Cypress 清除所有cookie 和本地存储.还会清除浏览器的文件缓存吗?
Cypress clears all cookies and local storage before each test. Does it also clear the browser's file cache?
编辑:在浏览器在版本0.20.0 .因此,将在每个spec文件运行之间清除缓存.
Cypress automatically clears browser cache before the browser launches in Version 0.20.0. So, the cache will be cleared between each spec file is run.
No, Cypress does not clear browser cache before each test. Cypress respects the cache headers of your server. So if they are set, the browser will cache those files. This isn't really documented anywhere exactly, but I'm a developer at Cypress so know this is how it works.
如果您希望看到一些不同的行为,我建议打开问题在OS Cypress项目上.
If you want to see some different behavior, I suggest opening an issue on the OS Cypress project.