestill following me even when I rented a car and stayed in a hotel.FBI agents ILLEGALLY even tapped MetroPCS cell phone numbersinstantaneously as soon as I bought them on the same day.SADISTIC FBI agents AMUSED themselves by turning my bedroom table lampin my bedroom, ON and OFF by using remote control devices, sometimeswhile I was browsing the web.FBI agents ILLEGALLY CHANGED three passwords (even though I usedKinkos to keep my PASSWORDS PRIVATE) of my three email ids that I wasusing to send this document to investigative reporters between 8/26/04and 8/28/04 to "PREVENT ME" from EXPOSING their SADISM, PERVERSION,TERRORISM and MENTAL TORTURE, by either ILLEGALLY installing keylogging software on kinkos computers or by some other ILLEGAL MEANSunknown to me. So I created brand new email ids and sent this documentand god knows when the SADISTIC FBI will change the passwords of myNEW email ids.FBI agents ILLEGALLY entered the hotel rooms even when locked frominside where I stayed in August and September and installed videosurveillance devices and moved things around from the tote bag’szipped side pocket into the tote bag to TERRORIZE me that they willINVADE my privacy and MENTALLY TORTURE me even when I slept in hotelrooms.To escape this FBI sadism, I went and slept in an acquaintance''sapartment in the first week of September 2004 and the SADISTIC FBIagents still came and entered that apartment, installed videosurveillance devices in the acquaintance''s apartment and drew a curvyline with a knife on the black colored apartment door of theacquaintance to TERRORIZE me.Sometimes when I spoke to my roommate in non-English language, thepsycho-analysis OBSESSED SADISTIC FBI agents called me on the phoneimmediately and said "komo-isthaaaa" in a SARCASTIC way and asked forRoberto Fernandez knowing fully well that nobody by that name lived inmy apartment.Sadistic FBI agents "reacted" to EACH and EVERY word that came out ofmy mouth for the last three years by making 2000 UNSOLICITED HARASSINGphone calls at my unlisted private phone numbers.American "democracy" and "legal system" are a big friggin JOKE and Iask all Americans to take a deep breadth and THINK for a minute, WHYDO I HAVE to PROVE to the US Government that they are MENTALLYTORTURING and TERRORIZING me 24X7 with surveillance devices, violatingall my human rights and ILLEGALLY entering my apartment and movingaround and stealing things when it is the "US GOVERNMENT aka FBIitself" that is doing it ?Is this the type of DEMOCRACY, the EVIL American government wants toSPREAD across the world ???To all of you who are gonna advise me to wear tinfoil or take drugsfor schizophrenic paranoia, the SADISTIC FBI wants all of you to thinkexactly that way so they can CONTINUE to carry on their PERVERSESADISM on ordinary american citizens and MISDIRECT and PROGRAM all ofthe 290 mil american brains to treat the EVIL, SADISTIC, PERVERTED andDICTATORIAL FBI like Gods.* vicky: Off-topic, moron. -- A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is it such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?Off-topic, moron.--A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.Q: Why is it such a bad thing?A: Top-posting.Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?Hi, It is good to see that the FBI finally take people who spam newgroups seriously, and follow them night and day. They are not following you because they think you are a muslim but because you are an evil spammer (a cyber- terrorist you could say).. Now stop spamming and the FBI will leave you alone. Regards, Ron AF Greve. ;-) "vicky" <vi*******> wrote in message news:11************************** om...Hi,It is good to see that the FBI finally take people who spam newgroupsseriously, and follow them night and day.They are not following you because they think you are a muslim but becauseyou are an evil spammer (a cyber- terrorist you could say)..Now stop spamming and the FBI will leave you alone.Regards, Ron AF Greve.;-)"vicky" <vi*******> wrote in messagenews:11************************** om... SUMMARY: THREE YEARS of and continuing MENTAL TORTURE, TERRORISM, SADISM and BLATANT human rights violations by FBI SADISTS and PERVERTS. Please SAVE this post on your hard disks or email account and also bookmark it because the FBI sadists are gonna force the websites to remove this posting for good. I posted this column to pretty much all "active newsgroups" three weeks ago but the FBI "ARM TWISTED" and "FORCED" google management to "REMOVE 90% of them" from the USENET and violated my FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Undercover FBI agents will attack me, ridicule me and discredit me with fictitious userids in response to this post and I request all readers to completely IGNORE those MANIPULATIVE, LYING FBI perverts and sadists. Please forward and distribute this to as many senators, congressmen, journalists, editors, civil rights attorneys, civil rights activists, investigative reporters, radio talk show hosts, managers, co-workers, family and friends and all Americans concerned with civil liberties. I am not a muslim, I don’’t have even a single muslim friend, I am not a member of any religious organization, I am not a drug smuggler, I do not belong to any crime mafia, I did not kill anybody, I am not a spy and I never ever worked for any government and not even "remotely connected" to any government agency whatsoever, I do not have any prior criminal record, I am a US citizen and have been living in US for a little more than 15 yrs and I graduated with a masters degree in computer science from a US university more than a decade ago. I am even willing to take "ANY NO.OF POLYGRAPH TESTS" to prove whatever I said is true and a fact, about my background. FBI has been MENTALLY TORTURING me with 24X7 surveillance for the last three years inside and outside my apartment with video surveillance devices and motion sensors around my apartment, my phone has been tapped, my web surfing is being monitored all the time for the last three years, my emails are being monitored, gps vehicle tracking devices and voice amplification devices have been placed in my car and undercover FBI agents have followed me to restaurants, grocery stores, malls, movie theatres, banks and even barber shops etc and forced me to live like an animal and a virtual prisoner for three years. FBI has interfered in my personal life for no reason and jeopardized my job opportunities. FBI is obsessed with me and has ruined, destroyed and wrecked my life for the last three years and destroyed my physical and mental health. The SADISTIC FBI agents are NOT charging me, NOT letting me find a job, NOT letting me have a normal life, NOT letting me have even an IOTA of PRIVACY and mentally TORTURING and TERRORIZING me with 24X7 surveillance, making 2000 UNSOLICITED phone calls to my unlisted phone#s, entering my apartment ILLEGALLY and STEALING personal belongings when I am not home, watching me real time live with video surveillance devices installed in my bedroom, living room, kitchen and DISGUSTINGLY even in my rest room and humiliating and dehumanizing me and BLATANTLY violating my civil rights and constitutional right to privacy and ABUSING the "DRACONIAN" PATRIOT ACT. The PERVERTED FBI "ILLEGALLY" installed tens of audio and video surveillance devices in my apartment, watching me NAKED, REAL TIME LIVE 24X7 even in my rest room taking shower, psychoanalyzing each and every move, each and every word I said, each and every second of my life, each and every blink of my eyes and each and every comment I posted on the web. Is there a LIMIT to FBI Sadism and Perversion ?? If you want to contact me, please send me email at vi******** by removing the letter "A" and the word "not" from the email id. I spoke to at least 200 attorneys in both Michigan and Georgia for legal help but only about two or three attorneys were willing to help me but asked me to show physical proof of either gps or video surveillance devices. I did a lot of research and found a couple of private investigators (who were ex-FBI agents) more importantly who are knowledgeable about the latest "counter surveillance technologies" but they also DECLINED to help me on ONE PRETEXT or the OTHER even though I was willing to pay for their services. I told these two very HIGHLY QUALIFIED and KNOWLEDGEABLE private investigators Niles (Eagle services 866-691-7985) and another PI, Charles Middlestadt (404-252-5322) of ISC Worldwide Inc in the Atlanta area who are capable of finding the gps vehicle tracking devices in my car, that I am NOT A MUSLIM and they have NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT ME and even offered them to go through my attorney and help me but still THEY DECLINED to help me OUT OF FEAR that I might be a muslim. And eventually I was forced to spend a SUMMARY: THREE YEARS of and continuing MENTAL TORTURE, TERRORISM, SADISM and BLATANT human rights violations by FBI SADISTS and PERVERTS. Please SAVE this post on your hard disks or email account and also bookmark it because the FBI sadists are gonna force the websites to remove this posting for good. I posted this