我计划从现在开始的一个月内开始为Hololens构建应用程序.所以现在,我只是在初步设计和可行性检查中. (为记录起见,我使用Unity为Hololens构建了简单的应用程序,并且还使用相机进行了一些图像识别)
I have planned to start building an application for the Hololens in a month from now. So right now, I am just in the preliminary design and feasibility check. (For the record I have built simple applications for the Hololens using Unity and also have used the camera for some image recognition)
My main concern is methods of inputing data to my application. In a normal application you have GUI widgets such as spinners or sliders, if you want to enter a numberic number.
How can I input numeric values to a Hololens application?
由于您已经为HoloLens制作了一些应用程序,所以我猜您对 MixedRealityToolkit .如果您尚不了解并想使用它,请参见快速指南,了解如何进行设置(也可以在MixedRealityToolkit Github上找到).在该工具包中,有很多工具可以帮助您构建HoloLens的交互.
Since you've made a few applications for HoloLens before I'm guessing you know about the MixedRealityToolkit That Microsoft offers. If you don't know about it yet, and want to use it, here is a quick guide for how to set it up (which can also be found on the MixedRealityToolkit Github). In this toolkit there are a lot of tools that can help you with building the interactions for the HoloLens.
In this toolkit there are also a few examples on how to go about making sliders and other sorts of input.
如果您查看示例/UX 您将看到一些场景/预制件/脚本,这些示例提供了有关如何制作Hololens的GUI小部件的示例
If you look under Examples/UX you'll see a few scenes/prefabs/scripts that give an example on how you could go about making such GUI widgets for hololens