

根据 ld 的GNU文档, NOLOAD 部分的工作方式如下:

According to the GNU documentation for ld, a NOLOAD section works as following:


Now, regarding to the program loader, accordign to wikipedia:

然后, NOLOAD 部分到底对固件/嵌入式软件有什么作用?

Then, what exactly a NOLOAD section does for FW / embedded software?


NOLOAD 部分定义了正确链接程序所必需的部分,但不得将其加载到内存中.例如,您可能需要将程序与位于ROM中的某些代码链接,因此您要告诉链接器将ROM中的代码标记为 NOLOAD .然后,将用于加载程序的工具(调试器,操作系统或其他工具)将不会加载此部分代码.

The NOLOAD section defines a section that is required to link the program properly but must not be loaded to memory. For example you may need to link your program with some code located in ROM, so you tell the linker to mark the code in ROM as NOLOAD. Then the tool that will load the program (a debugger, an OS or whatever) will not load this part of the code.


05-30 22:20