我对 AppleScript 非常陌生,但我已经广泛(多年)使用其他脚本语言,所以对游戏来说并不是全新的.我刚刚遗憾地告别了 Aperture,并将我将近 100K 的数字图像导入到照片中(所以我也是照片的新手).我想为查找图像制作一个合理的结构,即
I am very new to AppleScript but have worked extensively (for years) with other scripting languages, so not entirely new to the game. I have just sadly said goodbye to Aperture and imported my nearly 100K digital images into Photos (so I'm also brand new to Photos). I would like to make a sane structure for finding images, i.e.
Folders named for Year (e.g. 2004)
contain Folders named for Month (e.g. 05)
contain Albums named for each day for which there are images (e.g. 2004-05-03)
(yes this is basically the Picasa convention, which I am accustomed to and like)
将我的 100K 图像导入照片后,显然成功了,我发现它们在默认情况下被组织到时刻"(即日期)中,但没有分层组织来使浏览更容易,如上所述.所以我想写一个AppleScript来做如下:
Having imported my 100K images into Photos, apparently with success, I find that they are organised by default into "Moments" (i.e. dates), but there is no hierarchical organisation to make browsing easier, as above. So I would like to write an AppleScript to do as follows:
foreach Moment
parse the date and create folder for year if it does not exist already
create folder inside year for month if not exists already
create album inside month for day, if not exists already
assign all photos in this Moment to that album
看起来很简单,手工制作需要几十个小时:-)所以除非我可以编写脚本,否则永远不会发生.我一直在阅读(看似相当有限的)AppleScript 照片字典,到目前为止还没有看到任何对 Moments 的有用参考,例如如何循环遍历所有列表,查找其中包含的图像列表等.我查看用两个属性定义的对象时刻",ID 和名称;但我在寻找所有 Moments 的主列表或 Moments 的内容时有点挣扎.
Seems simple enough, and it would take tens of hours by hand :-) so never going to happen unless I can script it. I've been reading the (seemingly rather limited) AppleScript dictionary for Photos and so far have not seen any useful reference to Moments, as in how to loop through a list of them all, find list of images contained in one, etc. I see the object "moment" defined with two attributes, ID and name; but I'm floundering around a bit trying to find the master list of all Moments or the contents of Moments.
我有一种感觉,来自熟悉这个应用程序(和 AppleScript)的人的 2 段或一大块示例代码可以为我节省数小时的谷歌搜索.有谁知道如何解决这个问题?
I have a feeling that 2 paragraphs or one chunk of sample code from someone familiar with this app (and with AppleScript) would save me hours of googling. Does anyone know how to go about this?
我尝试了 DLing 并为照片安装了一个有前途的脚本库
I have tried DLing and installing a promising script library for Photos
but so far have not been able to get any of its functions to execute. I have also tried the most basic exploratory command to Photos:
tell application "Photos"
set moms to the moments of application
display dialog moms
end tell
and got a not-too-enlightening error message:
error "Can’t get every moment of application." number -1728 from every «class IPmm» of application
我在 Yosemite (10.10.5) 上为 Photos 1.0.1 写了这个,所以它可能需要为你做一些修改,但这是我能做的最好的,希望它将在您的操作系统上运行.我试图为你评论它,这样你就可以看到它在做什么.
I wrote this on Yosemite (10.10.5) for Photos 1.0.1 so it may need some modifications for you, but it's the best I could do, hopefully it will work on your OS. I tried to comment it for you so you'd be able to see what it was doing.
on run
tell application "Photos"
set mediaItems to every media item
repeat with mediaItem in mediaItems
set mdate to (date of mediaItem) -- get the date of the file
set yearName to year of mdate as string -- year of the file
set YrFolder to my yearFolder(yearName) -- make the year folder
set mmonth to month of mdate -- month of the file
set monthName to my monthNum(mmonth as string) -- month name as a number
set SubFold to my subFolder(monthName, YrFolder) -- make the month number folder
set mday to day of mdate -- day of the file
set dayName to my dayNum(mday as string) -- get the day as a two digit number
set albumName to yearName & "-" & monthName & "-" & dayName as string -- create the album name
set finalAlbum to my makeAlbum(albumName, SubFold) -- make the album
add {mediaItem} to finalAlbum -- put the item in the album
end repeat
end tell
end run
on dayNum(mday)
if (count of characters in mday) = 1 then
return "0" & mday as string
return mday as string
end if
end dayNum
on monthNum(mmonth)
if mmonth = "January" then
set num to "01"
else if mmonth = "February" then
set num to "02"
else if mmonth = "March" then
set num to "03"
else if mmonth = "April" then
set num to "04"
else if mmonth = "May" then
set num to "05"
else if mmonth = "June" then
set num to "06"
else if mmonth = "July" then
set num to "07"
else if mmonth = "August" then
set num to "08"
else if mmonth = "September" then
set num to "09"
else if mmonth = "October" then
set num to "10"
else if mmonth = "November" then
set num to "11"
else if mmonth = "December" then
set num to "12"
end if
return num
end monthNum
on makeAlbum(albName, theFolder)
tell application "Photos"
set yrFold to name of parent of theFolder
if exists container albName of container (name of theFolder) of container yrFold then
return (container albName of container (name of theFolder) of container yrFold)
return make new album named albName at theFolder
end if
end tell
end makeAlbum
on subFolder(subName, YrFolder)
tell application "Photos"
if exists container subName of container (name of YrFolder) then
return container subName of container (name of YrFolder)
return make new folder named subName at YrFolder
end if
end tell
end subFolder
on yearFolder(yearName)
tell application "Photos"
if container named yearName exists then
return container named yearName
return make new folder named yearName
on error
return ""
end try
end if
end tell
end yearFolder
Best of luck with it, would love to know if it works for you.
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