本文介绍了PHP 7.0.5:使用未定义的常量FTP_BINARY-假定为'FTP_BINARY'的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在Windows IIS上升级到PHP 7.0.5(最后是因为sqlsrv PDO驱动程序可用).我正在使用Laravel 5.1,并且尝试连接到FTP驱动器时,我从 https://github.com/thephpleague/flysystem/blob/master/src/Adapter/Ftp.php#L19 .

Upgrading to PHP 7.0.5 on Windows IIS (finally since the sqlsrv PDO drivers are available). I'm using Laravel 5.1 and when trying to connect to an FTP drive I get the following error from https://github.com/thephpleague/flysystem/blob/master/src/Adapter/Ftp.php#L19.

Use of undefined constant FTP_BINARY - assumed 'FTP_BINARY'

这是一个用于传输的PHP常量,因此应该没有问题,文档中也没有任何东西可以表明它已被弃用或其他任何东西. FTP_ASCII相同.我唯一要做的就是更改PHP版本+ SQL驱动程序.

This is a PHP constant for the transfer, so shouldn't have a problem and there's nothing in the docs to say it's deprecated or anything. FTP_ASCII is the same. The only thing i've done is change the PHP version + SQL drivers.

参考: http://php.net/manual/en/function. ftp-put.php


事实证明,默认情况下,PHP7中未打开FTP,并且具有php5.6没有的扩展名:在Windows 7中未加载PHP 7 FTP扩展

Turns out that FTP is not turned on in PHP7 by default and has an extension that php5.6 doesn't have:PHP 7 FTP extension is not loaded in Windows 7

这篇关于PHP 7.0.5:使用未定义的常量FTP_BINARY-假定为'FTP_BINARY'的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 16:17