

我有一个WCF服务(可以说 TestService.svc 坐在服务里的区域目录在MVC应用程序,该区域合并成主要的应用程序。该区域被称为内容

I've got a WCF service (lets say TestService.svc sitting inside the services directory of an Area in an MVC app. This area is combined into the main app. The area is called content.


The routes have been setup and the area works fine. To access the Index action on the Home controller I can do either:




The SVC file however can only be accessed via:


URL必须包括地区目录,我不能直接通过 HTTP访问://我的主机/内容/服务/ TestService.svc 。如果我尝试,我给出错误404。

The URL must include the areas directory, I can't access it directly via http://my-host/content/services/TestService.svc. If I try I am given an error 404.


Is there a way to setup the application so that it routes the SVC request through the same route table as the controllers? I don't want to have to use areas for the services.


如果你必须使用.NET 4.0的自由,你可能要考虑提供WCF服务通过ServiceRoute而不是通过一个.svc文件。

If you have the liberty to use .Net 4.0 you might want to consider making your WCF service available via a ServiceRoute rather than via a .svc file.

这将使您避免了TestService.svc.cs code-背后的TestService.svc文件。在你的Global.asax.cs您将有以下内容:

This will enable you to avoid having the TestService.svc file with a TestService.svc.cs code-behind. In your Global.asax.cs you will have the following:

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes, IUnityContainer container)
    ... other MVC route mapping ....
    routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("TestService", new ServiceHostFactory(), typeof(LoaEvents)));

您服务应然后通过 HTTP可访问://我的主机/ TestService的

您也许能在TestService的参数更改为/内容/服务/ TestService的或东西满足您的需求更好地工作。

You might be able to change the "TestService" argument to "/content/services/TestService" or something that works better for your needs.


10-29 22:16