本文介绍了JSP/JSTL:"2> 10'评估为真的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a very simple custom JSP tag that I am using to generate pagination links. It goes roughly like:

<span id="${id}" class="paginationLinks ${cssClass}">
    <c:if test="${currentPage gt 1}">
        <!-- Links to previous page(s) -->
    <span class="paginationCurrentPage">
        Page ${currentPage}
        [DEBUG:  current=${currentPage},
                 show=${currentPage lt totalPages}
                 inverse=${currentPage gt totalPages}]
    <c:if test="${currentPage lt totalPages}">
         <!-- Links to next page(s) -->

问题是转到首页的链接没有显示在第一页(currentPage = 1)之后.转到上一页的链接在每个页面上均正常工作.我还从调试块中得到了一些真正奇怪的输出:

The problem is that the links to go to the next page are not showing up after the first page (currentPage = 1). The links to go to previous pages are working correctly across every page. I'm also getting some truly bizarre output from my debug block:

[DEBUG: current=1, total=10, show=true inverse=false]    //first page, correct
[DEBUG: current=2, total=10, show=false inverse=true]    //second page; 2 > 10 == true?  wtf???
[DEBUG: current=9, total=10, show=false inverse=true]    //ninth page, still incorrect
[DEBUG: current=10, total=10, show=false inverse=false]  //tenth page, correct

currentPagetotalPages均为类型long的请求属性,并通过声明的标签属性传递给标签.那么产生2 > 10 == true这样的疯狂输出我做了什么错误的事情?

Both currentPage and totalPages are request attributes of type long and are passed to the tag via declared tag attributes. So what have I done wrong to produce such insane output as 2 > 10 == true?



It works correctly if I replace totalPages with a literal 10 in the comparison, but that really does not solve the problem.



Solution found. I needed to explicitly declare the type on my tag attributes, like:

<%@ attribute name="currentPage" required="true" type="java.lang.Long" %>
<%@ attribute name="totalPages" required="true" type="java.lang.Long" %>


I suspect that without the declared type both attributes were being interpreted as Strings, and the tag was doing a lexicographical comparison between the string values of the numbers. I assume a literal value of 10 worked because the JSP interpreter recognized it as a proper numerical type and then automatically converted the other argument in the comparison to match.


So long story short, always declare a type on your tag attributes. Otherwise very confusing things can happen.

这篇关于JSP/JSTL:"2&gt; 10'评估为真的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 13:46