What is the fastest way (in terms of cpu cycles on common modern architecture), to produce a mask with len
bits set to 1 starting at position pos
template <class UIntType>
constexpr T make_mask(std::size_t pos, std::size_t len)
// Body of the function
// Call of the function
auto mask = make_mask<uint32_t>(4, 10);
// mask = 00000000 00000000 00111111 11110000
// (in binary with MSB on the left and LSB on the right)
另外,是否有任何编译器内在函数或 BMI 函数可以提供帮助?
Plus, is there any compiler intrinsics or BMI function that can help?
如果用starting at pos
If by "starting at pos
", you mean that the lowest-order bit of the mask is at the position corresponding with 2 (as in your example):
((UIntType(1) << len) - UIntType(1)) << pos
如果 len
可能是 ≥UIntType
If it is possible that len
is ≥ the number of bits in UIntType
, avoid Undefined Behaviour with a test:
(((len < std::numeric_limits<UIntType>::digits)
? UIntType(1)<<len
: 0) - UIntType(1)) << pos
(如果 pos
也有可能是 ≥ std::numeric_limits,您将需要另一个三元运算测试.)
(If it is also possible that
is ≥ std::numeric_limits<UIntType>::digits
, you'll need another ternary op test.)
(UIntType(1)<<(len>>1)<<((len+1)>>1) - UIntType(1)) << pos
which avoids the ternary op at the cost of three extra shift operators; I doubt whether it would be faster but careful benchmarking would be necessary to know for sure.
这篇关于生成从位置 i 开始的 n 个掩码的最快方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!