

Mojarra 2.2.12

Mojarra 2.2.12

以下是这段代码,这些代码代替了 FacesContext :

Here is the piece of code taking over the instantiation of the FacesContext:

FacesContext context = facesContextFactory.getFacesContext
              (servletConfig.getServletContext(), request, response, lifecycle);


The expression is perfectly clear. Once we get a request, we acquire a global information from it and create the FacesContext instance using it. So, the instance is created for each request. But obtaining the intance of facesContextFactory seemed to me much more tricky.

// Acquire our FacesContextFactory instance
try {
    facesContextFactory = (FacesContextFactory)
} catch (FacesException e) {


String javax.faces.FactoryFinder.FACES_CONTEXT_FACTORY = "javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory"


JavaDocs for the FactoryFinder describes the so called


现在,让我们考虑创建工厂实例的实际方法: javax.faces.FactoryFinderInstance#getFactory(String factoryName)

Now, Let's consider the the actual method that creates the factory instance: javax.faces.FactoryFinderInstance#getFactory(String factoryName)

try {
      factoryOrList = factories.get(factoryName);
      if (!(factoryOrList instanceof List)) {
          return factoryOrList;
} finally {

factories字段按以下方式初始化 copyInjectionProviderFromFacesContext():

The factories field is initialized as follows copyInjectionProviderFromFacesContext():

private void copyInjectionProviderFromFacesContext() {
    InjectionProvider injectionProvider = null;
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); //USE FACES CONTEXT!!!!!
    if (null != context) {
        injectionProvider = (InjectionProvider) context.getAttributes().get("com.sun.faces.config.ConfigManager_INJECTION_PROVIDER_TASK");
    if (null != injectionProvider) {
        factories.put(INJECTION_PROVIDER_KEY, injectionProvider);
    } else {
        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to obtain InjectionProvider from init time FacesContext. Does this container implement the Mojarra Injection SPI?");


So, creating used FacesContext instance, but the factory itself is used for creating the FacesContext. Couldn't you explain that cycle?


有一个特殊的" init FacesContext ",在Servlet容器初始化期间可用,确保至少有一个"a"在JSF初始化期间FacesContext左右.这种特殊的"init FacesContext"具有许多空/空/默认属性,尤其是那些依赖于HTTP Servlet请求/响应的属性,但是基于a.o的应用程序和配置相关的属性(例如通过FacesContext#getApplication()可用的属性)已经可用. faces-config.xml.

There's a special "init FacesContext" which is available during servlet container initialization, ensuring that there's at least "a" FacesContext around during JSF initialization. This special "init FacesContext" has a lot of empty/null/default properties, particularly the ones depending on HTTP servlet request/response, but application and configuration related properties such as ones available via FacesContext#getApplication() are already available based on a.o. faces-config.xml.

对于Mojarra,此"init FacesContext"为已创建 com.sun.faces.config.FacesInitializer ,一个运行的 ServletContainerInitializer 实现在webapp启动期间.在那一刻,创建了工厂.

In case of Mojarra, this "init FacesContext" is created in a.o. the com.sun.faces.config.FacesInitializer, a ServletContainerInitializer implementation which runs during webapp startup. During that moment, factories are created.


09-13 23:40