本文介绍了exec: SyntaxError: 'return' 外部函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我将代码片段存储在 Postgres 数据库中.当我需要代码时,我会在数据库中找到它并使用 exec() 函数.代码片段是 extract 函数的主体.

I'm storing code snippets inside the Postgres DB. When I need the code, I find it inside the DB and use exec() function. The code snippet is a body of extract function.

不幸的是它返回SyntaxError: 'return' external function


def extract(self,response):

代码片段 (repr(code_snippet))

Code snippet (repr(code_snippet))

u"return response.xpath('/text()')"


def extract(self,response):
    return response.xpath('/text()')


What I should do?This is just one line snippet and I need to execute multiline snippets.

我将 Django 与 PostgreSQL 一起使用,我意识到它会在行首删除空格 - 缩进.不知道是不是跟问题有关系.

I'm using Django with PostgreSQL and I realised that it strips spaces at the beginning of the line - indentation. I don't know if it has to do something with the problem.

尝试使用 eval 而不是 exec.现在它提出:

Tried eval instead of exec. Now it raises:

  File "/home/milano/PycharmProjects/Stilio_project/stilio/engine/models.py", line 107, in extract
  File "<string>", line 1
    return response.xpath('/text()')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Per exec 文档:

Per the exec docs:

请注意,即使在传递给 exec 的代码上下文中,也不能在函数定义之外使用 returnyield 语句声明.

所以 exec 是明确禁止的.并且该措辞是全球性的,并非特定于 exec;在检查时,在 'single' 模式下使用代码 compile-ed 的 eval 有相同的错误;您不能像这样动态插入 return 语句.

So exec is explicitly off-limits. And that wording is global, not specific to exec; on checking, while eval using code compile-ed in 'single' mode has the same error; you can't dynamically insert return statements like this.

如果您绝对必须允许执行任意代码,我强烈建议将其限制为表达式,而不是语句,并隐式返回所述表达式的结果.因此,不是存储 u"return response.xpath('/text()')",而是存储 u"response.xpath('/text()')"code>,并且您执行动态调用的代码将更改为:

If you absolutely must allow executing arbitrary code, I strongly recommend limiting it to expressions, not statements, and implicitly returning the result of said expressions. So instead of storing u"return response.xpath('/text()')", you'd store u"response.xpath('/text()')", and your code that performs dynamic invocation would change to:

def extract(self,response):
    return eval(self.custom_code)

这篇关于exec: SyntaxError: 'return' 外部函数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 11:24