本文介绍了“未知的转义序列"Go 中的错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有以下用 Go 编写的函数.这个想法是函数有一个字符串传递给它并返回找到的第一个 IPv4 IP 地址.如果没有找到 IP 地址,则返回一个空字符串.

I have the following function written in Go. The idea is the function has a string passed to it and returns the first IPv4 IP address found. If no IP address is found, an empty string is returned.

func parseIp(checkIpBody string) string {
    reg, err := regexp.Compile("[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+")
    if err == nil {
        return ""
    return reg.FindString(checkIpBody)



我如何告诉 Go '.' 是我正在寻找的实际字符?我认为逃避它会成功,但显然我错了.

How can I tell Go that the '.' is the actual character I'm looking for? I thought escaping it would do the trick, but apparently I'm wrong.



The backslash isn't being interpreted by the regex parser, it's being interpreted in the string literal. You should escape the backslash again:


"双引号字符引用的字符串被称为解释的字符串文字";在去.解释的字符串字面量类似于大多数语言中的字符串字面量: 反斜杠字符不按字面包含,它们用于为下一个字符赋予特殊含义.源必须在一行中包含 \ 两个反斜杠才能在解析的值中获得一个反斜杠字符.

A string quoted with " double-quote characters is known as an "interpreted string literal" in Go. Interpreted string literals are like string literals in most languages: backslash characters aren't included literally, they're used to give special meaning to the next character. The source must include \ two backslashes in a row to obtain an a single backslash character in the parsed value.

Go 有另一种替代方法,在为正则表达式编写字符串文字时非常有用:原始 字符串文字";由 ` 反引号字符引用.原始字符串文字中没有特殊字符,因此只要您的模式不包含反引号,您就可以使用此语法而无需转义任何内容:

Go has another alternative which can be useful when writing string literals for regular expressions: a "raw string literal" is quoted by ` backtick characters. There are no special characters in a raw string literal, so as long as your pattern doesn't include a backtick you can use this syntax without escaping anything:


这些在字符串文字"中进行了描述.Go 规范的部分.

这篇关于“未知的转义序列"Go 中的错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 10:00