

我最近发布的纱黑客新闻。当我搜索黑客新闻在谷歌Play商店,这是所列出的65项,尽管有更深入和更高的等级比列表中的号码4。这背后也从未被审查或有等级和LT没有这个词黑客或新闻的标题项,事情; = 1,或者没有在年更新一次的事情

I recently released Yarn for Hacker News. When I search for "Hacker News" on the google play store, it's the 65th item listed, despite having more reviews and a higher rating than number 4 in the list. It's also behind items that don't have the word "Hacker" or "News" in the title, things that have never been reviewed or have a rating <= 1, or things that haven't been updated in years.

我不明白,我的生活为什么它的排名如此之低,或者我能做些什么来解决它。任何见解将大大AP preciated。

I can't understand for the life of me why it's ranked so low, or what I can do to fix it. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.


whilst not a programming question, there doesn't appear to be a more relevant stack exchange to ask this under



Your question is not a "programming" question. I'm providing an answer because I think people search for this here anyway...


Google Play does not release how it ranks apps. If it did, then you would have a different problem.


However, there are a few things you can do to help your ranking, and these are not "rules" but guidelines. This is based on the over 30 apps I have published to Google Play.

  1. 不要误读什么我已经写了。阅读并遵守谷歌Play的政策: https://play.google.com/about/开发商-内容policy.html


When people "search" for certain terms, like the ones you describe, Google seems to pay attention to how often people install after searching. This makes sense for everyone.


The terms you put in the description are probably more important than your app name. If the app is named "Awesome News" but it is better than your app, shouldn't it be ranked higher? Pay more attention to your description, not so much your title.

低等级可以通过应用程序的性能较差,不对齐用户期望或其他问题,谷歌不能用precision测量引起的。他们知道有多少安装和有多少人保留一个安装 - 甚至可能多久他们使用它。我有一个人们经常使用的几个低排的应用程序。他们希望更多的功能,更好的性能等,但他们保持的应用程序,并使用它们。嗯...

Low ranking can be caused by poor app performance, misaligned user expectations or other issues that Google cannot measure with precision. They are aware of how many installs and how many people keep an install - maybe even how often they use it. I have several "low ranked" apps that people use frequently. They want more features, better performance, etc. But they keep the apps and use them. Hmm...


Rankings also change over time. A recent release can result in a drop in ratings. Should that result in a drop in ranking? Maybe, but Google has a lot more data on things like that than any of us.

应用程序还没有更新意味着两件事情 - 过时,或者一个应用程序,并不需要加以改进。谷歌可以看到的安装,固定,等等。你不能。它的工作 - 不要反感。不断更新你的应用程序。保持你的新鲜内容,等等。谷歌会注意到,如果用户做的。

Apps that have not be updated can mean two things - out of date, or an app that doesn't need to be improved. Google can see the installs, retention, etc. You can't. Don't resent it - work with it. Keep updating your app. Keep your content fresh, etc. Google will notice if the users do.


Don't expect Google to "throw you to the top" because of a great app name, or even a great download day. Companies pay a lot of money for those things to try to trick Google. People that are serious about their app and serious about Google don't try to trick them. This means that things don't always move fast, especially with apps that don't "go viral."

注意你的竞争对手的应用程序的说明。他们可能会说你有没有想过说法或提东西。然而,不只是增加的话,试图帮助你的排名 - 有针对该政策

Pay attention to your "competitors" app descriptions. They may be saying things you haven't thought of saying or mentioning. However, don't just add words to try to help your ranking - there are policies against that.


Maybe you want to hear something else. This isn't magic and Google knows these things should be "common knowledge." They want quality apps, accurate descriptions, and a system that works for the users as well as the developers.


08-04 08:05