



I added a custom property schema as follows:

<?xml version =''1.0''?>
< schema
xmlns:xsi =" "
xmlns ="; http://schemas.microsoft. com/windows/2006/propertydescription "
schemaVersion =" 1.0">

propertyDescription name ="c360.TestProperty"
formatId ="{4A7594E4-FE14-4F6B-88C8-494EA4B001E9}"".< searchInfo isInvertedIndex ="true" isColumn ="true"; columnIndexType ="OnDisk"/>
.< typeInfo type ="String" isViewable ="true"; isQueryable ="true"; includeInFullTextQuery ="true"; />
.< displayInfo defaultColumnWidth =" 30" />

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <propertyDescriptionList publisher="c360" product="TestProduct">
  <propertyDescription name="c360.TestProperty"
   <searchInfo isInvertedIndex="true" isColumn="true" columnIndexType="OnDisk"/>
   <labelInfo label="TestProperty_Label" invitationText="TestProperty_InvitationText" />
   <typeInfo type="String" isViewable="true" isQueryable="true" includeInFullTextQuery="true" />
   <displayInfo defaultColumnWidth="30" />

然后,我更改了过滤器以输出此属性的值. filtdump的片段显示如下:

Then I changed my filter to output the value for this property. filtdump snipped is shown below:

--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
属性= 4A7594E4-FE14-4F6B-88C8494EA4B001E9 \ 1
idChunk = 1
BreakType = 0(不间断)
Flags(chunkstate)= 0x2(值)
区域设置= 1033(0x409)
-IdChunkSource = 0 -------------------------------------------------- ---------------
类型= 31(0x1f):c360-自定义属性

                Attribute = 4A7594E4-FE14-4F6B-88C8494EA4B001E9\1
                idChunk = 1
                BreakType = 0 (No Break)
                Flags(chunkstate) = 0x2 (Value)
                Locale = 1033 (0x409)
                IdChunkSource = 0
                cwcStartSource = 0
                cwcLenSource = 0
Type = 31 (0x1f): c360 - Custom property


If I search for this specific term 'c360 - Custom property' my items are shown in the list of results. So far so good.


Now, I would like to retrieve the value of that property in my custom query. This is what I write:

" SET PROPERTYNAME'4A7594E4-FE14-4F6B-88C8-494EA4B001E9'PROPID 0x01 AS c360.CustomProperty;从SystemIndex选择SELECT c360.CustomProperty,System.ItemUrl"

"SET PROPERTYNAME '4A7594E4-FE14-4F6B-88C8-494EA4B001E9' PROPID 0x01 AS c360.CustomProperty; SELECT c360.CustomProperty, System.ItemUrl FROM SystemIndex"

第一列(c360.CustomProperty)返回为空.没有错误,但未返回值(c360-自定义属性).请注意,属性GUID和PROPID都是正确的.还要注意,我没有为SET PROPERTYNAME语句指定TYPE,因为它默认为字符串.

The first column (c360.CustomProperty) comes back empty. There is no error but the value (c360 - Custom property) is not returned. Please note that both that property GUID and the PROPID are correct. Also note that I did not specify the TYPE for SET PROPERTYNAME statement as it defaults to string.


What could be the reason for this property being empty? What do I need to check to make sure the value comes back?





05-30 11:50