本文介绍了AWS博托SNS - 通过设备令牌获得endpoint_arn的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Currently, If we want to add a device to an SNS application using:

ep = SNSConnection.create_platform_endpoint(app_arn,device_token,user_data)


There is an option that the device was already added in the past.To verify if the device is already added, we're using:

def is_device_registered(device_token):
        list_of_endpoints = SNSConnection.list_endpoints_by_platform_application(AC.INPLAY_CHAT_APPLICATION_SNS_ARN)
        all_app_endpoints = list_of_endpoints['ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse']['ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResult']['Endpoints']
        for ep in all_app_endpoints:
            ep_device_token = ep['Attributes']['Token']
            if device_token == ep_device_token:
                endpoint_arn =  ep['EndpointArn']
                print 'Found an endpoint for device_token: %s, entry:%s' % (device_token,endpoint_arn)
                return endpoint_arn
        return None


which is very inefficient and can not be scaled.


is there a boto sns function that get the device_token and returns the endpoint_arn if exists?(None if not).



Amazon gives you the arn on the Error Message. You can parse it from there. Not optimal, but saves some db lookup.

错误:SNS错误 - 无法subcribe用户SNSInvalidParameter:无效的参数:令牌原因:端点ARN:AWS:SNS:美国朝东[的ARN关键休息]与同样已经存在,但不同的属性。下面是正则表达式准备好了一些咖啡

error: SNS ERROR - Could not subcribe user to SNSInvalidParameter: Invalid parameter: Token Reason: Endpoint arn:aws:sns:us-east-[rest of the ARN Key] already exists with the same Token, but different attributes. Here is some coffe with regex ready to go

if err?
  log.error "SNS ERROR - Could not subcribe user to SNS" + err
  #Try to get arn from error

  result = err.message.match(/Endpoint(.*)already/)
  if result?.length
    #Assign and remove leading and trailing white spaces.
    result = result[1].replace /^\s+|\s+$/g, ""
    log.debug "found existing arn-> #{result} "

这篇关于AWS博托SNS - 通过设备令牌获得endpoint_arn的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-22 08:27