

我有三个带有 x 和 y 值的点.我真正想要的是实际向量所在的位置(查看提供的图像).你能帮助我吗 ?我尝试了一些 atan2 和平行四边形,但不幸的是没有成功.

I have three points with x and y values to start with. What I actually want is the position where the actual vector would go (look at image provided).Can you help me ? I tried around a little bit with atan2 and parallelograms, but unfortunately without success.



Again, I'll remind that I might be missing something, but I think this is pretty simple addition of vectors:

let point A be (700, 500)
let point B be (400, 400)
let point C be (650, 100)
let point D be (???, ???)

the vector from A to B is: (-300, -100) // i.e. x = B-A, 400 - 700, etc
the vector from A to C is: (-50, -400)
Adding these together yields the vector from A to D: (-350, -500).
Adding that vector to point A yields the coordinates of the point D: (350, 0)


08-14 11:21