本文介绍了IBM Connections用户标识的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm currently confused by the IDs identifying a user in Connections, and their link to the underlying LDAP directory.So far, I identified several ids:

  1. 电子邮件:简单但不可靠,因为管理员可能已禁用了电子邮件访问权限.对于Connections云尤其如此.
  2. snx:userid:由Connections生成的UUID,但这就是鸡肉和鸡蛋.要找到用户ID,您需要首先访问配置文件文档或从连接"中检索到的某些数据
  3. 键:也是由Connections生成的,但是我不知道该模式.在Greenhouse上,它是x-profile-key中的另一个UUID,与上面的userid不同.在其他系统上,它似乎基于用户名.
  4. subscriberId:Connections云使用的"lotuslive ID".

有人可以解释本地和云上的snx:userid,密钥和SubscriberId之间的关系,以及它们的用途吗?我找不到任何清晰的文档. API文档说,有时候我们应该传递密钥,有时我们应该传递ID.

Can someone explain the relationship between snx:userid, key and subscriberId, on-prem and on the cloud, and what they are for? I can't find any clear documentation around it. The API doc says that some times we should pass the key, and some times the id.


Also is the LDAP directory on prem. We are querying the LDAP directory (WAS federated directory, also used by Connections) to get a list of users based on a group. But then, how can we access their Connections profiles from the LDAP result? Is their an attribute to read? We are currently using the email, but as said earlier, this will not work if email access in disabled, like in Greenhouse.


我可以解释其中的一部分. snx:userid是用于唯一标识一个人的抽象-即使他们的电子邮件已更改,名称已更改,或其他ldap特定的id也已更改.我相信snx:userid是64位的.

I can explain part of it. the snx:userid is an abstraction used to uniquely identify a person - even if their email changed, name changed, or any other ldap specific id changed. The snx:userid is I believe 64bit.


I thought the Key is the same as snx:userid.


SubscriberId is based on the Business Support Services long id, and includes a scope so that each environment has a unique id.


I think I described the first part of your question on the relationship.


For the second bit, we don't augment LDAP with the snx:userid.

您可能希望查看User SPI和java.lang.String getExtID() http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/lcwiki.nsf/xpAPIViewer.xsp?lookupName=IBM+Connections+5.0+API+Documentation#action=openDocument&res_title=User_SPI_ic50&content = apicontent

You may want to look at User SPI and java.lang.String getExtID()http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/lcwiki.nsf/xpAPIViewer.xsp?lookupName=IBM+Connections+5.0+API+Documentation#action=openDocument&res_title=User_SPI_ic50&content=apicontent

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08-24 01:27