

我想找个地方链接下载 Android的NDK-R9-Linux的86 但不幸的是我所有的尝试失败了。

I am trying to find somewhere link to download android-ndk-r9-linux-x86 but unfortunately all my tries failed.

有人可以给我提供一个工作环节,这样我就可以下载的Andr​​oid NDK R9 Linux x86上

Can someone provide me a working link, so I can Download Android NDK R9 for linux x86.


您请求的特定版本,R9没有字母后缀,虽然下载页面上没有联系,目前似乎能够采取的一种来获得当前版本的链接和简单的编辑就可以改变其版本号给你想要的。但是,它不是一个给定的,这将继续成为案例 - Android的下载似乎围绕着相当数量的移动

The specific version you requested, r9 without a letter suffix, although not linked on the download page, currently appears to be able to be obtained by taking one of the current-version links and simply editing it to change the version number to the one you want. However, it's not a given that this will continue to be the case - the android downloads seem to move around a fair amount.



Of course if you don't need that exact version you can simply follow the link to a current version on the download page.


10-28 22:02