

struct B { int i; };
struct D1 : virtual B {};
struct D2 : B {};  // <-- not virtual
struct DD : D1, D2 {};

编译器需要 D2 virtual

DD d;
d.i = 0; // error: request for member `i' is ambiguous

我不明白的是,您提示编译器 B virtual > D1 ),为什么仍然 i 不明确?

What I don't understand is, once you have prompted compiler that B is virtual with respect to DD (via D1) then why it still i is ambiguous ?

(如果我的内存正确,老的VC ++(在2006年)足够能够用单个 virtual 继承)来证明这一点。

(If my memory serves correct, the older VC++ (in 2006), was capable enough to make out this just with single virtual inheritance)


B相对于DD不是虚拟的 - 它相对于D1是虚拟的。在D2被创建时,它包含一个B的完整副本。所以现在DD有两个B的实现:一个作为D2的一部分,一个在结束(由D1指向)。有两个副本 i ,使用它确实是不明确的。

B is not virtual with respect to DD - it is virtual with respect to D1. At the time D2 is created, it contains a full copy of B. So now DD has two implementations of B: one as part of D2, and one at the end (pointed by D1). And having two copies of i, using it is indeed ambiguous.


Had D2 also used virtual inheritance, instead of containing a copy of B, it would have contained a pointer to the instance of B that D1 is also pointing at, and DD would have contained only one instance of B.


I'll try to illustrate the memory layouts, hope this comes out right...:

你的情况下,一个虚拟继承和一个非虚拟 -

Your case, with one virtual inheritance and one non-virtual -

|    D1    |   D2 + B |    B    |
 |   vptr to B           ^

D1和D2实际上都继承了 -

Having both D1 and D2 inherit virtually -

|   D1   |   D2   |   B   |
 |         |         ^


09-25 23:02