


I'm trying to use ARIMA model for forecasting. I'm new to it. I have tried to plot seasonal_decompose() of my data-set (hourly data), below is the plot?


I want to understand these plots, brief description will be helpful. I see that there is no trend initially and after some time there is an upward trend. I'm not sure if I'm saying this right? I want to understand how to read these graphs properly. Please give some good description.


When I'm trying to apply Dickey-Fuller test to check if my data is stationary or not and I need further differencing or not, I got the below results:

Test Statistic                   -4.117543
p-value                           0.000906
Lags Used                       30.000000
Number of Observations Used    4289.000000
Critical Value (1%)              -3.431876
Critical Value (5%)              -2.862214
Critical Value (10%)             -2.567129

我指的是2个链接以了解这一点: http://www.seanabu.com/2016/03/22/time-series-seasonal-ARIMA-model-in-python/

I'm referring 2 links to understand this :http://www.seanabu.com/2016/03/22/time-series-seasonal-ARIMA-model-in-python/


this link says when test-statistic is greater than critical value, it means that data is stationary; on the other hand the other link says vice versa. I'm confused on this also I referred otexts.org it says we should check on the basis of p-value. Please suggest how do I interpret results given by ADF test?


Also, when I tried to apply ARIMA model on dataset:

from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARIMA
model = ARIMA(df.y, order=(0,1,0))
model_fit = model.fit()


My dataframe has datetime column as index and y column has float values. When I'm applying model on this dataframe. I'm getting error of this sort:


This error is coming when I'm trying to print the summary of model using :



Please help me with this. So that I can get better understanding of ARIMA.


ARIMA(自回归综合移动平均线)时间序列的交叉验证:K倍交叉验证不适用于该时间序列.相反,请使用 walk-forward之类的回测技术滚动窗口.

Cross validation for ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) time series: K-fold cross validation does not work for time-series. Instead, use backtesting techniques like walk-forward and rolling windows.

自回归的K折交叉验证:尽管交叉验证(通常)对于时间序列(ARIMA)模型无效,但只要考虑的模型具有自回归,K折对自动回归有效不相关的错误,并且您已经使用 Ljung Box Test 对其进行了测试.,用于时间序列用例中的XAI(可解释人工智能).

K-fold cross-validation for autoregression: Although cross-validation is (usually) not valid for time series (ARIMA) models, K-fold works for autoregressions as long as the models considered have uncorrelated errors, and you have tested it with the Ljung Box Test, for XAI (Explainable Artificial Intelligence) in time series use cases.

有一些使用这些方法的Python统计资料库,有两个: Python统计资料测试 Python StatsModels .

There are a few Python statistics libs that have these methods avail, here are two: Python Stats Tests and Python StatsModels.

要获取值的差异,您只需使用 Python 3.6+ PEP 487描述符,您可以在其中强制执行始终返回int8的类型列表,以便更快地进行计算以及(list:list-> int列表):

To get the diff of values, you can simply enforce int8's using Python 3.6+ PEP 487 Descriptors, where you can enforce a type list that always returns int8's, for faster computation as well (list : list -> list of ints):

list_a = [1,2,3]
list_b = [2,3]
`answer is` set([1])


08-13 06:27