


代码有效,如果记录是51 52 53这样的订单但如果是51 51 52 52 53则选择第一条记录并停止



I want to Search throw DataGridView if I find the Cell in Record starts with "51" do something if Stars with "52" do something if starts with "53" something

the code work if the records are orders like 51 52 53 but if it's 51 51 52 52 53 it select the first record and stop

I want it to select the First record that Starts with (51), (52),(53) if there any

this is the code

<pre>Public Sub StartAllSend()  
        Dim currRowNum As String  
        Dim currRowAmount As String  
        Dim currVRowNum As String  
        Dim currVRowAmount As String  
        Dim currERowNum As String  
        Dim currERowAmount As String  
        Dim r As Integer  
        Dim SrCell As String  
        <pre>If InvoiceDataGridView.Rows.Count > 1 Then
            For Each row As DataGridViewRow In InvoiceDataGridView.Rows
                If Not row.IsNewRow Then
                    SrCell = InvoiceDataGridView.Rows(r).Cells(1).Value 
                    If SrCell <> "" Then  
                        If SrCell.StartsWith("51") Then  
                            If txtMobiNorNumber.Text = "" And cmdUSSD.Enabled = True Then  
                                'InvoiceDataGridView.Rows(r).Selected = True  
                                lblMNo.Text = 0  
                                currRowAmount = InvoiceDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells(3).Value  
                                currRowNum = InvoiceDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells(1).Value  
                                currRowUser = "Buy"  
                                currRowUserID = InvoiceDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value  
                                txtMobiNorNumber.Text = currRowNum  
                                cboMobiNorAmount.Text = (Int(currRowAmount))  
                            End If  
                        ElseIf SrCell.StartsWith("52") Then  
                            If txtMobiNorNumber2.Text = "" And cmdUSSD2.Enabled = True Then  
                                'InvoiceDataGridView.Rows(r).Selected = True  
                                lblVNo.Text = 0  
                                currVRowAmount = InvoiceDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells(3).Value  
                                currVRowNum = InvoiceDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells(1).Value  
                                currVRowUser = "Sell"  
                                currVRowUserID = InvoiceDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value  
                                txtMobiNorNumber2.Text = currVRowNum  
                                cboMobiNorAmount2.Text = (Int(currVRowAmount))  
                            End If  
                        ElseIf SrCell.StartsWith("53") Then  
                            If txtMobiNorNumber3.Text = "" And cmdUSSD3.Enabled = True Then  
                                ' InvoiceDataGridView.Rows(r).Selected = True  
                                lblENo.Text = 0  
                                currERowAmount = InvoiceDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells(3).Value  
                                currERowNum = InvoiceDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells(1).Value  
                                currERowUser = "Empty"  
                                currERowUserID = InvoiceDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value  
                                txtMobiNorNumber3.Text = currERowNum  
                                cboMobiNorAmount3.Text = (Int(currERowAmount))  
                            End If  
                        End If  
                    End If  
                End If  
        End If  
    End Sub<pre>

What I have tried:

I want it to select the First record that Starts with (51), (52),(53) if there any


  Private Sub btnSearchDGV_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSearchDGV.Click
        'This function will locate the FIRST row starting with 51, 52 or 53
        'It will then handle that row setting some other control values
        'It will then delete the row that it found

        Dim rowToDelete = -1
        For Each r As DataGridViewRow In InvoiceDataGridView.Rows
            Dim cValue As String = r.Cells(1).Value.ToString()
            If cValue.StartsWith("51") Or cValue.StartsWith("52") Or cValue.StartsWith("53") Then
                Select Case cValue.Substring(0, 2)
                    Case "51"
                    Case "52"
                    Case "53"
                End Select

                rowToDelete = r.Index
                Exit For 'So we only handle the first one we find
            End If

        'Delete the row we have just processed, if we have processed one
        If rowToDelete > -1 Then
        End If
End Sub


Alternatively, if you want to step through all the rows that start with 51, 52 or 53...

Private Sub btnSearchAllDGV_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSearchAllDGV.Click
    'This function will locate ALL the rows starting with 51, 52 or 53
    'It will then handle each row setting some other control values
    'It will then delete each row that it found

    For row As Integer = InvoiceDataGridView.Rows.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1

        Dim cValue As String
        If Not IsNothing(InvoiceDataGridView.Rows(row).Cells(1).Value) Then
            cValue = InvoiceDataGridView.Rows(row).Cells(1).Value.ToString()

            If cValue.StartsWith("51") Or cValue.StartsWith("52") Or cValue.StartsWith("53") Then
                Select Case cValue.Substring(0, 2)
                    Case "51"
                    Case "52"
                    Case "53"
                End Select

            End If
        End If
End Sub


Note that the subroutines Handle51, Handle52 and Handle53 would be where you set the contents of the other textboxes etc. Do NOT attempt to remove any rows from the DataGridView in those subroutines.


09-27 03:24