Windows 10 专业版下的 Android Studio 2.1.2 - 4GB RAM HD 500GB
Android Studio 2.1.2 under Windows 10 professional - 4GB RAM HD 500GB
init: 找不到 wglGetExtensionsStringARB!
模拟器:警告:将虚拟机堆大小设置为 256MB
emulator: WARNING: Setting VM heap size to 256MB
getGLES1ExtensionString:找不到 GLES 1.x 配置!
getGLES1ExtensionString: Could not find GLES 1.x config!
已启用 Hax
无法获取 GLES 1.x 扩展字符串!
Failed to obtain GLES 1.x extensions string!
Hax ram_size 0x30000000
Hax ram_size 0x30000000
HAX 正在运行并且模拟器在 faast virt 模式下运行.
HAX is working and emulator runs in faast virt mode.
控制台在 5554 端口,ADB 在 5555 端口
console on port 5554, ADB on port 5555
模拟器:错误:无法初始化 OpenglES 模拟,请使用--gpu"off' 以禁用它.
emulator: ERROR: Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, use '--gpu off' to disable it.
Could not initialize emulated framebuffer
- 转到 AVD 管理器.
- 编辑您创建的虚拟设备(例如:Nexus_5_API_24).
- 点击高级设置按钮.
- 在模拟性能行中,将图形更改为软件GLES 2.0
- 在 Memory 行中将 RAM 字段更改为 512.
- 完成.
- Go to AVD Manager.
- Edit Virtual Device you create (for example: Nexus_5_API_24 ).
- Click Advance Settings button.
- In Emulated Performance row change Graphics to Software GLES 2.0
- In Memory row change RAM field to 512.
- finish.
perhaps it will solve your problem such in my case.
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