column to pretty much all "active newsgroups" three weeks ago but the FBI "ARM TWISTED" and "FORCED" google management to "REMOVE 90% of them" from the USENET and violated my FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Undercover FBI agents will attack me, ridicule me and discredit me with fictitious userids in response to this post and I request all readers to completely IGNORE those MANIPULATIVE, LYING FBI perverts and sadists. Please forward and distribute this to as many senators, congressmen, journalists, editors, civil rights attorneys, civil rights activists, investigative reporters, radio talk show hosts, managers, co-workers, family and friends and all Americans concerned with civil liberties. I am not a muslim, I don''t have even a single muslim friend, I am not a member of any religious organization, I am not a drug smuggler, I do not belong to any crime mafia, I did not kill anybody, I am not a spy and I never ever worked for any government and not even "remotely connected" to any government agency whatsoever, I do not have any prior criminal record, I am a US citizen and have been living in US for a little more than 15 yrs and I graduated with a masters degree in computer science from a US university more than a decade ago. I am even willing to take "ANY NO.OF POLYGRAPH TESTS" to prove whatever I said is true and a fact, about my background. FBI has been MENTALLY TORTURING me with 24X7 surveillance for the last three years inside and outside my apartment with video surveillance devices and motion sensors around my apartment, my phone has been tapped, my web surfing is being monitored all the time for the last three years, my emails are being monitored, gps vehicle tracking devices and voice amplification devices have been placed in my car and undercover FBI agents have followed me to restaurants, grocery stores, malls, movie theatres, banks and even barber shops etc and forced me to live like an animal and a virtual prisoner for three years. FBI has interfered in my personal life for no reason and jeopardized my job opportunities. FBI is obsessed with me and has ruined, destroyed and wrecked my life for the last three years and destroyed my physical and mental health. The SADISTIC FBI agents are NOT charging me, NOT letting me find a job, NOT letting me have a normal life, NOT letting me have even an IOTA of PRIVACY and mentally TORTURING and TERRORIZING me with 24X7 surveillance, making 2000 UNSOLICITED phone calls to my unlisted phone#s, entering my apartment ILLEGALLY and STEALING personal belongings when I am not home, watching me real time live with video surveillance devices installed in my bedroom, living room, kitchen and DISGUSTINGLY even in my rest room and humiliating and dehumanizing me and BLATANTLY violating my civil rights and constitutional right to privacy and ABUSING the "DRACONIAN" PATRIOT ACT. The PERVERTED FBI "ILLEGALLY" installed tens of audio and video surveillance devices in my apartment, watching me NAKED, REAL TIME LIVE 24X7 even in my rest room taking shower, psychoanalyzing each and every move, each and every word I said, each and every second of my life, each and every blink of my eyes and each and every comment I posted on the web. Is there a LIMIT to FBI Sadism and Perversion ?? If you want to contact me, please send me email at vi******** by removing the letter "A" and the word "not" from the email id. I spoke to at least 200 attorneys in both Michigan and Georgia for legal help but only about two or three attorneys were willing to help me but asked me to show physical proof of either gps or video surveillance devices. I did a lot of research and found a couple of private investigators (who were ex-FBI agents) more importantly who are knowledgeable about the latest "counter surveillance technologies" but they also DECLINED to help me on ONE PRETEXT or the OTHER even though I was willing to pay for their services. I told these two very HIGHLY QUALIFIED and KNOWLEDGEABLE private investigators Niles (Eagle services 866-691-7985) and another PI, Charles Middlestadt (404-252-5322) of ISC Worldwide Inc in the Atlanta area who are capable of finding the gps vehicle tracking devices in my car, that I am NOT A MUSLIM and they have NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT ME and even offered them to go through my attorney and help me but still THEY DECLINED to help me OUT OF FEAR that I might be a muslim. And eventually I was forced to spend a 这篇关于EVIL AMERICAN GOVT(又名FBI)充满了SADISTS和PERVERTS的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-30 09:08