

假设我们在A,B和B之间建立一个WebRTC会议. C.然后会有A<->. B,A<-> C,B<-> C个人来电?

Suppose we establish a WebRTC conference among A, B & C. Then will there be A <--> B, A <--> C, B <--> C individual calls?

Qn-1 :如果是的话,那效率不低吗?,因为每个对等方两次上传相同的数据.

Qn-1: If yes, then isn't that inefficient? Because each peer uploads the same data twice.


Now, Google has a different strategy for conferences. In their official document, it reads:

Qn-2 :现在,假设我们仍然采用p2p方法.现在,我们以某种方式将所有流量路由到一个端口.那么WebRTC是否对它可以同时与同一个IP和同一个端口建立多少连接有任何限制?

Qn-2: Now suppose if we go with p2p approach nevertheless. Now somehow we route all the traffic to one single port. Then is there any WebRTC limitation on how many connections can it make at a same time to a same IP and same port?


The reason for above question is that, if we do that with some hacks then after 4 outgoing connections, the 5th connection will always be unstable and mostly fail.


有足够的材料表明基于 P2P的网状"网络适​​合多达4个用户稳定的会议.

There is enough material to suggest that the P2P based "Mesh" network is suitable for up to 4 user stable conference.

  • 此视频指出网络是实施会议的最幼稚方式

  • This video states that "Mesh" network is the most naive way to implement a conference


This link suggests that the bandwidth is overwhelmed and the quality reduces as the participants increase in P2P:


In this link, it states that "Mesh" network starts failing as the number of participants increase.


10-20 23:42