本文介绍了像 LOVOO 一样的雷达视图的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发一个基于位置的 iOS 应用程序.其中有一个功能可以在雷达视图中找到用户的朋友.我从后端获取朋友的纬度和经度.现在我尝试了很多东西来像指南针一样在雷达视图中显示它们(意味着当我在雷达中旋转朋友的点时也会旋转)

Hi I am developing a location based iOS application. In which there is a feature to find user's friends in a radar view. I am getting friends latitude and longitude from backend.Now I tried so many thing to show them in a radar view like a compass (means when I rotate the friend's spots in radar also rotates)

客户需要与应用程序完全相同的功能 LOVOO

Client need feature exactly like the app LOVOO


How can I do this ?Please help me.



If you are not worried about the curvature of the earth's surface then this turns into something really easy.


You change all of the latitude and longitudes into a polar coordinate based system (angle and magnitude from your own latitude and longitude). Then you get the device's compass bearing. Then you adjust all of the "friend's" angles based off your device's angle. Then plot everything out on your map (translating your polar coordinates back to cartesian). Then update whenever the device's compass bearing changes (or friend's location updates).

需要大量数学运算,但过程非常简单,您应该能够通过一次 Google 搜索获得所有转化信息.

It's a lot of math, but the process is pretty straight forward and you should be able to get all of the conversion information with a single google search.

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05-30 13:40